Voy a cantar un corrido
de un gorila de mi tierra
Llamandose Don Harambe
Una hermosa y bella fiera
Harambe nació en Browntown Tejas
Y era un bello animal
a casi 200 kilos
Un mono fenomenal
Los que veían este simio
en el zoológico de Porter
Se quedaban asombrados
De su fuerza y su comporte
Cumpliendo 16 años
Harambe se pelo pa' Ohio
a buscarse una changita
Y jugarsela de gallo
Un día Harambe ya chanteado
Dejo sola a su changita
y se encontro un gabachillo
que había caído en su fosita
Se agüito el antropoide
no sabia quien era el chavo
Lo estiró por el canal
Como piernita de pavo
Toda la gente temía
que lastimara al gringito
La jefa del güero lloraba
Y otros clamaban e gritos
El día antes de su cumpleaños
Balacearon al changón
Por salvar al gabachito
Plomearon al gorilón
Vuela, vuela Piping Plover
Dirigete hacia Brownsville Tejas
Harambe murió en Ohio
Lo mataron tras las rejas
Shit, that's sad. Pass the bottle of whiskey, puto.
It was a white cop who shot and killed him. Of course. Brownsville needs to have all-Brown PeeDee! Anglos fuera! Largense desgraciados. Our history is soiled because of YOU!! EAT MY SHIT!!!!!!
Juan, according to a reliable source (his son), Jim Barton has been told by his wife Nena to stop blogging while she's ill. His response: "I'm needed in Brownsville. I'm a Blogging Rockstar!" I know, cruel.
Must be nice to have all that time to write a song .... U must work for PUB
What are you talking about?
The guys on patrol are all hispanic.
The Anglosaxons work behind a desk too scared for patrol.
They get the cushy jobs. They're not real cops
---ex BPD
Give your "Anglo" comments a rest , Duardo ! They are annoying and lame. You keep sounding like Roman Perez more and more each day, demented and bitter."Pity".
To 8:41 A.M.
- Not Duardo. Give ME the credit, you clown!
What a relief! I just passed a long hard piece of duardo.
Juan, Juan, Juan. I thought "El Simion de Brownsville" was Bobby Wightman-Cervantes! Que pasa, bro? LMAO
The corrido doesn't mention the commish
That is not the one I heard, from the Zacatecas website.
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