Thursday, September 1, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: Tonight's Elected Officials Salary Grievance Committee Public Hearing will be held at 6 p.m. on the second floor of the Dancy Building on Monroe St. The meeting will be live-streamed on the public access channel. We ask that the nine members of the committee consider these numbers after they hear the justifications made by JPs representative Jonathan Garcia, JP 2-2, the only lawyer among them.)


JPs' Salary                  Car Allowance                Cell Phone (All)         
     $47,172                             $5,400                             $960       = 53,532

Aug. 30, commissioners passed a 2 percent increase: $53,532 + 943= $54,475

(Additional Income)
Texas law allows JPs to keep wedding ceremony fees (Fees average $150-$350), averaged out to $200 X number of weddings. If we add that to salary, we get:          
                                        WEDDINGS      +    SALARY, BENEFITS
JP 2-1 Linda Salazar            644 X $200 = $128,400    +$53,000 = $181,400  

JP 5-1 Sally Gonzalez          228 X $200 = $45,600      +$53,000 = $98,600

JP 2-2 Jonathan Gracia         137 X $200 = $27,400      +$53,000 = $80.400

JP 4-1 Juan Mendoza Jr.       109 X $200 = $21,800      +$53,000 = $74,800

JP 5-2 Eloy Cano                    82 X $200 = $16,400      +$53,000 = $69,400

JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola*    75 X $200 = $15,000      +$53,000 = $68,000

JP 1-1 Benny Ochoa                63 X $200 = $12,600      +$53,000 = $65,600

JP 3-1 Guadalupe Ayala           62 X $200 = $12,400      +$53,000 = $65,400

JP 3-2 David Garza                   58 X $200 = $11,500      +$53,000 = $64,000

JP 5-3 Mike Trejo                     24 X $200 = $4,800        +$53,000  $57,800
*JP Sorola did not file salary grievance

JP                                   CASES                           AMOUNT
JP 1-1 Benny Ochoa                 22,596                            $5,633,602
JP 2-1 Linda Salazar                  22,615                            $5,313,064
JP 2-2 Jonathan Gracia              20,904                            $5,512,265
JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola         5                                     $1,066
JP 3-1 Guadalupe Ayala            17,578                            $4,651,430
JP 3-2 David Garza                   10,285                            $2,718,286
JP 4-1 Juan Mendoza Jr.            7,922                              $3,780,640
JP 5-1 Sally Gonzalez                10,295                            $2,718,286
JP 5-2 Eloy Cano                      14,077                            $3,780,540
JP 5-3 Mike Trejo                      11,939                            $3,393,216
Total cases and fines:               134,390                        $34,757,302*

*These are the totals of uncollected fines outstanding as of July 2015. These totals may very well have increased as of today and be closer to $40 million.

Commissioners gave county workers an across-the-board 2 percent raise in the 2016-2017 budget. If the average county worker makes $30,000, that equals to an additional $600. County workers will likely see their deductible go from $500 to $750 to make up a $2 million deficit in county medical payments that were not in the 2015-2016 budget. Additionally, their premiums will likely be raised and their spouses removed from their coverage.


Anonymous said...

The Commishes are so busy enriching themselves with the weddings that they fail to collect the taxes, and the taxpayers get screwed.

Anonymous said...

when they run for office they know how much they pay, they have to wait for the cost of living for all employees

Anonymous said...

Wtf ! They need to be held accountable for their NO action ! Get to work you justices do your JOB raise my ass move your asses and collect those fines

Anonymous said...

Actions to collect fines costs these leaches votes. Collecting fines also takes time away from their wedding events and playing local politics. Linda Salazar took time out (with pay) to campaign for her son Ruben Cortez. They put their own interests before that of the citizens of the County. If they collect fines, perhaps they could deserve a raise. To date all have failed us.

Anonymous said...

All their JP duties take a back burner to the profitable weddings, in a very undignified manner this JPs compete for the couples that show up to get their licenses

Anonymous said...

What a nerve from that Litlle blundering maricon

chief cool arrow said...

world is unfair, this big 29% raise means what? nada, same ol same ol, don't collect nor do any work auh except the weddings. I do HOPE THE IRS staff is looking at this to see those nice big extra cash dollar figures each one of these jokers makes on the side and if they report or it or not, hey who knows, maybe the IRS can do an Al Capone charge-evading taxes on these 9 jokers as well and send them to Alcatraz, lol. cca

cantinflas said...

Juan I just formed an new collection compny- Dowe, Cheatum & Howe, hope the county puts out an RFP to collect those $34 million that are outstanding, I will do it cheap, only want 15% of the collection amounts, adios. ctfs

Anonymous said...

The maricon is also committing barratry, I hope the bar is reading
