Saturday, July 9, 2016



Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Juliet Garcia will be a good fit for the Clinton II administration. Neither are overly tangled up in subtle scandals nor have tainted pasts. Pure as the driven money.

Anonymous said...

Is there any thinking person left in this country that does not know Hillary Clinton is a dishonest and crooked to the core? She had repetitively lied to the American people for decades.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Yes you did, you lying piece of Clinton sleaze.

Anonymous said...

Juan, can you extend editing services to sad blogger Jim Barton. That first paragraph in his latest posting has five (5) errors. He is dumbing-down the town, vato. I called him the Worst Blogger at a public function and he just laughed like an idiot. KBRO is right: Barton is worthless as a news source.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody still think she is not a lying, corrupt bitch that should never be given the keys to the White House?

LUPE said...

"El Culo, Unido, Nunca Sera Vencido!"


Anonymous said...

KBRO is about to launch a vicious anti-Jim Barton campaign. The sad blogger has been enjoying postings of Donald Trump and what he has said about Mexicans. KBRO and others see Barton as a closet racist. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Get something that resembles a life. The fact is that people read Barton. They don't read you. Barton is about what is going on. You are about what never was nor will be. Lets see something objective that people will enjoy reading out of you. Your obit.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned? Give us a break oh great bowl cut never-was!

Anonymous said...

Republicans talk about mexicas most of the times they call us lots of names .everybody knows about Donald Trump we are blind -Lawsuit Charges Trump with Raping a 13-yeary-old Girl,the Repulicans old always talking about Hillary Clinton Emails ,why Trump can lie and no one seems to care,Republicans they don't care he raped young girls Trump University was'a scam by him .

Anonymous said...

Julieta Garcia would be a good fit alongside Hillary; but Hillary should watch her back because Julieta is a power predator. They are too much alike (arrogant, power mongers, willing to lie at the drop of a hat, serve themselves not the citizens) to be able to "effectively" work together. Both are willing to throw anyone under the bus to get their way.

Anonymous said...

KBRO is an embarrassment to Brownsville. At least Barton provides a good service.

Anonymous said...

KBRO is jealous. More people follow Barton and actually try to do good things for the city. Garcia's "fans" like old photos and reminisce about racist times.

Anonymous said...

I'm an AMERICAN (of Mexican descent), who likes TRUMP and will vote for him!. Wake up and smell the coffee!! You would all have a President who thinks herself to be higher than the law and for those who served their country, know that we would have been court martial-ed and hung out to dry for a lot less than What Hillary has done! She is a lying, deceitful, self interested person who does not deserve the historical place of being the first woman elected president of the United States. She publicly blamed a video for a planned terrorist attack on American Soil (Our Embassy) then left our Ambassador and personnel their to die. She does not have the common sense to keep highly classified material off a personal server with no adequate safety measures or she just didn't care?? Her husband sits down with the Attorney General right before a decision is made on the investigation on her case is rendered? They find all the necessary evidence to indict, then choose not to? She takes contributions from foreign powers and many of those who have a blatant disregard for the rights of women and homosexuals, they had control of the White house and congress for the first four years of Obama's presidency and what did they do for immigration reform??? I can go on and on......
