Thursday, August 25, 2016


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From The Brownsville Herald
By  Jonathan Salinas
Family members, fans and self-proclaimed activists for the falsely-accused, rallied Thursday morning outside the Cameron County Courthouse to call for the release of Grammy Award–winning Tejano superstar Jose “Joe” Lopez.

The rally began at 7:30 a.m. and consisted of placards claiming judicial improprieties, some of which alluded to the conviction of former Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos, now in federal prison for bribery and extortion.

Lopez, the lead singer of the Tejano group Mazz, was sentenced to state prison in 2006 following his conviction on two counts of sexual assault of a child and one count of indecency with a child.

Sandra Trevino of Austin, who said her husband was exonerated after being falsely accused of child molestation, was on the scene after only hearing about Lopez’s case five weeks ago.

For rest of article, click on link below:


Anonymous said...

10 years in the can. Wow! The Joe Lopez who comes out - if he does - will not be the Joe Lopez of old. He will be bearing the hurt and love he experienced in jail, which often turns a man full-around. With any luck, and with Juan Montoya at his side, Joe Lopez will ride once again!

Anonymous said...

Joe Lopez preyed on a young girl. He needs to pay the price in full, is what I say. BTW, not a fuckin' Tejano fan.

Former LEO of the Valley said...

To all you idiots that think Joe Lopez was wrongly convicted, think again? Joe Lopez was nothing more than a rapist and child molester! He took advantage of his stardom to swoon women or take advantage of women who threw himself at his feet. He was tried in front of a jury of his peers WHO were or probably were fans? The evidence was over whelming and the victim in this case was spot on in her testimony, even if she was expecting a child. She was cross examined and never waiver on the stand. A reminder to all that he went through the appeal process and every time denied. So, that ought to tell you bleeding hearts that HE is guilty! And don't forget, he fathered a child with a MINOR from San Antonio. Who knows how many other children he sired BUT will never hear about or HE and his family paid OFF?

Anonymous said...

Little hot crotch girls should not have been so willing to drop their panties. I am sure they were willing and ready and probably looked older than their actual age.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apparently these people believe that a convicted felon should be released because he used to be able to sing. Why support a convicted sex abuser?????????

Anonymous said...

Around here, if the defendant is Mexican he should be set free. Brown Power!!!

#vivaBrownsville said...

I wonder if he's still sporting the same stupid haircut?
