Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Image result for CLOWN THREATS
BISD Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas released the following statement:

Our school district, like many others in the United States has been victimized by a hoax appearing on Facebook about school violence. We take any such threats seriously. Our BISD police investigators working closely with other law enforcement agencies and Facebook were able to identify a high school student who was responsible for one post and he has been arrested.

BISD campuses are places to learn and all precautions are being taken to keep them safe and secure. We ask you to talk to your children and remind them that any student who violates laws at school will not only be subject to disciplinary action as stated in BISD policies but may also be subject to arrest by the police and/or legal action may be taken. The safety of our BISD students and employees is our top priority.

Bradley Salinas, an 18-year-old Porter Early College High School student, as the suspect responsible for the original post in Brownsville and he has been arrested.

Salinas is charged with false alarm with representation, which is a state jail felony.


Anonymous said...

Again, if the clown BISD Police Chief Oscar Garcia has charged anyone with anything, he is almost certain to lose the case. He's more likely to be sued in court for his incompetence (as has been the case many times in the past)than to successfully charge anyone with anything. If Investigator Patrick "Numbnuts" Gabbert is involved, it's all but a guarantee to be a cluster f*%*. That's my opinion anyway.

Anonymous said...

When I read Killer Clown at BISD, I immediately thought Laura "La Changa" Reyes was on the loose with her overdone make-up. Everyone rest assured the airhead is not out scaring the crap out of youngsters.

Anonymous said...

Laura La India Perez Reyes? ROLMAO

Anonymous said...

As a 1st grade teacher, I had students talking about this. Please parents don't tell your kids about this. They really don't need to be informed of this. How can they benefit from a fear? Get a life sensor your conversations and stop being your kids best friend. My child.is in 3rd grade and I didn't disclose these threats to him!

joel luna said...

When I read Killer Clown at BISD, I immediately thought of all the clowns that want to be board members. ha ha

Anonymous said...

people fear what they dont understand if you explain it... It wont be as bad
