Friday, September 9, 2016


Anonymous said... El Rrun Rrun the best Spin Zone blog! Puro B.S. & half truths!

September 8, 2016 at 11:18 AM

By Juan Montoya
Well, sometimes we have to take our readers' criticisms to heart and say that they may be right and we were wrong.
Such is the case with our Thursday post where we speculated that in just over two months – June and July and part of August 2016 – Texas Southmost College-suspended president Lily Tercero signed off on $100,000s in payments to vendors and students without the required co-signatures from TSC board officers.
Image result for lily tercero

In a Public Information request to TSC, we emailed the current administration that we were: "...making a formal information request for copies (electronic or otherwise) of checks issued by TSC during the months of June, July, and up to August 10 of 2016. Please see that the name of the administrator and TSC trustee signing off on the I payments are included."

After TSC and its counsel asked for additional time to gather the information, we received a box containing hundreds of copies of the cancelled checks and facsimiles of payments.
The overwhelming majority, except for some at mid-August bore the rubber-stamp signature of Kiko
Rendon, Ed Rivera and TSC president Lily Tercero. As in the signatures on the graphic at right, the checks bore the names of both trustees who were not longer on the board and not authorized to sign.

After inspecting the trove of cancelled checks, instead of $100,000s, we found that the total of the checks bearing the rubber-stamp signatures of Rendon and Rivera total more than $1 million in that time period alone. Our mistake, dear reader. Saying it was $100,000s in payments was a half truth after all.

There was another hitch.
Rendon had been replaced by Brownsville attorney Ruben Herrera on May 18 and Rivera had left at the end of June after a runoff between Evelyn Cantu and Dr. Tony Zavaleta. So far, the better part of a two months and a half after Rendon had left office, Tercero had used his rubber-stamp signature to act as a co-signer and approve the checks. The same applied to Tercero's use of Rivera's singature stamp which Tercero kept on using for nearly two months after he was replaced on the board.

In a nutshell, by using the rubber-stamp signatures of both Rendon and Rivera instead of one of the current board members, Tercero virtually single-handedly approved the expenditures of more than $1 million in community college funds.

The co-signatures, by the way, are a security requirement to deter the spending of public funds without the required oversight by an elected official on a board.
Tercero has already shown that she is used to disregarding the rules that apply to all people entrusted with public funds. She is currently the target of an investigation into her extension of a windstorm insurance contract that will cost the college near $1 million without going to the board for approval.

The new board, in response to these and other reports of irregularities in the administration of the college's financial and academic programs, suspended her and placed her on paid administrative leave.
A hearing on her dismissal is scheduled for September 19.


Anonymous said...

Great investigative reporting. She should be terminated.

Anonymous said...

¡Que poca!! y todavia hay quienes se ofenden cuando se manda al diablo a las instituciones corruptas e ineptas que solo estan para encubrir a los mafiosos. Solo en este Bronsvil actual donde no hay un verdadero Estado de Derecho, por ello no podemos seguir asi, urge un cambio de verdad y no solo de chones.


Anonymous said...

She should be in jail for a long time, it is Federal crime to issue checks with a unauthorized signature, it is like getting paid with counterfeit money.

Anonymous said...

The only part of this investigation which matters, and you ignore it. Did she actually sign these checks? If they are using stamps, it seems to me a lower level employee just stamped checks for items the Board already approved. If this story were this simple, Trey would have already taken it to the Herald and he has not. Why not call your source and ask, if whom ever stamped these checks was someone just stamping checks for items already approved by the Board?

Signed wanting all the truth, not just half truths.

Anonymous said...

Good job Juan

Anonymous said...

The point is, the checks where rubber stamped by unauthorized signatures (at least no longer authorized) she should had notified to any one authorized to issue checks and rubber sign them to pay invoices, that those signatures where no longer legal to sign checks, that shows negligence at its highest

Anonymous said...

You were a big Tercero supporter back when you wanted TSC to break from UT-B! So, yeah, what the fuck is this about, Juan? Makes you look small, dude.

Anonymous said...

She shudda used the $$ for some plastic surgery!! Ta fea.

Anonymous said...

What evidence do you have the person who stamped the checks was not informed to use the new stamps? This could be a set up to justify getting rid of her. How about some true journalism and finding out who stamped the checks. They certainly knew the Board had changed. I'm waiting for Tercero's lawsuit to see if she can prove the checks were intentionally improperly stamped so the blame would be on her. You are going on pure speculation and that is not journalism.

I see a Trustee or two falling over this scandal. It smells rotten to anyone willing to sniff.

Signed wanting all the truth, not just half truths.

Anonymous said...

Would you rather have Juliet Garcia back, honestly?
(By the way, Juliet Garcia is waiting for Hillary Clinton to win as she thinks she's going to be the education secretary)

Anonymous said...

Juliet Garcia has been recognized locally, nationally and internationally, all for one thing: the advancement of higher education here in Brownsville. Why tear down someone who is so positive from our own community. We don't have many like her. She is a winner. A temporary victim of the Tea Party-like TSC Board of Adela, Kiko, Trey and Rene.

bobbie myatt said...

OMG!!!! She is a candidate for president at Alamo Colleges Northeast Lakeview in Universal City. It is my fear that she will gain the presidency and continue this embezzling and forgery....WOW!!!! this is horrible.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:23 AM Sep 10
There is no need for more justification to blow Tercero's ass, she is fried already, just the illegal renovation of the insurance without the Board authorization, is enough to arrest her and put her in jail.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable are you that stupid? No one just stamps checks. Someone is always responsible in this case it was Tercero.

Anonymous said...

Well, nothing has really changed. The old boy's system continues. The current interim president extended a contract to his friend, Rollins, to provide services. This is a duplication of services. To begin, if administration knew their law... they would know that it is NOT responsible for evaluating its students in order to qualify for services. Think state auditor needs to know this is classified as waste and abuse.

Anonymous said...

Are you stupid? Yes you are you are blind to the truth.

Anonymous said...

You are very wrong. Mr Shannon believes in transparency. 100 percent of what you write is false anonymous 8:50 pm. Get your facts straight and if you already did that, comment back and apologize.
