Thursday, September 8, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: It's been the better part of a week that the mobile home above (or is it immobile now) has been ditched (literally) on the side of Coffeeport (or is it Jaime Zapata) Rd. after the trailer underside buckled and the movers had to push it off the macadam and into the bar ditch to prevent blocking the road. Everyone though that it would be a day or two for the owners or the movers to get it off the side of the road, but that has dragged on to the point where residents want to know what's going to be done about the eyesore. In the photo above, a city enforcement officer is placing a warning sticker on the parked trailer home. Below, the orange stickers can be plainly seen on the windows of the structure days later. No, it's not a moveable feast. It's more like an immovable beast.)


Anonymous said...

Gamez where are you ?

Anonymous said...

I can see the mobile home "buckling," Juan, but not "bucking."

Anonymous said...

Gamez, the building inspector, was having breakfast in the restaurant next door?

Diego lee rot said...

Hopefully in the next storm it will float out to sea

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I live close by and I pass that eyesore and danger area EVERY DAY. I've been wanting to call the 546-HELP but all they do is take your information and pass it to the proper department. It is the people at the departments that DONT move fast enough. I don't know what city inspectors do a whole day because if they were to really go around the city giving citations, they could make this town a very rich town with all the mishaps that go on on ONE single day. The trailer represents a DANGER because that is not a well lit area at night. It should have been moved over a week ago. WHERE are our comissioners? What happens if we get a heavy rain pour?
We keep voting for the same inept people because the people running against them are WORSE.

Anonymous said...

Let them figure it out, just put drops in your eyes if you cant stand the eyesure. Not easy nor fast to relocate, especially if yhere is or could be damage and liability.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Carre Law Firm is expanding or they made the mesquite restaurant bigger

Anonymous said...

That's what we keep hoping will happen to your sorry ass , Diego. FUCK OFF, pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Nothing gets done quickly in Cameron County. It must be a cultural thing....tomorrow means next week and 11 days means 11 weeks. Manana por manana.

Anonymous said...

I heard that's where they are going to set it up. They are suppose to live there....

Anonymous said...

Same question, Gamez where are you ?
