Thursday, August 11, 2016


By Juan Montoya
With an annual $540 million budget to pay for contracts, a potential patronage of 7,000 jobs and almost 45,000 students to transport, feed, teach, and keep secure, the Brownsville Independent School District is the veritable goose that has laid the golden eggs.
Adventurers, retirees, professionals of every stripe and even political rethreads are crowding on the wagon as the August 22 deadline to file for a place on the ballot quickly approaches. Actually, it's 11 days from now, less than two weeks. So far, we have seen scores of would-be office seekers appoint their treasurers and at least nine have applied to be on the ballot.
There are four positions up for grabs. They are Position 3, Position 5, Position 6 and Position 7 held respectively by Herman Otis Powers, Caty Presas-Garcia, Minerva Peña, and Jose H. Chirinos.
Chirinos, who eked out a victory by a sliver of four votes four years ago in a recount with Linda Gill for Position 7, has three declared challengers with an unknown number sitting back and deciding what position they will seek.
Chirinos is facing Dr. Sylvia Perez Atkinson, Rigoberto Bocanegra, Orlando Carlos Treviño, and Roberto Uresti so far. He has not said he will be running nor has he appointed a treasurer.
In the other races, Powers in Position 3 faces Philip T. Cowen, and Argelia Miller.
Peña, in Position 6, is facing former BISD administrator Kent Wittenmore so far.
Presas-Garcia, in Position 5 is facing Erasmo Castro and Laura Perez-Reyes. Just today we learned that Presas-Garcia will announce she will run for reelction for the same position.
There are a number of factions in the Brownsville community who have a stake in this election. No, we're not talking about students or their parents. We're talking about interest groups out in the community who – for a myriad of reasons – want a particular candidate elected. It could be personal, political, visceral, or maybe they just can't stand some particular person.
Now, voters cast their ballot for particular reasons and it's but the one vote.
But when someone who is an elected official and has a constituency gets behind a candidate, it's a very different thing. Loyalties are called to the fore and the faithful are supposed to line up and follow the party line.
We know, for example, that of the core majority on the BISD board, Coach Joe Rodriguez, buy-board advocate Cesar Lopez, retired BISD administrator Jose Chirinos, and new fire chief Carlos Elizondo, only Chirinos occupies one of the seats up for grabs. Up until today, Chirinos had not announced whether he will run.
If he doesn't, Rodriguez and his crew only need to win one seat to maintain their majority unless someone at City Hall decides the city needs to follow its personnel policy manual and make Elizondo resign as trustee or lose his job as fire chief. Don't hold you breath.
But the Chirinos race, perhaps, is one that will pit the many factions out there vying for dominance.
Atkinson, who was an area superintendent at BISD until she
was pushed out by the Esperanza Zendejas administration will be a powerful challenger. There is no doubt that she knows about education and has been a superintendent in a handful of school districts. Allied with the Atkinson-Powers clan, she will unite both families and their supporters in teh coming months before the Nov. 8 election. And, before she changed treasurers, she had listed hers as
Ruben O'Bell and his wife Sylvia. O'Bell is the administrative assistant to State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, son and heir apparent to Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. So the relationships are there.
Orlando Trevino is Otis Power's uncle, and he wants to make sure that justice is done for what he perceived as a snub when Uncle Otis was removed as president by the Rodriguez majority when they took over the board two years ago.
This is where it gets interesting.
The other declared challenger for Chirinos' position is Bocanegra, a lieutenant in the Brownsville Fire Dept. under Elizondo. It is no secret that Bocanegra and his firefighter-union brothers and sisters have had a falling out with Elizondo despite the fact that they helped to get him elected to the BISD board. As the new chief, they feel that he will sell their union down the river for his personal gain. With union contract talks with the city stalled, it may be quite possible that if there is no contract with the city, the firefighters will have to work without the protection a contract provides.
Add the fact that Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz does not see a friend in Elizondo because of his union's endorsement for his opponent Carlos Masso in the last election, and that his brother Mario is openly saying he has his and his brother's support in the race, and the plot thickens.
In fact, Saenz made both Bocanegra and fellow retired firefighter Marco Longoria Sir Nobles in something called the Alva Caravan No. 1, an exclusive organization (only 30 members by invitation only) dedicated to help kids with special needs.
This race has all the signals of becoming a free for all. Elizondo, who is not running for office, has formed alliances with Masso and Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez, the nemesis of the Saenz brothers.
In Facebook posts (see graphics above) both Bocanegra and Saenz have come out openly in support of the firefighter's campaign to replace Chirinos. The Saenz brothers have a long memory and been known to play hardball with the 49 percent who did not endorse them against Masso. Elizondo was one of them. With them in his corner, Bocanegra and the rest of the candidates are in for a wild ride in this race!


Anonymous said...


Senor Director,

El puebo ha declarado en reiteradas ocasiones que la educativa es una de las reformas estructurales que se han creado para transformar nuestra ciudad. Pregunto: A que se dedica el candidato Erasmo Castro? Y porque? Lanzarse es lo facil; llegar con inteligencia es otra cosa y tememos que este senor simplemente no tiene nada que ofrecer. Bueno, aparte de chistes y risas.

Nuestro temor esta en no se aplica a los profesores del distrito escolar de nivel basico evaluaciones de conocimientos que nunca tuvieron a su alcance y por medio de los resultados, declararlos aptos o no para la docencia, retirando de servicio a quienes no aprueben, es una aberacion en la que se denota la trampa oficial.

La pretension de los jefes del distrito no es mejorar la calidad de la educacion. Si asi fuera se haria lo siguiente:

A.) Daria a conocer a los docentes los proyectos y metas a que se aspira y dialogaria permanentemente con ellos.

B.) Modernizaria las estructuras materiales, tecnicas y pedagogicas de todas las escuelas normales del pueblo y procuraria que los aspirantes a la carrera magisterial sean aceptados de acuerdo con su vocacion profesional.

C.) Revisaria exhaustivamente los planes y programas de estudios a fin de modernizarlos.

D.) Tendria como fines crear un modelo superior y que nuestro avance educativo alcance estadios superiores de desarrollo.

Esta muy claro que el candidate Erasmo Castro ni una palabra ha dicho sobre esto.


- Comision Nacional de Soberanas Palizas

Anonymous said...

Erasmo Castro? No mames.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson please man she must have man balls to be a candidate for BISD.. She has no shame.. Lady wake up you and your brother are already burned with baggage. Why would you run. And plus your campaign is being funded by another shaddy charter Mike Hernandez OP-1033 please do not denied it Ms. Atkinson... If your not apart of that corruption put it in public.. I see you have a Facebook let the voters know your not involved with OP-1033.

Anonymous said...

Why is Carlos still a board member? Dude do the right thing step down.why won't you not step down, is it to protect you awful wife and your disrespect children.

Anonymous said...

There are no "factions", unfortunately, that can improve the academics of BISD which is swirling down the toilet due to the BISD preference for socialization over education. And, BISD continues to lose students to the Charter Schools...where academics are important and the leaders are not in it to fill their pockets. BISD has too many administrators making too much money....which supports the corruption. We need honest people who will attempt to revive a flailing academic system in BISD.

Urestifan90 said...

U meant Pena is running for position 6 not 5. U put caty twice. Also Mr Uresti is expected to change the position he is running for to position 6 after Pena.

Urestifan90 said...

First off, Pena is running for her position number 6 not 5 as u accidently posted caty twice. Second Mr Uresti is expected change his position number to 6 instead of 7 after thinking it over.

Urestifan90 said...

U meant Pena is running for position 6 not 5. U put caty twice. Also Mr Uresti is expected to change the position he is running for to position 6 after Pena.

Anonymous said...

Todos quieren el huevo de oro

Anonymous said...

Let's all stand behind Hillary Clinton. I just don't understand why she put on her posters, RIGO BOCANEGRA?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It would be just another lie

Anonymous said...

English came to Brownsville was was beaten to death.

Anonymous said...

One more chance for Don de Leon to try to get the insurance contract.

Anonymous said...

What is happening with the 2 million dollar school board trustee lawsuit? Had not remembered until recently my daughter received a FB
request from Luci Longoria, Lucille Longoria. This lady who is in her late 60's acts like a looney. Let's hope this lawsuit does not rule in their favor and we do not have trustees sue each other again. We taxpayers are no one's bank account.

peter said...

Lets keep Pena,Caty Presas Garcia and Jose Hector Chirinos and Powers We the people from Brownsville are happy to have them on our school board. Experience people that know the school system!
we do not want any more fire fighters in our school board.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia la Perra and Mazzo y elizondo are full of shit losers , fake ass kissers I wasted my vote on the sorry asses ,,, never again

Anonymous said...

All incumbents must be voted out. The thievery must stop. Our communitie's children And families deserve better . Did the district really need all those sports contracts? The incumbents have proven over and over again that they are selfish, self serving hypocrites. The bar must be raised and our children's education must be a priority not revenge and vendettas . They've had their chance to make a difference and all they've done is take the district into a financial abyss with lawsuits ( Catalina Presas Garcia) ,questionable sports contracts,shady food contracts, extending the Superintendents contract and raising her salary right before the election and the list goes on . Now it all makes sense as to why Carlos Elizondo was so eager to join the board . He can feed his need to steal and get away with it. We will stop the thievery. It's just a matter of time. 👁👁👀 👁👁 👀 👁👁

CARLOS said...

Luis SAENZ be careful with the fire fighter !!
you are being use, he just wants your support.
VOTE AND SUPPORT JHC.......................

Anonymous said...

Those three are losers!! We are voting for Rigo !!
Vamanos Con Rigo !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself stupid you don't speak for me. I'm not happy with them.

Anonymous said...

After much thought Mr Uresti has decided to run for position 7 against Chirinos and Bocanegra. Mr Uresti was led to believe that Mr Bocanegra was his friend and was supporting him. Bocanegra is a back stabbing liar! We need a fresh new face on the BISD. Don't vote for Bocanegra, Chirinos or Atkinson. Vote for Robert Uresti! He is the best and most qualified candidate for position 7.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo stop flattering yourself you self centered prick. You stole two wheelchairs that were destined for handicapped people who truly needed them but why would you care as long as you're stealing to benefit yourself and your family. You are a thief at BISD stealing from the children. You cheated on a firefighter civil service exam and got a grade of 69 and later inflated the results. As fire union president you cheated the members and threw them under the bus with their health benefits and working contract just so you could be chief. Now you are fire chief and you already not following fire codes to protect your buddies at the school district placing students and employees alike at risk for your greed. You stole two wheelchairs that were destined for handicapped people who truly needed them but why would you care as long as you're stealing to benefit yourself and your family for greed. You want to take Charlie Cablers job as city manager to continue stealing from the city coffers with the help if cesar de leon and Jessica tetreau. I guess once a thief always a thief. You have to keep stealing to maintain your supposedly high maintenance wife, not, lol. Your wife is the most hated person in BISD for trying to intimidate and trampling everyone in the district to get her way since my husband is the board member and I will sic him on you as well as my bestie Zendejas. All of you will get your day and pay for all your wrong doings you bunch of thieves.

Anonymous said...

Came on Ureati is a clown

Anonymous said...

Bocanegra is friends with whoever he can benefit from. Him and kimberly are a perfect match. .Both losers....nobody cares about her obsessive posts about Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

Why do you say this? What happened? I was going to vote for him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who is JHC?

Anonymous said...

Who is Kimberley and what place is she running for?

Anonymous said...

Too many flies jumping into the arena are the real greedy ones, some one is paying them to run for a place they know will never win, but will thin spread the few votes Brownsville people cast, in benefit of the real thieves.

Anonymous said...

JM please let us know who is funding the campaigns. The incumbents are getting money from vendors as usual. Bocanegra and Laura Perez Reyes signs are everywhere. Those cost mucho money. Please look into who is funding those campaigns. Is it Harlingen money? Op 1033? Laura Perez Reyes is a county employee who spends her money on makeup and Bocanegra is cheap. Someone has to be pulling those strings and giving them money to pay for those nice signs.

Urestifan90 said...

Hmm, idk who hacked urestifan90 but who ever the hacker was is completely wrong!!! Nice try hacker!! Besides Mr Uresti is supporting Rigo and is running Position 6 instead of 7!!

Anonymous said...

Why is this Esmeralda Aguirre, who makes horrible Mexican jewelry speaking so horribly about half the BISD candidates? Is she a politiquera?

JUAN GARCIA student from LA PORTER H.S. said...



Anonymous said...

So true!

Anonymous said...

It is. Believed that esme aguirre is related to the other politiqueras Herminia" La Vaca" Becerra and to Silvia Perra garza?

Anonymous said...

Juan garcia, vhirinos is educated in tranza?
Experience in fooling arround?
Knowledgeable in corruption?
If he really believed in BISD, he could have corrected the wrongs as a trustee.
Hector "el pollo blanco" is not about BISD? El pollo is only about himself?

Anonymous said...

The real thieves are Cesar, Joe, Carlos?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Esmeralda Aquirre no es familiar de Sylvia es alcontrario.
Sylvia es una persona educada que es muy buena.
Aguirre vende arates y queda muy mal con la gente.
No hay comparaccion en las dos personas.

Anonymous said...

Thats why you have to trust Kimmy Dale and Mario Saenz when they say Bocanegra is the best solution!

Anonymous said...

She is not running. She helps people win.

Anonymous said...

I won't vote for that Laura Reyes she's a joke and a part of OP1033

Anonymous said...

Her make-up is a joke. Guess someone never told her less is more. I won't vote for her dumbass either.

Anonymous said...

Laura Reyes looks like Ronald McDonald with all that make-up and Yes SHE IS A CLOWN. She is even using the McDonalds colors on her signs. Ja Ja Ja.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Haber preguntale a LA Kimmy Si LA CHANGA REYES ESTA CON EL OP! O al Sr Saenz! Esta changa no debe GANAR! Al zologiço con LA changa con LA trompa pintada!

Anonymous said...

She does look like a monkey lol! On a serious note she is too dumb even with all her education. I prefer anyone but her to be honest. -Sandy

Anonymous said...

Everyone wins with Kimberly and Mr Saenz that's a fact.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have wonder about this..

Anonymous said...

She is no joke, and Mr. Saenze is no joke.. I saw her and her team of about 5 girls, talking and educating voters... 3 of those girls were making calls.. I approached them and I asked what candidate were they talking about. I actually learned something.. I decided to lean toward her candidate's. I saw great work and I met great supports. Working hard in the community. So I do agree campaign works do work and spread the word out.
