Here was Chavez, who had never tried a jury case – the quintessential neophyte lawyer whose legal acumen ranked just below a freshman at Thurgood Marshall Law School even after a few years practicing law – running against Chuy Garcia, a savvy lawyer who has more than a few cases under his belt and the respect of the local bar. Somehow, Chavez won in the runoff.
The dust hadn't settled yet when in rushed Mario Saenz – Cameron County DA Luis V. Saenz's brother – claiming that it had been Team Saenz (an umbrella designation for all their friends) – which had pulled the nifty trick.
And, among the Team Saenz Facebook photos posted prominently on the Internet, were photos of the DA glad-handing and posing with the candidate. So if you're a defense attorney and you have a case where Luis gets personally involved that is heard before Chavez's court, don't expect a level playing field. That's just the realpolitik.
Most political activists and observers expected that once elected to another four-year term, Luis Saenz would be content to sit back and prosecute criminals and leave the politics to his bro. And, with the commensurate political risk inherent in involvement in other races not his own, one would think Saenz (the DA) would stay out of local races and counsel his brother to do the same.
Instead, the directly opposite tack has been taken by Saenz, for whatever reason.
He has also been involved in the Victor Cortez candidacy as a Republican against incumbent Omar Lucio, to the point where Cortez has an open invite to the political functions and private parties hosted by Team Saenz.
Castro is trying to unseat Place 5 incumbent Caty Presas-Garcia. Also on the Place 5 ballot is Laura Perez-Reyes and newcomer (and Bernie Sanders supporter) Laura Castro.
Over the weekend, Team Saenz hosted a private birthday party for Bocanegra. In the graphic above, Cortez is seen at the party.
Some bloggers have said that Saenz has been seen walking the streets campaigning for his former head of the DA's Office Public Integrity Unit.
Our point here, however, is that by embracing these school board candidates under the Team Saenz mantle, the DA and his bro Mario are making it clear that these are the candidates they support and encourage their followers to take heed.
Maybe. Or maybe not.
Another cog in the Team Saenz political machine is none other than Jesse Vallejo, the manager of a local Dairy Queen who has hosted pachangas for Cortez at his place of business and for all we know donated the birthday cake for Bocanegra.
(In the photo at bottom right, Vallejo is talking with DQ customers. Cortez, his trademark Stetson visible at deep right, politics with another.)
Now, the question becomes, why would a DA get involved in these races? Is he in the BIS race supporting Castro to gather supporters for his other candidates. We know he doesn't like Carlos Elizondo and his support for Bocanegra may work out just fine under the Arab dictum, that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Elizondo, you'll remember, supported Carlos Masso, Saenz's opponent in the DA's race.
Regardless, involvement in politics by any U.S. citizen – including the seated DA –is a right.
But there is something ominous in the power behind the DA's Office that makes its holder's political involvement in local races downright dangerous. If he's not with you, dare you cross him?
This is bullshit Montoya, erasmo did not attend the event..this goes to show how you lie and try to manipulate and get people to go against each other. Get your facts straight
Whoever gave you that info lied to you! Erasmo wasnt there.
You're "Lying Juan", you are exaggerating everything. Why?
If Rigo Bocanegra and Carlos Elizondo are fire fighters at odds and Elizondo is Bocanegra's boss in the fire department then how are they supposed to work together for the best interest of the students of BISD should they both end up on the same BISD board? Elizondo has shown he is for sale to the highest bidder and has also showed a reckless management style. Bocanegra has shown he is a man of questionable values too. Rigo has been endorsed by the TVEA which is no surprise when you consider that he used to work for that organization. There is a good reason for the city ordinance which prohibits city employees from holding an elected office and we are seeing it play out before our very eyes.
This is not to say that Sylvia Atkinson is a better choice. Sylvia Atkinson and Otis Powers are cousins. Can this district bear anymore nepotism than it already endures? Atkinson has a closet full of skeletons and bad references from other school districts.
Rotten sonsabitches all of them! fuck'em. Fuck'em down!
Silvia Atkinson Charlie Atkinson and Otis Powers are related. So what do we know about Otis? That he prefers not to vote for or against teachers accused of taking photos up someone's skirt. Charlie well if you dont know about "Anyone but Charlie" look it up cause you're green. Silvia we all know has been fired from every district. So you have a family of lowlives plain and simple. But Juan thats bullshit. Saenz wont block walk for himself much less Victor Cortez. You give him way too much credit. His brother Mario is the shit but Luis won't block walk. Now secondly Mario is the BEST but Team Rigo was lost at sea with dummies until Kim Doll Dale stepped in and shaped them up. Adding Mario to the equation just made them Super Team Rigo. Without her all the chumps would be picking their bellybutton.
So what you're saying is don't vote for Rigo or Atkinson vote Chirinos? Lol nice try stupid.
LMAO this is all fiction! You guys are funny! Luis Saenz block walking for anyone uh huh whatever. Our DA is basically carried to his office and you think he's gonna put on sneakers and shorts for anyone? You obviously don't know our district attorney. He's always well dressed and conditioned. He wont break a sweat for no one. Now Mario is a different story. Hes a great guy with values and busts his ass for those he believes in. These are great people, both brothers trying to fight CORRUPTION and make a difference in society. Can't blame them for that.
Everything La Doll Dale touches wins. She's very well known. If you want to win hire her.
No to Sylvia Atkinson for BISD, she has a hidden agenda, she won't win. Elizondo needs to resign, by city ordinance he can't hold public office, why isn't anybody saying anything?
Thanks a lot CC Voters! You put another rich spoiled dumb-ass on the bench just like you did with Elia "Cornhole" lopez. This dumb-ass will be judging on cases that will impact the justice system and civil side of things. I guarantee you that this dumb-ass will cause so much confusion that a Chinese fire drill looks organized.
As for "Cornhole," look what she did with that Michael Gonzalez case! The stupid lard ass bitch didn't instruct like she was supposed to and this convicted felon will do only 5 years and really none for shooting at police officers. There has to be a better opponent to run against "Cornhole."
CC, get ready for another dumb-ass in this rich spoiled brat in Chavez.
Sylvia sued BISD now she wants to run for BISD trustee what more do you want ppl to know. Everybody knows. Nobody cares.
So who are you voting for if not Otis KNOW IT ALL!
Argelia Miller DUH STUPID did you not know there are more candidates
Michael Gonzalez should have never run for commissioner he's a joke.
La Changa Reyes will win because she's stupid. Does that make sense? No nothing makes sense in Cameron County.
They're talking about another Michael Gonzalez not the schmuck lawyer who ran for commissioner you fool. You must have been on the opposition or on his campaign. You're as clueless as his wife.
Anonymous 6:21 October 7th.....you must be using sarcasm. Because anyone in their right mind knows that Luis Saenz isn't worth a damn as a DA. He is a vindictive,manipulative, self serving money hungry POS. This man thrives on humiliating any public official that doesn't agree with him.Furthermore look at the BULLSHIT and TACTUCS he used to arrest our Tax Assessor and his employees. He was only able to arrest those guys because of his fellow corrupt politician Elia cornhole Lopez signed the arrest warrants. No other judge wanted to sign them....but ol' Ms Piggy was all to eager to sign the warrants because she had anterior motives. She wants her loser husband to be the next tax assessor. Then this stupid ignorant bitch failed the citizens of CC again when she SCREWED up the instructions to the jury for the Marco Gonzalez trial. The amount of incompetence and blatant disregard for their sworn position is a complete embarrass and shoukd be punished to the further extent of he law. Luis, and Elia both need to join Villalobos and Limas in the penitentiary to make them learn right from wrong. They both are worthless. The paper I have used to wipe my ass with is more useful than the both of these 2 worthless pieces of SHIT
Let me guess, this is either Tony or Tonys family or friends saying this. When there is video its kind of hard to be "framed" or "setup" unless you went along with it. This bullshit conspiracy story of yours while interesting to hear is lie. The FBI take cases of official corruption very delicately. We all know he's guilty except you. That's a damn shane.
Believe you me those Fergusons are not clueless. That one never married until she got a high rolling husband. She finally found him and got married quick. Took a couple of people but money talks.
Tabby LOVES men but will marry only rich ones. Last loser didn't even have a job. I think Michael and she are perfect for each other. He's a complete idiot and he has money. Hope he never goes broke.
He's a lawyer you idiot he won't go broke. And since when has having many different boyfriends become a crime? Yes she may have been with alot and lived with some too who the hell hasn't? Like he's innocent. I knew him in collehe whatever she's done he's done. Gender means nothing.
The videos are blank. Ha
You think the wife is bad do a search on her family. Lots of good stuff but hey we all got skeletons. But c'mon now let's save the good stuff until he runs again. If not we'll have nothing new to see.
If it were a Federal case why isn't it in Federal Court moron. Just another person trying to smear Tony Yzaguirre because you want someone that can be controlled in that office. Fuck you and your nonsense. Go kiss Luis's ass you dumbass...you are just spreading lies. The FBI, DEA, BPD were all used by the DA to fool the voters and some idiots like Anonymous October 10, 2016 2:23am to believe their dig and pony show. Think people and remember we have to deal with the shitty job us voters did when we elected that worthless DA and Ms. Piggy Corn hole Lopez....bad decisions lead to disastrous outcomes ....Marco Gonzalez is free.....there you go Luis helped pick an uneducated jury to make sure his buddy Ernesto got a favorable ruling and bug bucks were shared .....����
Mario a good guy!?!? Busts his ass of for those he believes in....ummm no, it's more like busts his ass for those who pay him! Look at campaign finance reports! He does NOT do things out of the 'kidness of his heart' he does it out of 'the amount of $ one pays him!'
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