With almost a month to go before the Aug. 22 deadline to file for one of the four positions up for election at the Brownsville Independent School District, Otis Powers has let everyone know he wants to be back on the board.
Powers', Jose Hector Chirinos', Minerva Peña's, and Catalina Presas-Garcia's four-year terms are up this year. That means that a majority of the board is up for grabs. There have also been many rumors suggesting that the majority now headed by trustee Joe Rodriguez of which Chirinos and Peña have been a part of may be in danger if they lose. Many BISD observers are convinced that Rodriguez will field a slate to keep his majority and some of the names that have cropped up include former trustee Graciana de Peña and local attorney Phil Cowen.
Depending on which position they choose to run for, all new candidates will have to choose between running for Powers' Position 3, Chirinos' Position7, Peña's Position 6, and Presas-Garcia's Position 5.
There will be, of course, much jockeying to choose a position to run depending on the incumbent that is targeted. There is no love lost between Rodriguez and Presas-Garcia, for example, and rumors even have former trustee Rick Zayas as a candidate on the Rodriguez slate. He is rumored to have struck a deal with Dallas car-leasing mogul Mike Hernandez III to run in a OP 10.33 slate and accept their funding. So far, that group has seen its fortunes falter with none of their candidates doing well at the Port of Brownsville and Texas Southmost College.
Zayas and partner Ruben Cortez were ousted by voters amid charges that he and his majority had depleted the BISD's $110 million fund balance to nearly $65 million to avoid deficit budgets.
He is also Rodriguez's lawyer in a lawsuit filed against Presas-Garcia.
Powers was elected to Position 3 in November 2012 and was elected to serve as board president following the suicide of Enrique Escobedo. He remained president until the new majority under Rodriguez voted to make Minerva Peña president. She served until she was replaced by Chirinos.
There are at least a dozen or more would-be candidates hanging in the wings who have voiced a desire to run for the board that handles a $540 million annual budget, some 7,700 employees (nearly three time more than the nearest employer) some 45,000 students, approves every contract, and impacts nearly every facet of life in the city.
And, of course, Mike Hernandez's OP 10.33 with United Brownsville's Carlos Marin, Ed Rivera, Kiko Rendon, and State Rep. Eddie Lucio III as consultants and members of the group's staff will surely fileda slate to accompany Zayas and to try to finally make their mark in local politics.
By filing early, Powers is putting potential challengers on notice that he is here to stay and to discourage would-be candidates to seek another position other than the one he holds.
The position of BISD board member does not carry a salary.
Vote for Caty Presas!
So if Mike H. backs someone you have trashed against Chirinos - which is the rumor around town, who will you back? There is a big surprise coming.
Don't vote for any of Mike Hernandez's puppets .
Letty Perez-Garzoria being courted by Mike Hernandez.
Trump says Mexico is sending their worst to America. Well, Brownsville is sending its worst to the DNC. Ratas Gilbert and Cindy Hinojosa are there representing us. With those thieves in charge of the party, no wonder Mexicans are considering voting for trump. Cindy, I suggest you redo your eyebrows. You look like a surprised moron who just got caught stealing. Perhaps you are practicing.
Is Elia Cornejo running ?
Is Erasmo Castro running?
Is Juan Pacheco running?
Otis Powers is not BROWN enough.
Brownsville citizens vote for CHIRINOS !!
I hope we get some good intelligent and credible candidates that will serve to make BISD the agenda and not be self-service individuals. Change is needed.
Mrs. Presas you are good, you are for us the children of Brownsville.
My Parents and friends are voting for you.
OUT with the old IN with the new
Shut up Catita...wow mijita! you are the one writing all the comments about yourself..wow! I will continue praying for you mijita...but you are going to lose horribly mijita! no one likes or trusts you!
Fuck you carlos Garcia.
(Otis Powers is not BROWN enough.)
He's extremely illiterate. So that, he may not be brown enough, but he sure is dumb enough.
We need Pat Ahumada for BISD!
She is crazy
He is a thief
Someone like you...ha..ha
Yes! He is the only one who will bring order to that circus, he can easily beat the clowns who are fixing to run
Don't Let me laugh
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