Thursday, September 15, 2016


By Juan Montoya
If you went to Dr. Sylvia Atkinson's fundraiser at Cobbleheads last night, you would have seen something that you might not have believed.
There was 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez walking surreptitiously behind Brownsville Independent School District trustee Caty Presas-Garcia who is running for reelection.

If you had looked closely, you would have seen Cornejo-Lopez buttonhole people that Presas-Garcia had been talking with and then siding up to them to tell them she was lying.

When Presas-Garcia would sit and talok to people at the tables, Cornejo-Lopez would edge toward the table and tell the people she was not telling the truth and that she had voted negatively on some issue.
This not only happened to individuals, but it was also alleged that she spoke with a group of bus drivers for the district who were there and bad-mouthed Presas-Garcia.

If you remember, Cornejo-Lopez withdrew from the BISD election in the race against Presas-Garcia after it was pointed out that Texas law prohibited a single candidate from appearing on two ballots for two different  jurisdictions in the same election.
In this case, Cornjeo-Lopez wil appear on the 404th District Court slot as the only candidate on the ballot after she won the Democratic Primary last May.
If she had been allowed to run for the BISD, it would have been a violation of the Texas election Code.

So why is Cornejo-Lopez so hot about defeating Presas-Garcia and the whole lot of incumbents on the BISD board?

A confidential source has told us that Cornejo-Lopez and another parent who was a former board member with a student at Pace High School hold Presas-Garcia and others on the board and administration responsible for her daughter not getting her application accepted to an academic program (Pre-App).

Apparently, Cornejo-Lopez's daughter and the other student filed the application late and think that the BISD board and some of its administrators may have sabotaged their plans to apply.

However, it was apparent that both students had not met the deadlines to apply and were not accepted. Not only did those two students not meet the deadline, but others also did not and were not accepted. The others were not allowed to file after the deadline either.
There are already two complaints filed with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct over Cornejo-Lopez's declaring herself a candidate for the BISD board of trustees saying that the judicial canons state that if a district judge declared himself or herself a candidate for another office, they shall resign from the bench.

We understand that the commission has indicated it will review the complaints and make its decision in the coming months. However, even if they remove Cornejo-Lopez from office and she gets elected in November, she may just have to wait until January to reclaim her court.


Anonymous said...

This is a judge with a chip on her big shoulders and a terrible judge extremely bitter and a Vieja chocante

CC Voter said...

Elia Cornhole is nothing more than a pig and bully!

Anonymous said...

Elia "the beaver" cornejo lopez

Anonymous said...

Just cause Catt is hot

Anonymous said...

Her removal would send a strong message and restore integrity to the judicial profession,however the commission is made up of attorneys so we know what the end result is going to be. Our only hopes is that since the commission members are republicans they will tear her up a new asshole. Maybe she'll loose weight. "Vieja chocante" nomas

Anonymous said...

When did D/PM become judge?

chief cool arrow said...

She is nothing but a thief, a downbeat and a snake in the grass. lol cca

Anonymous said...

Elia apparently isn't busy enough in her elected judicial position and seeks to impose her bulky ass into the affairs of BISD. She may be pissed that her daughter wasn't given special privilege.... Her arrogance shows. Elia thinks her children should receive special favor because of her position, not their adherence to academic and administrative standards.

Anonymous said...

Caty a hottie, de donde porque ni las moscas se le ariman. She is nasty

Anonymous said...

Okay how many of you have the cajones to say your comments to Elia's face? Alright then let's make it easier and just say it on Facebook in a comment. No? That's right you all seek refuge here.

Anonymous said...

Elia, your days of threatening people's livelihoods to force them to electioneer in county buildings for your quasi-husband Leo are numbered. Threatening the families of attorneys saying that rulings in your court will not go their way will catch up with you. Justice will prevail, and your years of arrogance will come back to haunt you.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And when you fall, I wonder what the seismic ratings will be.

Anonymous said...

Years back a party was thrown for her she felt ill asked if she could lay down. family let her rest in master bedroom a little later went to check on how she was doing she was seen rummaging through families dresser.

Anonymous said...

Tas bien buena caty

Anonymous said...



Me said...

now.. she has Hanna HS on her side...
