Thursday, August 25, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: Retired Brownsville Independent School District administrator Ken Wittenmore is planning to air the video above as he makes his run at Position 6 on the board now held by Minerva Peña. Other candidates in that race are Roberto Uresti, Rhonda Cavazos, and Ana Hernandez-Oquin. As A BISD teacher and administrator with a career spanning more than 30 years, Wittenmore certainly knows where the skeletons are buried and where the district has failed to prioritize its resources. Take a gander. If this is any indication of what's coming down the pike, it's somewhat refreshing to see that it will be an issue-driven campaign for Position 6.)


Anonymous said...

Touching. And this would be a winning Ad for an advertising major at the nearest college. But Kent says nothing about who he is, has been, or will be as a guide to the city's children. It would be nice to know what his plan might be, for example. The Ad is artsy, but not telling. Political novice, is he? Seems like he is.

Anonymous said...

Nena knows.

Anonymous said...

This ad is also on Facebook... looks good, very artsy.... You can find what he stands for and his platform on his Facebook page or on the Ad he ran on Sunday in the local paper.

I'm voting for this guy.

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Ask for his credentials and you will see he is a true leader and can move BISD forward and create stability.

Anonymous said...

If he knows so much about the system then 1) Why didn't he ever evidenced publicly the errors in the system? 2) It can also mean that since he knows so much about the system, it will be easy for him to become one of them but now as part of the board.
He is a retired administrator. They get a good retirement pension BUT not good enough to pay for these types of ads. Where is the money comming from?
I would NOT trust any former BISD administrator and/or community member running and saying they are for the students. The students have ALWAYS been the priority BUT once you get elected, YOU become YOUR priority.
DREAM BISD BOARD: A parent from a low socio-economic area such as Southmost, Cameron Park or Portway Acres, a high school teacher, an elementary teacher, one principal a business person/or persons . NO doctors, attorneys or power hungry people that want respect but are not willing to give it, NO person/persons that have a friend or spouse working for the district in any way, shape or form.
In Brownsville? Just a DREAM.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks.

Anonymous said...

What does Nena know?

Anonymous said...

Is he being supported by any vendors?

Anonymous said...

This candidate was an educator, I did not trust him until I actually met him and viewed his credentials. Do the same give him a call and meet him I'm pretty sure you will change your mind. He will bring hope back to the school District.

Anonymous said...

This individual should not be our school trustee! He should be our Superintendent! He will bring Stability Trust & Hope back to the District. He graduated from BISD, he taught at BISD, and lead many employees as an administrator in more than one department. He has my vote and I will support him all 4 years he is in office.

Anonymous said...

This individual has been entertained by the salazar/Escobedo vendors for a price. He resides in the island but using his parents address. He has a drinking problem and his only motive is vengance. Or possibly team up with the majority and make money.

Anonymous said...

Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Well a Gringo with creds is running. It remains to be seen if he can win against the local homies and their crooked compas. If history tell us anything, it is that this poor sap does not have a chance. There is no place for honest anglos with experience and creds in Browntown politics.

Anonymous said...

Anglos are not really welcome in today's Brownsville. Fact of life.

Anonymous said...

It's true.

Anonymous said...

The voters want new blood. We need candidates that are qualified. We also need candidates that haven't been part of a system that is not working.

Anonymous said...

NOT factual at all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He is not honest at all. He is in it for the insurance contracts cut.

Those of you who met with him and were sold his 2 minutes "Honest Hank" speech are just wishing.

Go out to the island and catching him with his drinking buddies and speak to him then. He will spill the truth about why he is running and what he intents to do if he gets elected. Remember children and drunk people speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

We will send prooflowers to Juan.

Anonymous said...

The only way BISD will get ahead is voting for new qualified trustees. Voting for people that are part of the same system won't change anything.

Anonymous said...

There's big bucks in insurance.

Anonymous said...

This comment is full of factual errors. "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all"...This candidate may have a drink or two at the island due to his retirement but he has a heart for education. Why would he run for School trustee if he does not have a heart for education. Especially 4 a District that is so poor and has board members that only think of themselves and not the community they serve! Take care of someone else be there for someone else bless someone else....... a happy retirement is about giving more than you could take when it comes to education! Vote KENT 2016!!!

Anonymous said...

Que es "prooflowers" Juan? Pues voy a votar por el. El era muy bueno conmigo cuando trabajaba para el en los servicios de alimentacion!

Anonymous said...

I'd say to give the guy a chance by keeping an open mind and believing him at his word.

-A Hopeless Idealist (Still)!

Anonymous said...

Working for the current board majority.
Can't fool us .

Anonymous said...

Ok and how have things been working out for you mijo? Thousands of your gente scrambling to get the FUCK out of your mother land, old mex. Shit you need more anglos not less.
Ok, look just shut the fuck up and go find a cheese line..

Anonymous said...

if Kent wins every employee will need to get a tattoo and be a drunk.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous August 26, 2016 at 3:15 PM, it appears that he has his insurance licenses!

Anonymous said...

Educator??? He taught for only 1 yr., he couldn't take the kids. Now he is there for the kids? My assignment, he's there for the Insurance contracts! Joe Salazar and Jaime Escobedo. There's where the money you could say is coming from.

Troy T. Whittemore said...

It's sad to read some of the comments being made especially the one about "Anglos" not being welcome in today's Brownsville. My family and I have lived in this community for over 35 years and not only do we believe in Brownsville, but we believe in BISD. In addition, I encourage all stakeholders to attend the public forums that these candidates will participate in and listen to their platforms and make the right decision. More importantly, take ownership and cast your vote - it's your right and your obligation... It's the AMERICAN thing to do! In conclusion, it is so very sad that less than 40% of our community actually take the opportunity to vote. Finally, if you can not put your name behind your comment and take a firm stand for your beliefs... oh well.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with Salazar/Escobedo bidding on contracts? Don't all vendors have a right to bid and have supporters?

Anonymous said...

