With 20 or so candidates for the four positions open on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District, every candidate is looking for something to make his or her candidacy stand out.
Some go for the basic enchilada (like Hector Chirinos, for example) and splash their picture in corner of the ad and highlight that he is an army veteran.
Of course, it's probably been at least half a century or more since Chirinos served in the military, but hey, who's counting?
Otis Powers is another example of the simple and sweet approach and those of us who have witnessed his campaigns know its his photo, his name and catchwords like integrity, character, etc...
Others opt for the personalization of the campaign signs like Rigo Bocanegra with his baby blues to go along with the color of the block letters.
"Dr." SYLVIA Atkinson and LAURA Perez-Reyes and KENT Wittenmore obviously favor the first-name basis approach, a strategy favored in most elections across the river in Mexico which seems to work for them.

Katy Presas-Garcia got a bit more artistic and uses pink kid brush strokes to call attention to her bid for reelection.
One of the more noticeable ones are those by Anna Hernadez Oquin, a McDonald's franchise owner who chose a RAnna McDonald's approach using letters to suggest they are French fries.

This has led some local wags to comment that instead of the kids being fed spoiled barbacoa meat, she will have Happy Meals delivered to every cafeteria in the district.
"If you thought barbacoa was unhealthy, wait until your kids' arteries start to get clogged with french fries and salt," quipped a former board member.
Now, don't corporate policies such as those by McDonalds and Walmart apply to political support for any candidate? Or does anyone even care?
A candidate who chose to go along with the FIRST-name basis and numerical proliferation is LAURA Perez-Reyes, whose signs virtually dot the landscape and even has special frames constructed with 2x4s to placer her above the rest. Someone is investing a lot of money into that candidacy. As far as we know, LAURA has never been a candidate for public office and might feel obligated to comply with her money backers once in office. If there is a message in her hoity-toity signs, that might be one.
Oh, well, you never know how any message is going to go over nowadays.
But if it's a garbled message you want, it's hard to beat the one in the Phil Cowen newspaper ads. Phil throws a haymaker at the "leadership of the BISD board."

The majority (and that which is leading the district now) is headed by Joe Rodriguez, Hector Chirinos, Cesar Lopez, Carlos Elizondo, and sometimes Minerva Peña. Cowen is running to replace Powers, who is on the minority.
So is Cowen saying that there is "Something Wrong" with the board majority led by these fine gents (and sometimes gal)?
He goes on to say that there is nothing wrong with the teachers, the administrators, the support staff, the administration (again), our children, and our parents.
So it's just Joe, Hector, Cesar and Carlos who are the problem? So why run against Powers, then, who is in the minority along with Presas-Garcia?
So far, Cowen has been the only consistent advertiser in the local newspaper and his ad remains the same from week to week.

The owner of that car appears to favor the incumbents Powers, Chirinos and Peña, but at the same time is a Donald Trunp supporter for the presidency of the U.S.
With the ignominy that the signs carries among Hispanics across the country, will that translate into bad vibes for the BISD candidates?
Everyone knows I am no supporter of Cata Presas-Garcia - but her signs are by far the best and most inviting. You think of laughing children when you see them. The colors are perfect.
If a sign can get you votes, her signs will get votes.
Bobby WC
Most voters don't read the Herald and probably pay no attention to the political signs along our streets. As we get close to the election, we are likely see candidates crank up the fajita and chicken plate campaign to attract candidates. Our voters can relate to the "Eat more chikin" advertisements.
Chirinos needs to go, Elizondo needs to resign, Powers..Pobresito, he's not going to make it. The board now is the problem for BISD, a big problem. Where are the Texas Rangers and DA.
Juan, this is your quote "Of course, it's probably been at least half a century or more since Chirinos served in the military, but hey, who's counting?" Juan, What have you done for your country? He served to give you the F### Right to make this dumb ass comment.
Otis looks like he just farted....
I dont know who this lady is but if she is not part of the same local political machine that has brought so much destruction, then I HOPE SHE WINS.
I've NEVER, in my life, have eaten a McDonald's burger, but I've read in articles that McDonalds has other healthy choices, which is the same thing that the BISD cafeterias offer to the students (more healthy choices). If you are going to clog young arteries with fat, McDonald's is not the only way mexican-american students do it. Young modern mothers that don't work are too lazy to get up and prepare breakfast or lunch with healthy meals. They depend on the school to feed the child. I remember hearing students say that they had breakfast and lunch at school and if they could, they would also have dinner because sometimes they would get home and find mom watching "novelas" instead of preparing something to eat. Once I had a student walk in late to class and he walked in with a bag of cheetos in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other hand with a coca cola. That was the breakfast his mom had given him. This was a high school freshman. I've been at the Stripes in the morning and I've seen students buying tacos for breakfast and lunch. Most of them obese for their age. Future diabetics. I would vote for anybody but the incumbents and the politico wannabees that are our local Donald Trumps, Not because of a racial issue but because, like him, they say they have the solution for the problem but before they were running they never actually took interest in the problem. That makes them PART OF THE PROBLEM.
All incumbents must go, they all need a real job,
I agree that everything on her signs is great, BUT her picture. She looks like a tranny. You might like that, though.
I'll vote for fajita over chicken any day.
Elizondo and his drug dealing brother should both be in jail
Vote Anna Hernandez! We need new blood!
I think you should contact the FBI Bobby. I heard they are already conducting an investigation into the jovial colors....
Lazy mothers??? In Brownsville!!! Why, I can hardly believe it!!
Vote Nacho Libre!!!!
Juanito, Juanito I too, take exception to your statement about Chrino's army service fifty years ago. I was a veteran at age 20, now 80. BA, MS degree, three kids, BS, BS, MBA, wife with BA. Proud to have served. What did you do?
Al baboso de September 8, 2016 at 7:44 PM??
You probably do not know Juan and his credentials?
Back to Carlos"El Ratero" Elizondo, y Cesar "El Constipado"Lopez?
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