Monday, August 29, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: Some office holders carry over their titles even after they leave office. And people sometimes out of courtesy still call them by their titles such as "judge," "commissioner," or even "Mr. Mayor." But we had never heard them being called trustees. or board members. Kiko Rendon decided not to run for his position on the Texas Southmost Board this year and was replaced as chairman by Adela Garza. Maybe Rigo can call Kiko "Chairman" instead.) 


Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, Juan. Rigo Bocanegra is unfit and unqualified to hold any elected office in Brownsville. He is a world class whiner and will only whine if elected to serve. Plus, those who know him from high school say he is a bad apple. Rigo should show his grades. He won't. Nunca sirvio menos que para tres cosas: para nada, para nada y para puras chingaderas. Vote NO on Rigo's candidacy. He is no Letty Perez-Garzoria!

Anonymous said...

Every office holder here should be addressed first and foremost as "Mexican," as in Mexican Mayor, or Mexican City Commissioner, or Mexican County Judge, or Mexican Police Chief. You get my drift.

Anonymous said...

This is a stupid ass "article"
Slow news day?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that he probably borrows them from Sergio Zarate, 'cause those are loser's clothes!

Anonymous said...

How about Mexican doing your Mama.

Anonymous said...

Rigo should have said he was proud to be endorsed by Mike Hernandez III's OP 10.33 henchman Kiko Rendon. Kiko was hired by Mike Hernandez III after his term expired with TSC.

Anonymous said...

That's not the worst thing Kiko has been called.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to be endorsed by Kiko? Kiko has no following, no money, no friends cause he has ripped them all. And owes LOTS oh money. Oh does he have a job?

Anonymous said...

Yes 12:48AM Kiko is a professional asskisser,scam master and food stamps recipient.

Anonymous said...

Bobby the gay blogger is right Juan. The hairy oddity blimp writes that Bocanegra reminds him of the character Pat from Saturday Night Live. You cant tell if the ojete is a man or a woman. Que eres pues?! Reveal yourself con una chingada!

Anonymous said...

That the way Rigo is, servile and dim witted.

Anonymous said...

Ooooo.... did the Kiss of Death of OP1033 come to rest on someone's lips?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:07. You're a fine one to talk about looks, Valadez! Speckled -face monkey ! Wash your Walgreens jeans con una chingada!

Anonymous said...

Carlos, ya callate guey! Pinche pelon cagado.

Anonymous said...

Not food stamps recipient. He and Krista are high sociegate. If you see their FB posts they are jet setters.

Anonymous said...

MONTOYA....para el comentario 7.57pm tienes razon yo creo que la mama de este guey si la esta lonchando un MEXICAN.para el comentario 4.23 MIRA PENDEJETE GRINGO EN ESTE PAIS EN 20 ANOS SI NO SAVES ESPANOL VAS HACER UN PENDEJO.nomas escucha todos los anuncios en television "SON BUENA GENTE' 'DALE GAS' LO QUE TU QUIERES. para una chigada son en ingles,ponte las pilas porque tu y TRUMP VALLAN A CHINGAR A SU MADRE

Anonymous said...

Another guy that you can't tell if he is an old man or an old lady is Eduardo Paz Martinez. But he is old.....that is a given...jajajaja!
