By Juan Montoya
Even by a wild stretch of the imagination, the sycophants of Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas are showing themselves to be wildly optimistic if they think their "surprise" birthday party for their boss can be kept a secret.
In widely-disseminated letter using the BISD's email directory, a letter from "the Superintendent's Office Staff" to more than 200 BISD upper-level administrators "cordially" invites them to a SURPRISE birthday party to be held Monday at La Hacienda Restaurant on Boca Chica Blvd.
(Click on graphic to enlarge).
The organizers of the Espy Fete are also "kindly" requesting a small donation (say, $10) from those invited to buy the superintendent some small token of their appreciation. With 200 invited, the price tag on that small token could total more than $2,000. Now, if someone wanted to make a good impression on the boss, we're sure the organizers wouldn't stop them from donating, say, $100 or more to this worthy cause.
We're pretty sure it's not going to be a stuffed Minie Mouse.
And Friday, today, is the day they are required to fork over the dough.
Just recently, Zendejas got a $35,000 raise that saw her salary climb past $275,000 plus benefits. A small gift from the working stiffs would be the icing on the cake.
Now, sometime back someone complained about the use of the BISD email directory to disseminate personal and political messages to that captive audience. Those emails in turn were then forwarded to other parties.
Is there going to be an objection to this, too?
Or perhaps this is just a warning to those on the be list que se pongan guapos with Espy or face the consequences. Either way, the sublime message is that if you got the invite from the Big Boss you will attend. And if you want to make a good impression on her, fork over some serious dough for her present, the more the better.
Time to Paaartyyy!
A box of fried cowpies.
What do women over 40 and cowpies have in common?
The older they are, the easier they are to pick up.
The people of the little village will do their Life Impulse.
Surely someone is "checking the list and checking it twice" to see who gives and who does not give to this "ass kissing" event. Zendejas wouldn't piss on most of her subordinates, even if they were on fire. She is the reincarnation of Julieta Garcia....always thinking about herself and always wanting others to praise her.
I hope she enjoys this birthday gift because once people are voted out or voted in things will most definitely change in my opinion. La Changa Reyes is a total suck up and loose cannon. She cannot speak right, debate, or make a point.and I will not go into hair clothing and more important the application of cosmetics. That last forum was a disaster. Though some have more education it does not teach you to be a leader. She has a long way to go. Someone with her mindset and instability to speak is not what is needed in a BISD Trustee. The rest seem fine but Mr Z better plan on a low key birthday next year. My guess is the only one who will plan one is herself.
Chris Valadez said it right a year ago: "Even when I'm in Austin, I feel like something in Brownsville is fucking me." That's our city right there.
Hijuesu using business email for personal gain. I see some principal names' on their.
Up yours I'm 40 stupid and I'm not easy
I don't have anything against Laura but she's not in the same ballpark as the others. She's amateur and it shows. This position takes skill and a certain frame of mind. She has neither the ability or capability at this moment to do anything other than sit and smile which unfortunately is not what is needed.
That woman cannot be in her 40s just saying. Parese que la corrieron sin aceite.
Apparently she likes her old picture so much that a great gift will be a plastic surgery package and lipo.
Laura Reyes has "0" knowledge of what BISD needs or anything for that matter. If you speak to her she seems nice and courteous but she's "green" if you catch my drift. Apart from having absolutely NO DIRECTION she's very clueless for someone who has Waster's Degree. Note importantly her character is that of a teenager. Its ridiculous that anyone would consider voting her into office. Its terribly sad that she has the support of a few capable people which is only due to the fact of her friendship with Judge Gonzalez. My advice would be for her to buy a CLUE before running.
Laura is too wet behind the ears. Feel sorry for her but it is what it is. They'll eat her alive in there.
She got a 35,000.00, teachers will not be getting a raise after all, and she still has the audacity to ask for donations from district personal. These donations are for scholarships and for grants... Grants? So now teachers are paying for their own grants. That definitely makes alot of sense.
Additionally, all stipends for extra curricular have been reduced.
This is disgusting.
Como dice mi compa"Si avientan un a...para BISD se levantan mas de 4 peces y un pelon que esta en el board!"
Isn't what Jow wants, either rookies, pelones or pendejos or all three to maintain board control?
$100 says Laura "La India" Reyes is with OP1033 $200 says that she wins because she is playing the "mommy card" hauling those poor kids around everywhere for personal gain $300 says Elizondo will get hair implant
I've met most of the candidates except for one or two. Laura Reyes needs to pull out. Poor girl she doesn't need to put herself through all this. I know she thinks she's ready but she's not. I like Rigo a lot though I've never met him and Sylvia was okay until I heard Charlie was her brother. The truth is you need to be a fighter and work as a team to get through or by Espy. I hope Espy has a great birthday. And someone please send a note to Laura. She has the ability to help in other ways. She's a sweet girl but no leadership skills. My vote is not for her. But it saddens me that she is pushed by others to continue. If she wins it won't be due to competence or the ability to hold your ground. Either way I wish her the best in the future.
I must agree. Elizondo and Mike Hernandez with his boggus organization no one will publicly be associated with are looking for puppets. La India Reyes is a perfect puppet JUDGE GONZALEZ'S dum dum as they call her. She is taking from OP1033 but how is the question. Euresti is a fighter Rigo is a fighter Kent can't speak Spanish and needs a translator Otis Powers is someone who sides with no victims totally useless I'm mixed between Millers who is nice but fierce if need be and Cowen who is strong willed
We need capable employees!!!! So far I am only voting for Bocanegra and Roberto Euresti. The rest I will leave blank.
Carlitos Elizondo is gonna crap his panties when Rigo wins
$35,000 raise for Dr. Z, no raise for teachers yet teachers are asked to do many extras. Bus drivers 2% but they were deprived from one day sick leave. Now da Dr. wants to remove adapted pe coaches and put this special needs kids in Reg pe. These kiddos love to be in pe but in nice learning SAFE environment. There is no money to keep these coaches. But there is money for 35,000 raises. Then something will happen to these special needs students in regular pe then the district will pay lawsuits for millions. It's a crazy move. BISD style.
You seen Crappin' Carlos' wifa she dress up like if she going downtown to work o algo
Why is it that board memebers, superintendent and top BISD administrators are all high fiving each other and bragging before the community about standardized test scores and accountability ratings, celebrating a job well done, but making teachers and students feel like it's never and will never be enough. The morale on school sites is gloomy, everyone being stretched beyond capacity, treated like untrustworthy employees that must be micromanaged and disrespected (especially teachers). One story is being sold to the community, but a different narrative is being forced down BISD personnel's throats.
Happy Birthday Mrs Zendejas!
Por favor. Atkinson will kick his ASS. Rumor has it he's finding out who his real friends are.....only Marco Longoria...otro scum bag
So how was the party?
The party was very well attended by the people who really care to support a lady who is working her fingers to the bone to get the best she can for our children. Try following her around for one day and you will see why the salary raise is nothing but a drop in the bucket.
Ask the board attorney how much he works for the amount of money he is being paid and how much he is contributing to the campaign of some - which is also illegal.
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