We sure hope this is not true, but the rampant rumor mill at the Brownsville Independent School District has aged coach Joe Rodriguez (with two strokes in the bag) stepping down and rethread board member Rick Zayas taking over for his mentor.
That comes as other rumors swirl on the possible hiring of 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez replacing Baltazar Salazar, the board's counsel and inheriting his $264,000 salary.

A firm championed by Rodriguez – Paragon – has kept its workers and managers in the dough. We hear that they have become the favorites of some ladies who brag about spending only 15 minutes for a $300 payoff. The BISD taxpayer no sabe pa quien trabaja.
"Lo paga todo el BISD," one of them told us recently.
Rumors also indicate that Dr. Sylvia Atkinson's ascent to the BISD board will also carry her brother Charlie (former city commissioner and aduanal) upward in her tide. There's already talk of Charlie catapulting over the ranks of the district's coaches and assuming an important position, perhaps even AD.
Noting is impossible. Remember that he was allowed to work on his certification while holding a job as a coach at Faulk. His hiring led to charges by at least one unemployed (but certified) coach that there was favoritism (gasp!) being practiced at the district.
If Zayas does come in through the back door, it will be a vindication of his assertion that he was beaten by Lucy Longoria way back when because of dirty politics.
But unlike the time when he was on the board, there is no $130 million in the BISD fund balance to play with anymore. After his and Ruben Cortez's stint on the board, that went down to $68 million, and the BISD is at that point again.
Newly-elected trustee Philip Cowen came in bragging about how he built schools, raised teachers wages omparable to those in Dallas, and did all that without a bond issue. Well, Phil, this ain't your granma's BISD anymore. Now we have an aggregate of special interests gnawing at the $525 million budget that won't take no for an answer.
Good luck to you with that one.
Juan, you made a big deal of the conflict of interest of Carlos Elizondo and now it looks just like kids play. If things were really that bad, where is the FBI?
Ah pero querian meter a la marimacha de Silvia y la putita de La India Reyes a BISD ahorra que se quejan cabrones. Y vale mas que se mueva el culo Cowen y haga algo bien porque si no ala fregada. Por lo visto anda de lambiscon y muy manito con la Silvia y la weela de La Laura.
No surprise there. We all knew Sylvia and Laura were looking to replace Balthazar even with his donation to their campaigns. They joined forces to accommodate Judge Lopez and are full swing in destroying Zendejas. Only surprise is Cowen joining forces with them too. Had I known I wouldn't have voted for him smh.
Is this a FAKE NEWS site? Looks like it.
Se les dijo what would happen if Atkinson came on board but nobody paid a heed to that. It is a shame that after so much has been accomplished in the last year, the BISD has chosen to fall back on the old "compadre system" that has plagued BISD since Mr. B was here. If Zayas gets back on the board, for sure the Zaycor or whatever it is now called, with Cortez, will come back to roost. And if Cornejo takes over Salazar's job, nos vamos de Guatemala a Guatepior. When rumors arise at BISD, they soon become fact porque a la gente no les importa que los hagan "p@#######. So why worry? They will do as they please as everything else in this wayward town que se deja. Charlie would not last a day as AD. He is the most hated coach in BISD even though he wins at la Faulk porque los de la Faulk no sabe major para defenderse de sus insultos a los ninos.
You get what you elect. C`mon you all knew what Sylvia's agenda was when you voted for her. Same goes with Laura Reyes. And Cowen I didn't see coming but everyone saw that sweet girl act behind the JUDGE G.s pet monkey Laura. Tell me you guys didn't see Judge Lopez getting in there with a straight face. All you supporters wanted this to happen.
Nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and ass-kissing has priority over getting the best person for the job. It is amazing that the teachers and parents haven't protested. I understand that the teachers are not likely to bite the hand that feeds them, but someone in the district must have some integrity and want to see the district run in and ethical and honest manner. The parents; unfortunately most just want day care and don't give a rats ass.
I believe one of the ladies who ran against Coach Joe should be appointed, and no this pendejo Zayas. Where are you when we need you Sylvia A???
Cesar made board president
All speculation, juanito. FACTS, GUEY! FACTS
Same shit over and over again
How can CA become the AD of BISD when he has never held a head coach position?
Charlie Atkinson is an incompetent DICK and should not be given any job above his ability....elementary PE (if there is any PE in BISD elementary schools). If he is given a higher level coaching or AD position, the community should really shout out to the board members. Of course that won't happen...padronismo prevails and nepotism is a word most don't care about or understand. BISD is a cash cow and there are too many seeking to suck on the tit of that cow for their livelihood. Those that can do, do; those that can't teach.
Good if Rick comes back cause he has a personal ax to grind when it comes to La Sylvia. Not happy with her at all for personal reasons.
How can Charlie be promoted if Atkinson is there. Nepotism? Or does that still stand firm. Do you really think this guy is qualified to handle the responsibilities of an athletic director?
What a cesspool with the new elected school board members and it will get worse but that is why God made idiots but first He made school board members - Atkinson, Pena, Cowen, Perez and maybe even Lopez now.
Was Durham the name of the privatised bus company that was busing our kiddos around when Cowen was here?
How can Cornejo be the board attorney when she has 13 grievances against BISD as she protects her affluenza child? Unless she now plans to drop the grievances and let the kid fin for herself and learn that la chiche is not going to be there all the time to fight her fights. Let her learn like all the other kids who have to follow rules and regulation, but since the mother does not, why should she. I am sure that Baltazar is going to go quietly -HA HAAAAAAAAAAAA!
And no one saw this coming with Atkinson? Yeah right.
Because the butch is his sister
Settle down people. I have no ambition to be A.D. Its a thankless job anyway and I don't care about money. Its about kids and how they can aspire to be successful. God dam straight I'm hard on my southmost kids but its nothing I haven't done with my own kids. My players would do anything for me because they know I would do the same. I show them respect and demand it back. Its that simple. As far as coaching I am fine where I am at. I would like in the future to work at a high school but only as a position coach and nothing more. Kids get me and I know we can take our kids in Brownsville 3 or 4 deep in the playoffs. It just takes determination and a belief we can kick Harlingen's ass, San Benito's ass, Edcouch Elsa's ass, Mercedes's ass, etc.. Its a mindset. Us Atkinsons hate to lose and maybe thats why people start hating. Just chill out and stop worrying about the future. We have have an opportunity to do great things if kids are put first and politics second. This is the real Charlie Atkinson. Happy Thanksgiving to all the anon haters. And yes our football team went undefeated again this year Montoya!! 9-0 suckers!!!!!
The new secretary of Education under Trump is a firm believer in Charter schools over public schools. BISD will receive less and less federal money starting next year and young teachers will run to Charter schools, high school coaches better give positive results because with less Federal money comes NO higher salaries and better move that gut.
Charlie Atkinson what a joke
This is perfect example of why our browmsville sports teams always lose. Never have qualified coaches. It's always a coach that knows someoneor an elementary coach that has been moving up for the last 30 years. Poor student athletes always get short changed.
Laura got a high position and Sylvia didnt get shit. I wonder if Sylvia knows she was used lol too funny.
Mary Rey?
Seriously Juan. Baltazar has 5 votes solid. Judge Elia can't rub 2 votes together. Big Joe isn't stepping down. Review last Friday's meeting. Sharp as a tack. Tom Chavez will stay on as AD. Cesar's and Carlos' lips are permanently attached to Espi's rear so she'll get another extension and make 350 thousand before year's end. Luis will ask Rigo to run against Gowen. This time everyone will help because its a vote against Carlos. God help us.
Yes! Mary Rey! Is she running?
Hey Charlie! Woo hoo YOU SUCK! Happy Thansgiving fucker.
"God help us" dudeeee we have Sylvia the butch is BISD with an agenda, Laura "La Weela" with an agenda to make right on all promises she made to her Johns` and Charlie Atkinson the stupid ass brother who cant have his ass pawned for a nickel and you think having Bocanegra is the Holocaust? Go fudge yourself stupid. You belobg in the zoo like Laura.
Hey idiot, u didn't see that he went undefeated again? Open your eyes stupid. Jeez
Didn't you read his post.Faulk went undefeated stupid. Open your eyes pendejo!!!
"Anyone but Charlie" YOU ARE A DUMB ASS. JERRY MCHALE calls you "Choo Choo" cause you "ahem, ahem" cant get it up *hint hint* but you "think you can" but i think we should call you "Cuckoo" cause you got issues bro.
Coach Charlie Atkinson is a good coach. I have had the opportunity to see him in action in both the field and player meetings. The players respond well to him. Kids feel that he cares and he demonstrates it with his actions towards them. Some post above say kids at Faulk don't defend themselves and take the abuse from Coach Atkinson, kids there are great. They are polite and well mannered, despite what the other side of town thinks. What does come eith his duties at Faulk is the having to get kids a meal here or there, some shoes, pants, shirts for school. Having to talk and convince parents that having their kids play is a positive thing for them. Some very successful present coaches played at Faulk. I know Coach is dedicated and puts in his time because even this week that he was off in vacation, he was spotted leaving the campus. Please do not hate if you don't know the whole picture. He is a good coach, he could coach at high school. Good luck to both Dr. A and Coach Atkinson, haters will hate.
Okay youve had your say butt muncher now crawl back up their ass.
12:46, please be polite. I don't know Dr Atkinson personally and I speak to Coach Charlie seldomly, thing is he is getting ripped and he does put in his work. Why people hate without knowing. I got good job with my work ethic, don't néed to suck up.
Good luck in your life, all your hate is a Cancer you have deep in your gut. Good luck with that.
I go to school while in vacation to meet my girlfriend. Does that mean that I am dedicated? My wife would beg to differ. Go Stell Warriors!
More power to you and your freaky games you play with your girlfriend. Whatever works for you pal. Becareful what freaky games you getting her used to, she might develop habits you will not be able to control later. She will end up hiding her male friends under her desk.
This guy was at his campus working, getting things ready for his players.
Don't be hard headed. Don't post opinion if you don't know the man. Good luck with games you play with your freaky momma girlfriend. No wonder all the lady warrior cheerleader outfit where found torn, you and her are to fat to be trying to squeeze your fat a... in them.
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