Wednesday, October 5, 2016


By Juan Montoya
Much has been said and discussed about the need for downtown parking.
But even with at least two bi-level (or is it tri-level now?) parking structures available for shoppers, merchants, workers, city commissioners and city employees, it's still difficult to find an empty parking space close to do business there.

This morning we got a few photos sent to us portraying the exasperation that some shoppers face when they go downtown.
It appears that one of our readers was trying to do some business in the area around city hall (the old federal building) and was trying to park as close as possible to do it. She said she went around then block at least twice and then had to go find a parking space at a distance from her destination.

When she was walking on the half block on 10th Street before she reached city hall (on the left in the first graphic), she noticed a car with a City Plaza sticker for free parking to city staff. The City Plaza parking lot is but two blocks away from city hall.

While there, she noticed a city employee hurrying down the steps of city hall to throw quarters into the parking meter to buy more time.
This set her off to no end an in an email, she got a few things off her chest.
"How do you expect customers to purchase merchandise in an already poor city if you can't park near your store?," she asked.
"That's because city employees take the best spots. Don't they have reserved areas for them already?  How are the business owners able to provide easy access parking to their customers if city staff are too lazy to walk the two blocks to the free parking?

"Even if they feed the meter they have to be constantly leaving the office to walk to put money. Do you think it's more expensive for an employee to constantly leave work to go insert money to the meter?

"This person now has to constantly keep an eye on the time of the meter to go insert money. How much do you think it costs the tax payers for the convenience of a lazy person? Maybe this is why no one is working at city hall, they're to busy putting money into the meter."
She also reminded us that a little bit of exercise might not be a bad thing for some of our more obese city staffers.

"They ought to give a prize as the Biggest Losers to the city merchants because customers will just as soon drive away and do their shopping somewhere else if they have to compete for parking with city workers when they are already provided with free parking by the taxpayers just two blocks away."  


Anonymous said...

you need to give a name and put a face on this fucking whiner, juan!

Anonymous said...

looks like that person can't deny it, they have the sticker right there on the windshield. whoever that person is should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

This seems to tell us that "some" city employees feel the parking and feeding the meter near their workplace is more important than the work they are "supposedly" doing for the city. But, I suspect that if you look at other downtown groups, including businessmen, there is a lot of that meter feeding going on that takes parking from potential shoppers. Parking is considered an "entitlement" in Brownsville. People use handicapped tags to "get a break. From my observations those cheating on handicapped parking are using a family members tag, or are mentally challenged or just very fat. For many years at UTB, one of the most important issues for students (and faculty) was being able to park outside their classroom; and in some cased students drove from one academic building to the next just because they didn't want to lazy.

Anonymous said...

The round and circular City staffer Ramiro Gonzales said he had the problem solution a few years ago, but ohh they don't listen to smart intelligent suggestions Lol

Anonymous said...

It's because of the 4 inch heels the ladies wear to work. They can not walk 2 blocks in those stilettos. But everyone wants to dress Sundays best to work at Duffy plaza.

Anonymous said...

City employees should have tags to hand on their mirrors. Like the police commanders, city commissioners etc., city employees shouldnt be paying at the meters. Just saying. They dont get paid good enough to begin with.

Anonymous said...

The person who took the pic was probably a lazy one too, seeing as how it states she was looking for a close spot to city hall or the business in the area, she was probably pit because she had to walk in her stilettos as well! Sometimes when I've been downtown the parking in that particular place is mostly empty, who even knows if this car was there to pick up so.etjing or drop off something at the city and it so happened this reader took the pic, and as far as costing $ to tax payers, what the heck is she talking about, if anything these people are giving up $ to the City to be able to park instead of parking for free! Some people always gotta go and involve taxes and weight and all!! If the business doesn't complain why should this individual care!!

Anonymous said...

City employees always think they are entitled to special treatment because they work for the government where people go for help. Since we have no choice but to go to them for permits or whatever involves city business they make you feel like you owe them for doing their job. They hold check or permits hostage for special treatment or making the person beg for what they need.

This person is costing the citizens money by leaving their desk to go input money into the meter every hour. By leaving their post they forget what their doing or don't do it because they need to go put money to the meter.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan! Either you are blind or drunk, didn't you see that the vehicle has a handicap permit??? Tell the whole truth borrachito!!! You owe this city employee an apology but knowing you, you won't.

Anonymous said...

Handicap permit? The city parking has free handicap parking. Handicap? Wow pobrecito/a walking all that way every 2 hours to put money in the meter. No mamen!!!! Another abuse. Probably using their elderly relative for the peemit. Damn city employees abuse after abuse. Pinches GED texas almost college attendees. Notice I isn't say graduates. Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

This goes to the fagit who post this comment que se vaya muncho a chingar toda su puta madre

Anonymous said...

You idiot, if she or he has a handicap permit on a meter space, then there is no need to feed it every two hours because they park free. You may be lucky that you can walk from far away but there are some people that can't like my mom. Don't judge or assume when you don't know shit! Juanito left out the part of the handicap permit because he is a liar and a drunk with no morals.

#vivaBrownsville said...

Sounds like the fat shit that wanted closer parking should have gotten up earlier. I doubt her spending spree at a ropa usada shop will boost the economy much. People need to stop being so damn whiny.

Anonymous said...

It's also common practice that the city waives the tickets for city employees. I am a former city employee and was flabbergasted that that was being done. I always parked in the free lot because 1. I'm not lazy and 2. I didn't get ticketed nor take part in what was clearly a corruption in the system. I was quite vocal about that with other employees. My honesty was taken as humorous and strange by fellow employees that would just laugh it off as me being bizarrely self righteous. How messed up is that?

Anonymous said...

State your name former city employee...I'm sure you got a ticket excused for forgeting to put your parking permit on your vehicle. Go ahead and put your name or shut the fuk up.
