Tuesday, August 30, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: It happened at about 8:50 a.m. this morning at the corner of Boca Chica and Central boulevards when the motorcycle policeman above saw a small black kitty cat bewildered and limping through the intersection. In the sequence above, the Brownsville Police Department officer turned on his motorcycle emergency lights, stopped the traffic, and then picked up the small cat and gently carried him over to the side of the street and into the grassy area by a Stripes store. None of the motorists honked at the other cars and allowed the policeman to rescue the cat which would have surely perished if he had been left in the middle of the intersection. Kudos to the officer!)


Anonymous said...

Well done officer!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for BPD,I would buy that officer Breakfast, lunch and dinner. He has a heart. Who is he? Lot's of us want to know..Let us know.

Anonymous said...

Pussy is king in the valley, juan!

Anonymous said...

Someone that cares.
Thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

Pussy is king in the Valley - you're one of them.

Anonymous said...

How did the kitty get in the middle of the intersection? I wonder if the poor kitty is now placed further from its mother and the investigation continues

Anonymous said...

Are you sure he didn't issue it a ticket?

Unknown said...

that was so cute and nice from the officer

Anonymous said...

(Are you sure he didn't issue it a ticket?)

Complete assholes are what those guys are. If he didn't issue it a ticket, I'll bet he took it home and barbecued it for his mutt.

Anonymous said...

By doing that he missed out on ticketing 10 motorist. He needs to be suspended without pay.

Unknown said...

These officers are nice and courteous to animals but not courteous to the citizens of brownsville. Smh

Anonymous said...

I think the officer had a sixth sense and new this kitty was at its 9 lives and saved it another job well done by brownsville finest

Anonymous said...

He probably thought it was a donut !

Anonymous said...

One time I got pulled over for speeding going to work by one of these guys on palm Blvd.i worked for the city and i was in uniform the problem wasn't the ticket I deserved it i was 5mph over speed limit but after giving me the ticket this one dick and not all officers .,I wasn't happy but didn't tell him why me or hey i work for the city give me a break he stands at my door staring I was waiting for him to hand over the ticket he just stood there and I asked him is that it and then he slowly gave me the ticket then stood there again and said "is there anything you to say to me" this fucker was trying to Bait me into a confrontation .I new he was tape recording the conversation so I would get reprimanded or even fired I finally said no and split to work.later that year I saw him at HEB went up to him and what's up he acted all stupid and wanted to act like a friend .pendejo

Anonymous said...

Nice officer, I wish all police man/woman were like him. Nice man, I will buy him coffee any day.Bless you officer, stay safe, we need officers like you.

Anonymous said...

An officer with a "HEART",Thank you for not giving tickets..The kitty cat is grateful to you. Who are you? We want to buy you lunch!

Anonymous said...

(He probably thought it was a donut !)

If you're a cop, you usually get those for free. Check them wnen you see a group of them eating at Whataburger. Relishing their freebies.
Mayim Bialik.
