Wednesday, September 28, 2016


(We've often wondered the same as Barton, but never got around to posting about it. Jim might have mentioned that the Brownsville Herald is also the recipient of a generous advertising budget compliments of the Brownsville Independent School District. Is it hush money by BCIC to keep the daily news hounds from sniffing out waste and frivolous spending? Or are the newspaper ad expenditures the BISD's tribute to AIM Newspapers to divert their attention to improperly awarded insurance contracts, massive spending on sports-related extravagances instead of the basic classroom needs for instruction, and image rehab? Barton beat us to the punch, and here's his cogent report.)  

By Jim Barton

The BCIC is not a grocery chain needing to advertise weekly specials. They are not selling insurance, hearing aids, cemetery plots or pizza. 
 Why, then, did the distributor of so-called "quality of life" tax dollars need to spend hundreds of hard-earned tax dollars by taking out a full page ad in Sunday's Brownsville Herald to advertise itself?

And make no mistake. Every penny spent by the BCIC, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, comes from taxes drawn from the country's poorest community.

Incredibly, a 16 inch column, positioned on the left side of the full page ad, gives us a "bio" of board member Evarardo "Eddy" Galvan. We learn where he works, his job description, where he went to high school and what he studied at UT-Brownsville. Who the hell cares? More importantly, why should the taxpayers pay for Eddy's promo?

The full page ad at taxpayer's expense is just the latest example of the BCIC's disrespectful, frivolous squandering of tax monies. Last year, after complaining about their cramped, but free, quarters within the city commission building, the BCIC entered into a lease on half of a small building, costing the taxpayers $86,983 the first year, not including janitorial services.

Even if the BCIC "needed" an office, why not use available space at City Plaza, the unused second floor at Market Square or any one of 13 buildings purchased by the city for $3.5 million in 2012, now sitting idle, decaying?

Just because state law permits using 1/4 cent from each retail dollar taxed in the city doesn't authorize the BCIC to waste or squander any of the nearly $5 million generated each year to improve the "quality of life" of Brownsville's citizens.


Anonymous said...

"Cogent" report. You've lowered the standard, Montoya. Barton's blog is full of lies, deceptions, incomplete stories and plain old bullshit. Write your own.

Anonymous said...

Agree with above comment. It's rrun rrun for me.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you write your own and then we can go trash your blog? Oh you have one with no place for comments but aside from that, no one reads it. BOOM! WHAMO! SPLAT!

I'm not a robot! said...

To Anonymous who on September 28, 2016 @ 11:20 AM said: Barton's blog is full of lies, deceptions, incomplete stories and plain old bullshit. Write your own."

Please enlighten us peons and let us know WHICH part of Mr. Barton's commentary....
is full of lies?
plain old bullshit?
incomplete stories?

And try to be specific.

Otherwise, "Have a cold glass of cold beer and this!

The TRUTH always elicits comments like yours. You just Can't handle the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Why not assign them the recently renovated San Fernando building instead of allowing someone who does not do anything for the city? At least BCIC could save the tax monies they are currently paying on their current lease.

Anonymous said...

It's being read more than you can imagine. And there is a place for comments. You're just to stupid to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Don't wanna figure it out, blog sucks.

Anonymous said...

I like Jim's blog. Wish he wrote more.

Anonymous said...

In this time, we need pictures not narrative to inform the public. Remember "read" is just another four letter word in Cameron County. Yes, they are publicizing themselves, but without pictures the public want catch any part of it. Advertisements for "Dummies".

Anonymous said...

Oh, that shitty blog that no one reads, yeah, it sucks.

Anonymous said...

All of the anti-Barton comments above were posted by duardo, a failed, dickless blogger from Kyle, Texas.
