On Aug. 22, at 4:58 pm., two minutes before the filing deadline to file as a candidate for the board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District, 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez foiled her candidate application to be on the ballot.

Then, a day and six minutes later, she filed a certificate of withdrawal at 5:04 p.m. with the office of the Chief Financial Officer of the BISD to remove herself from the Nov. 8 election ballot.
Cornejo-Lopez has waited until almost the last minute to make sure that she would be running against Catalina Presas-Garcia in Position 5. Numerous sources say that she had it out for Presas-Garcia for what she perceived as offensive acts by her and others in the BISD against one of her daughters who was attending high school in the district.

On Dec. 15, 2015, she filed for the Democratic Party primary for her 404th state District Court judgeship. She had no opponent in the primary and has no opponent in the Nov. 8 general election.
Now, the BISD legal counsel should have known that and prevented her from filing a second time, as she herself should have known. We understand that it was not until Democratic Party chair Amber Medina called her late Tuesday that she could not run for both offices twice that she moved to file her withdrawal.
If she resigned "upon becoming a candidate," can she ignore the code of judicial conduct and continue on the bench as if nothing happened pending a finding by the commission?
And if an attorney with cases before her object to her sitting on the bench and presiding over a case, can he ask that she recuse herself and ask for another judge and another venue?
Is any proceeding over which she now presides legal?
Or if the judicial conduct commission irrelevant in this case now that she has removed herself from the BISD ballot?
If she resigned "upon becoming a candidate," can she ignore the code of judicial conduct and continue on the bench as if nothing happened pending a finding by the commission?
And if an attorney with cases before her object to her sitting on the bench and presiding over a case, can he ask that she recuse herself and ask for another judge and another venue?
Is any proceeding over which she now presides legal?
Or if the judicial conduct commission irrelevant in this case now that she has removed herself from the BISD ballot?
It's shouldn't,she needs to be held to a higher standards. As for the over 200.00.00 bid attorney, this is why BISD board need to get rid of all incumbents.
Cornholio is still there.
she is a turd... and a bully ... resign do the county a favor
hey if she filed then it means that she automatically quit and vacated her elected judge position plain and simple, thats the law. Is she one of those dumb and dumber folks, sounds like it, how she got into law school really puzzles me let alone that she graduated and passed the bar exam???? . lol.
She Resigned and now needs to remove her robe, but only if she has clothes on under it.
Elia Cornhole Lopez comes across as arrogant...giving us the impression that her "day job" as a judge isn't full time and she has time to do both jobs. She is a self-delusional person.....
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