Thursday, September 15, 2016


By Juan Montoya
In what has to be regarded as some of the most inappropriate statements by an elected official, Texas Southmost College trustee Dr Rey Garcia has decided that he won't let facts get in his way and even before the dismissal hearing for President Lily Tercero and is saying she will be defending her self in open session.
Image result for lily tercero

Tercero could have opted to defend herself of the reasons given for her dismissal in closed session but has decided to fight it openly, Garcia said.
In the story, the local daily said that Tercero could not be reached for comment on her hearing, so that leaves only Garcia as the source of the comments on her behalf.

Garcia told the paper that she was ready to contest any evidence that might be presented against her in open session Sept. 10. The hearing will beheld at the board room in Gorgas Hall at 1p.m.
Garcia's taking on the role of Tercero's defender has many observers puzzled. At one t time he vacillated between defending her policies and sometimes going against them. No it seems he is coming down solidly on her side. It is unknown where trustee Art Rendon, who left the meeting where Tercero was suspended by a 5-1 vote, will stand on the dismissal.

And there is  along list of Tercero shortcomings that may be aired in the session.

There is, for example, the death sentence hanging over the head of the TSC Nursing Program which has languished under her watch and now is under probation with a chance it will be shut down if not more than 80 percent of the students pass their state exams. Already, students who had planned to enroll ion the program have been pout on hold and must alter their career choices or go elsewhere.

Then there is the issue of Tercero's unilateral extension of the college's windstorm insurance policy that she approved before going to the board. That investigation is still continuing and may result in criminal charges against someone – Tercero or others – for usurping the authority of the elected board.

Couple that with the recent revelations that she approved the use of the rubber-stamp signatures of two trustees who were no longer on the board to issue checks that totaled more than $1.5 million and the plot definitely thickens. Was it fraud to spend money without legitimate co-signers?
What more is in the bag of TSC horrors under Tercero?

A special investigator hired by the board to look into the administration's performance is still not concluded and may be the source of further headaches for Tercero and her supporters. Until then, Garcia may wish to lower the tone of the dialogue that he may not be embarrassed by further revelations.


Anonymous said...

The same people would not have taken this action against Dr. Julieta Garcia....even though she cheated the taxpayers out of far more money than Dr. Tecero. Julieta supporters continue to reek vengeance against her distractors.

Anonymous said...

So what?

Anonymous said...

What the heck? This is a stupid stupid man. Jeopardizing the college. Who does he Serve Tercero or TSC district?

Anonymous said...

Looks like the board chair is still changing your diapers?
