"BROWNSVILLE - A handful of Cameron County’s justices of the peace filed a grievance last week to get more pay for their employees.The hearing (is) set for Thursday night. Judge Jonathan Gracia will be representing the arguments of eight other JPs and their employees. He said they haven’t been given a raise in almost a decade."
By Juan Montoya
Take a gander at the agenda for the Cameron County Salary Grievance Committee meeting set for a public hearing a 6 p.m. at the Dancy Building (see graphic at right).

The only people mentioned there are nine JPs asking the committee members for more pay for themselves.
So why did Gracia – the elected spokesman for the nine JPs asking for more money – JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola declined to join them despite intense pressure from Gracia – tell a mass medium that he was there on behalf of the employees?
Then, to make things even worse, he told Channel 5 that they hadn't been given a raise "in almost a decade."

“It’s been a long time coming for them to receive a raise, on top of a normal cost of living adjustment,” he said.
“We are going to state our position at the grievance committee. Our anticipation is we are going to be there in a unified voice, and be able to state our position as to why we filed a grievance,” said Gracia.
The county commissioners on Tuesday approved a 2 percent increase for all county employees and Tuesday approved a similar increase for all public officials, except for Pct. 2 county commissioners Alex Dominguez who refused it and amended his motion to that effect and it was approved.
With that increase, the JP's $47,172 base salary was raised by $943 to $48,113. This does not include the $4,500 given each JP for a car allowance or the $960 for a cell phone which brings it to $53,173.
Those JPs filing the grievances who were not satisfied and seeking a $12,000 salary increase from the salary grievance committee made up of nine members of the jury pool are:
Gracia, JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, JP 3-1 Guadalupe Ayala, JP 3-2 David Garza, JP 5-1 Sally Gonzalez, and JP 5-3 Mike Trejo.
Those requesting $10,000 are JP 1-1 Benny Ochoa, JP 4-1 Juan Mendoza Jr., and JP 5-2 Eloy Cano.
Of the 10 JPs in the county, only Mary Esther Sorola, JP 2-3, did not file as salary grievance. Both Gracia and Sorola took office January 1, 2015.
Doesn't the Canons of Judicial Conduct dictate that judges tell the truth? Is Gracia aware he is bound to follow those canons?
“We are going to state our position at the grievance committee. Our anticipation is we are going to be there in a unified voice, and be able to state our position as to why we filed a grievance,” said Gracia.
The county commissioners on Tuesday approved a 2 percent increase for all county employees and Tuesday approved a similar increase for all public officials, except for Pct. 2 county commissioners Alex Dominguez who refused it and amended his motion to that effect and it was approved.
With that increase, the JP's $47,172 base salary was raised by $943 to $48,113. This does not include the $4,500 given each JP for a car allowance or the $960 for a cell phone which brings it to $53,173.
Those JPs filing the grievances who were not satisfied and seeking a $12,000 salary increase from the salary grievance committee made up of nine members of the jury pool are:
Gracia, JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, JP 3-1 Guadalupe Ayala, JP 3-2 David Garza, JP 5-1 Sally Gonzalez, and JP 5-3 Mike Trejo.
Those requesting $10,000 are JP 1-1 Benny Ochoa, JP 4-1 Juan Mendoza Jr., and JP 5-2 Eloy Cano.
Of the 10 JPs in the county, only Mary Esther Sorola, JP 2-3, did not file as salary grievance. Both Gracia and Sorola took office January 1, 2015.
Doesn't the Canons of Judicial Conduct dictate that judges tell the truth? Is Gracia aware he is bound to follow those canons?
Gracia got elected through lies, he promised us if we voted for him he was going to donate part of his salary to scholarships to our children once elected he did not do shit, he is a man that can say anything to get his way and then jus laugh at us
Where is the non-profit for scholarships? Did he actually donate his salary that's why he is asking for a raise
ratas, ratas, ratas
This prick is a lying scumbag, what a nerve to ask for a raise when he doesn't even work, he wanted the position to have a salary while promoting his law firm, loser
Where is the non-profit for scholarships? Did he actually donate his salary that's why he is asking for a raise
Obviously you guys don't read, all of you should facebook stalk him and you will see where his donations are going....
What a lying thug ! Voters will not forget
Culos todos!
The moron has been soliciting clients for his law firm sending letters to the people that come before his court with letterheads from the court, it's not only barratry it's is down right illegal
Well..you see, he may be donating money from his law office so he gets a nice write off. But then he somehow obtains a list from the county, through Liz Chavez, at least thats the rumor, and sends a letter to everyone that has warrants. Wake up Luis Saenz!! Now he wants a raise. Jonathan, you need to actually show up for work at the county and answer your damn phone when you get called to pronounce a body.
Saenz needs to look into how that list was obtained. He might be interested in what he discovers.
This guy should try showing up to work instead of asking for a fucking raise.
Call the FBI 97$&(&!?(;6(??
wasn't this guy the one who they questioned because he had a naked girl in his hotel room and she ran out scared?
Where in this little schmuck's Facebook is there a mention of a non profit established from his salary, destined for scholarships if there is one he should prove he has it otherwise he is a fraud and got elected under false pretenses
Well I will make sure to remind the voters in CAMERON COUNTY NOT TO VOTE FOR THIS MAN AGAIN. GREEDY
Dowe, Cheatum & Howe collection agency can collect these $34 million that these jokers cant. When will the County put out the FRQ, county judge Sepulveda or county judge junior Garcia, can you answer that? or firm, is ready to start collecting for you? $34 million is a lot of macaroni. lol adios, Cant?
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