It warmed the cockles of our cold, cold, hearts to see Cameron County District Attorney bestow the much-coveted "Pillar of Justice" award to his former Pubic Information Officer Melissa Landin.
This lead us to wonder why the choice. Saenz said in his warm remarks at the award that Landin, who left for greener pastures in Harlingen last November, that her "hard work and dedication" merited the recognition.
Now, as far as we can remember, Landin's job at the DA's Office was to get her boss Saenz reelected, and left before that came about.

We're still waiting to see what October Surprise Cortez and Landin will pull off to try to unseat Lucio. A scandal involving the Reyna brothers, perhaps? We'll see.

And we though we was friends!
Even those members of the DA's staff who have stood by him through thick and thin were tossed aside like so much chewed bagasse. Rene comes to mind as does Janie and Ismael, the rest of the ADAs and investigators, the tireless workers the Crime Victims Unit, and those current and former politicians who assisted Saenz in the past.
Instead of remembering folks who have spent their lives in law enforcement, or friends in political position who have made his ascent to the DA's office possible, Saenz chose to honor Landin, a figure who has skirted the law – and came near to being charged for obstructing justice for political purposes – all too recently.
We will mention only one instance.
On December 2011, when Landin (then Zamora) was working for State Rep. Oliveira's reelection campaign, one of Rene's girlfriends was driving (or was it really him?) an uninsured car registered under his name and hit a couple from behind.
Accident and arrest reports filed on by arresting officer Everardo Longoria (city commissioner Rick Longoria's brother) indicate that at about 9:48 p.m. in the evening police were called to a serious accident involving two cars on the frontage road next to Charlie Clarks' Nissan.
The reports indicate that a 1999 Ford Windstar van with two passengers was struck from behind at a high rate of speed by a 2009 Chrysler PT cruiser operated by one Guadalupe Molina, identified as an employee at the college media department.
When officers arrived at the accident scene, they found the van with heavy damage to the rear parked in the grassy area between the expressway far right lane and the frontage road in front of the Nissan dealership. A woman passenger complained that she was hurting as a result of the impact, but did not require ambulance transport. After ascertaining that the passengers in the van were not seriously hurt, officers walked over to the Chrysler and found an the driver was uncooperative and refusing to emerge from the car merely stating that she "knew her rights."
After getting her license information, officers bodily removed her from the wrecked car which had traveled over the curb, knocked down a fence at the dealership and almost struck a demonstration car on a ramp inside the car dealer's.
A check of the vehicle's VIN indicated that the car belonged to State rep. Rene Oliveira, who was not in the vehicle. Additionally, on the box corresponding to "proof of financial responsibility" (auto insurance) the "no" box is crossed out. Apparently, it was not insured at the time of the accident.
We understand that Molina was later seen tooling around town in a new car – a Caddy at that – that she was lent for her personal transportation. Quien pompo and in return for what, her silence?
As the officers investigated the crime scene and attempted to elicit information from the obviously intoxicated driver, a woman identifying herself as a "city commissioner" showed up on the scene.

Despite the verbal warning that she was not to speak with Molina and being informed that the woman was being very uncooperative and highly intoxicated, Zamora merely answered that "I know," and went back to her car to speak with someone on her cell phone. However, that was not the end of her involvement in the Molina arrest.
Longoria writes that: "I informed her (Zamora) that the minimum confinement was four hours because it was an intoxication charge and she told me she was already arranging (to take care of) that. She then walked away and got back on her phone...I walked down the road to the van and heard yelling coming from the area of my patrol unit. I then observed the same female standing by the back door of my patrol car unit yelling at Ms. Molina through the closed door. Officer Garcia then stepped towards her once again but I was not able to hear what was said."
Later, the victims who were struck from behind told relatives that they were never paid for their medical care or for the damages to their vehicle and that Molina (and Oliveira) never took responsibility for the wreck.
A pillar of justice, indeed.
Later, the victims who were struck from behind told relatives that they were never paid for their medical care or for the damages to their vehicle and that Molina (and Oliveira) never took responsibility for the wreck.
A pillar of justice, indeed.
Good complete story, Juan. Sad blogger Jim Barton posted a shallow version of Saenz's self-serving action, which didn't say as much as readers will find here. But that's the difference between a pro reporter and a wannabe.
Actually, all Barton posted was a photo. As a blogger, the guy is a slacker, not one to count on for the "full story." Is that why they call Jim "El Escusado," 'cause he's full of shit? Yeah.
Melissa Landin is gone; that is all that matters. She is now Harlingen's problem. Melissa is a "crab" clawing her way up the bucket with no regard for those she climbs over or the citizens of this community. Her actions with regard to Rene Oliviera's drunk driving incident provides us a good example of her willingness to through citizens under the bus to benefit her. Melissa is unethical and has no integrity. Good luck Harlingen.
Assertive women like Landin are not always well liked by their female co-workers. A couple jealous hussies who worked in Cascos office claimed that Melissa always smelled "fishy." I believe that was the origin of the designation "smelly Melly."
Erasmo Castro for BISD Trustee!
Fuck off and take your "Erasmo" crap with you !
Pobre vato el que Se caso con smelly
Remember the wreck Rene had in Austin a few years ago, he ran his Caddy into the back of a car sitting at a red light. They hauled him off to the hospital. Most likely he was on his cell phone. Now if you did that you would get a ticket right, he didn't the person he ran into got the ticket. I got a copy of the accident report. Remember Rene is the guy who voted against conceal carry years ago then got on a plane with a gun and walked free. Think you could do that?
@ Anony 9:21: HELL NO!!
1. Erasmo running for BISD. What a fucking joke. 2. Luis better take care of Melissa. She knows where all the fucking skeletons are hidden.
Why don't you get behind a community leader instead of spewing vulgarities?
You forgot the part about Cheddars customers reporting that Rene was hiding inside the restaurant and was sweating his ass off as he witnessed the arrest or his ruca.
Speaking of accidents, I wonder why Pat hasn't commented in a while. Are you hiding, Pat? Tell us about your latest run in the the police because you hit someone with your car. Pinche vato
Andaba mamaw el Pata Humada?
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