Sunday, September 25, 2016


Anonymous said:
Que barbaro Juan. I had heard rumors but now I know you are screwing __________. My comment was not posted so you're protecting her. And I say screw because she's broke as fuck unless she's taking from her SUGAR DADDY. SHE IS A DRUNK AND YOU KNOW THIS. You're such a sad person to hide my comment. Just proves you are bought. I will spread this to the point where the few people who still read your blog no longer do. You have no credibility at all whatsoever. on

Ed.'s Note:
To Our Seven Readers:
We periodically receive anonymous comments like this trying to get us to publish their opinions of the character (or lack thereof) of people in our community.
There is no proof provided, no justification on why we should post an anonymous opinion of a person's reputation when – as in the case above – that person doesn't have the courage to post his or her name.

Granted, public officials who sought the public spotlight have a lower expectation of privacy, but some sort of community standard has to apply to the Average Jose and Juanita.

Apparently this person feels that we are obligated to help spread the venom of the anonymous coward when he won't even show his face and and then self-righteously expects us to help him heave the rock at the unsuspecting victim for their alleged shortcomings. In this case, this writer threatens us with blowing our cover and says he or she will engage in a campaign to keep readers away from this blog.

Often we get comments for our moderation that accuse people of adultery, drunkenness, drug abuse, corruption, moral turpitude and even pedophilia. When we don't publish them, we get reactions like the one above.
(In this case, since they speak of this writer, we can emphatically assert first hand that these allegations against this woman are not true.)

If you notice our posts, every article that we write carries the name of the writer. We put our name behind everything we write. There are comments we let through anonymously that deal with the subject matter at hand or shed some new insight into some aspect of the story we might have missed. We have used some of those comments to write follow ups on many posts we have published.

If the writer above is bent on talking this blog and its writers down because we won't hurt someone anonymously, so be it. And if he or she can convince someone that what they are trying to do is admirable and correct, we probably can do without that eighth reader.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Juan, we love El RRUN RRUN and your right he is a coward with no huevos pendejo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Juan. Fuck you down!

Anonymous said...

Drunk, Sugar Daddy, that's 45% of Cameron County. Since when are you protecting people? You let people insult Ahumada and most politicians and now you're pulling a Bobby?

Anonymous said...

Dear Editor:

I agree you should not post negative comments about individuals because it could affect a person's reputation if untrue. So with that, why do you allow the negative comments to continue on Mr Rigo Bocanegra? He is a person of class and respect, a voice for all us teachers. Why do you allow such people to tarnish the reputation of such a fine gentleman? Seems to me you should follow the same tactic to all those being cyber bullied on your blog. Good evening.

Sincerely, M.C.

Anonymous said...

Narcissistic individuals become enraged when people rightfully set up boundaries for them that they may not cross. I find you to be very fair. You even post insults hurled at you, having developed a thick skin, doing what you do for some time, but you are exercising restraint when you feel someone has gone too far seeking personal vendettas against others. You moderate your own blog, and you owe no one any explanations or apologies for doing so.

Anonymous said...

I have NO IDEA who the anon. writer is talking about. The only thing I can figure out is that the writer is talking about a woman because of the times the writer addresses the issue as "she" is a drunk, "she" does this or that. etc.
I am a woman, and I know that the woman the writer refers is probably a politician, a politiquera or someone involved as a public figure. Nothing else.
I AGREE that insults should be said either face to face or with real names attached BUT, I also agree with some of the comments here that say that YOU have allowed other local public figures to be insulted. YOU have done it yourself with the difference that you place your name but MANY others have called, cussed and insulted Mr. BWC, the superintendent of Brownsville schools, police chief, county judge, people from the BISD board, the TSC board, current mayor, former mayor, and while these people are public figures, they have not been given the same treatment as some others.
In the interest of fairness, just say THE TRUTH. YOU have the power to control your blog and YOU decide who you publish or not. YOU don't want google to close you down, and YOU control the anonymous entries because that is how google sees how many clicks and entries your blog has. In the intrest of fairness and HONESTY, that is a REALITY CHECK.

Anonymous said...

Juan we all know you do for some and not for others. You let people attack some but not all lol this is nothing new. I agree with the above comment if you're going to protect ones image protect all of them.

Anonymous said...

The lady doth protest too much

Anonymous said...

AnonyMOUSE sounds more appropriate for this narcissistic individual.

Anonymous said...

but we can still throw rocks at the worthless carpetbagger so recently exiled from the cosmopolitan Kyle, right? I mean it is like pissing on a cow patty, but who hasn't?

Anonymous said...

Great blog for local information that we will never get from the Herald or local media. Some of the personalities in Brownsville deserve criticism, especially elected officials who waste our tax dollars and abuse their power for their own gain. We are sure that a few knock back a few from time to time, cheat on their spouses, but the serious issue is corruption....not petty problems. Keep us in the loop.

Anonymous said...

You all have bigger things to worry about. The election is going to change the ballgame and Uncle Sam's tit is about to run out of Nido.

Anonymous said...

Insults and character assassination, anonymous or not, is why we read this pinche blog.

Anonymous said...

Omg lol since when has RRun RRun protected anyone? That reader must speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

No manches Juan que lloron te has hecho weiii.

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

Here we all are, some being self-righteous on our white horse claiming to be the defenders of the truth and others of course spewing profanities and throwing the first stone behind the anonymity of the computer screen, and yet we all choose to not post with our names, me included.

Those that would "demand" anything from Montoya, please do so by asking with a post with your real name or in person. What is so hard about that? Remember, this is his blog, we are all guests here shooting the breeze, not solving world hunger.

Now if it's all bullshit and you just want to insult someone, I understand why you would want to remain anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, everybody else go Ride the Lightning. for those who don't know, Metallica.

I'm not a robot! said...

Reader #5 supports your journalistic integrity.

If an individual wishes to make slanderous & libelous comments, he/she can create their own blog called Pendejo(a) sin huevos.

I'm not a robot but I am anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Couldnt have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

Lmao this is a ridiculous post. And reader #5 and all those others are idiots lol! Funny silly idiots. Its probably the person reader #8 was talking about lol the drunk with the sugar dad
