Thursday, September 29, 2016


By Juan Montoya
How does the superintendent of the largest public school district in the Rio Grande Valley instill a sense of pride and aspirations for greatness into her wards?
How about handing out plaques of appreciation to local residents who have helped and volunteered with Brownsville Independent School District schools?
Fair enough, you say?

But what if the BISD-manufactured press express that appeared on Wednesday's education section of the local daily showed her and a couple of her board members (because they're her board members and not her bosses) heaping the praises on the first two who just happened to be graduates of St. Joseph Academy, the private Catholic school?

Lone Star Bank vice president Rusty Brechot and local dentist Dr. Emilio Hernandez just happen to have attended and graduated from St. Joe's.
There is no denying that St. Joe has always had an altruistic bent as is exemplified by the hardship scholarships that it has given out to promising students in the local public schools. In fact, the brothers visit the local elementary schools and offer these scholarships to those whose aptitude tests place them above their peers in the barrios.

That is commendable.
It used to be that the parents of those students granted these scholarships, in return for their kids attending the private school, agreed to volunteer to work a certain amount of hours at the institutions as a way of honest work in appreciation for the opportunity to partake of instruction at a private institution.

But does anyone find it incongruent that the very first recipients of the appreciation and recognition plaques did not go to graduates of the public schools? Or is the manager of a car-parts chain the only notable public school grad?

Currently, the BISD is in a death battle with private and charter schools for state funding. IDEA, Harmony, Ignite, Raul Yzaguirre, ect., are all competing with the BISD for dollars from the state.

Is Zendejas and the board, by recognizing those from private schools first in her traveling public relations show, sublimely telling the community (and students) that the road to success is through these institutions, and not from the public schools that pay her salary and where these board members serve?


Anonymous said...

Had not thought of it that way Juan, but you do make a point. By the way, how many of the current board members and current candidates were graduates of schools other than BISD? How many were graduates of private schools? How many from StJoe?

Anonymous said...

They made a big time mistake. They should have awarded the recognition to Bobby or yourself. Nobody can compare to the contribution that both of you have made to this community in lies and rumors.

Anonymous said...

Hey cesar went to bisd.
We smoked out together in high school

Anonymous said...

Zendejas is merely pandering....and she doesn't care who knows, as long as her picture is in the papers. And, from her previous tenure here as superintendent, we know Dr. Zendejas likes men. So, who is she pandering to??? This year, the best football team in town is St. Joe....not sure why, but BISD schools look like the JV.

Anonymous said...

Why is Veterans High School playing in the 5A sports division? They alreafy take students zoned for Hanna and Pace and the they get to play in the 5A division. They should be in 6A. They have
over 2100 students.

Anonymous said...

Why so much hate and despise? The latest award recipients never signed up to get an award, much less to be criticized. for something good they did. I am sure the contributions they made were not denied from anyone, because they had a connection with St. Joe. Be patient, maybe you'll next. Peace !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who gives a rats ass where they went to school. Bottom line they are members of our community donating to the children of BISD and should be recognized.
