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(Ed.'s Note: Well, it was bound to be just a matter of time before eight-liners appeared on La Pulga Online or other social media outlet. This one, sent to us by one of our eight reader's, appeared on Craig's list and makes a pitch for a customer. I says the seller has "Over 400 Games for sale. Games include Pot O' Golds, Life of Luxury, IGT's, 8 Liner Games, VGA, Southern Golds, Mexican Lotteries, Happy Farms, Big Money Shows, and some other titles. Also selling cabinets and spare parts, bill accepters, monitors, wiring harnesses, touch screen controllers, chairs. Pricing in the games starting at $400 and everything can be negotiated, financing available with a down payment. Please contact me for more information. It's OK to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests." The question becomes, then, where is the buyer going to put these maquinitas to work? We know it's not against the law to sell them, but could selling them be construed to abet a wrongdoing? In that case, maybe Cameron County D.A. Luis V. Saenz could give the seller a few pointers on how to unload the machines. If you remember, after Saenz vowed never to sell them after he confiscated them, he turned right around and sold 500 for $100,000 and later claimed he never inhaled because he didn't touch the $100,000. Buyer beware!)
Luis V. Saenz has been masterful to this point. Will his luck last? Big secrets hang in Melissa Landin's head. It'll come up. It always does.
Montoya, there is something you and others need to know. The selling of shells cannot be construed as wrong doing? I would guess that the mother boards are not inside of the machines like in the photo you posted. In which case, a buyer will have to purchase the mother boards at a hefty price or maybe the buyer already has them? The other thing, make a stipulation that these machines not be permitted in Cameron County since they all have serial numbers.
The other thing is that this is a good way for a department to make money for law enforcement purposes. Since our elected officials etc... are stingy with taxpayer money. Departments have to look for ways to financially generate dollars!
Whether its wrong or not? Its the State's fault for not passing the gambling law or create a law to eliminate these machines. Its no secret, these 8 liner establishments are nothing more than a "rip-off" because these machines can be manipulated, then their not maintained, etc...
Oh yea Montoya, that photo is from the warehouse in Los Fresnos and we know who owns it.
In a poor world, everything is negotiable. Everything. Don't ever forget that.
As a rule, Juan, the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be. It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify.
Call Pat Ahumada
just in her head...
Pat demolished the old kettle?
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