No, Dr. Joseph Yoste did not stab someone with a syringe full of Novocaine.
In fact, we have learned that the felony charge for aggravated assault with a dedly weapon aren't related to his professional practice at all.

It seems that as Sanchez was entering the store to pay for gasoline, Yoste was exiting and pushed him in the chest daring him to hit him. Yoste then throws the first punch at the Captain Bob returns a flurry of punches in defense, setting up for more.
At that moment, witnesses said – and store surveillance cameras show – that Yoste pulled out a four-inch pocket knife and lunged as if to stab Sanchez, who sees the knife and maneuvers away quickly to avoid the blade. The Capt., knowing the limitations of human flesh against sharpened steel, made for the hills.
There has been bad blood between the two over their relationship with a certain woman who has payed a role in both their lives. Words were exchanged, the situation became heated, and – according to witnesses and the store's surveillance cameras – Yoste threw the first punch and a fisticuffs ensued. Local folks who know him say Yoste is no shrinking violet and can be downright cantenkerous. Ditto for the Capt.
Yoste noticed there are half a dozen witnesses watching and entered his red Honda vehicle and burned rubber to leave the area running several red lights heading east on Boca Chica Blvd.
However, when the police arrived, they took a statement from Sanchez and then asked the store to allow them to look at their surveillance video.
Sanchez supporters say this is not the fist encounter between the two. They say that in another instsance, only a car window saved Sanchez – who was in the car with a companion – from being stuck by a knife weilded by Yoste.
The result of the Oct. 22 event was that an arrest warrant was issued against Yoste which was served yesterday and he was duly booked and his mug taken at the cop shop. Where will the outpouring of the passion end? We'll keep you posted.
He belongs in jail, crazy man
Por una falda wanga?
Amanda wreaking havoc on every man she meets?
Sanchez as always making problems
With so many other dentists, why would anyone go to Yoste. I have heard many things about Yoste, none of them good.
Who? Yoste or Capt Bob. The captain beats up on his wife and his old 70 year old ex-father in law. More power to Yoste.
Not worth it. Just find another woman and "grab her by" ...
I've know Joseph Yoste for over 8 years , Yoste was always a very calm and patient man. Always laughing and telling jokes to lighten the moment
Davila is my choice , anyways
I guarantee no Brownsville pussy is worth going to jail over. I have never seen an attractive Brownsville girl. Most are 180 Lbs plus and wear their ratty pajamas to Walmart. Maybe an occasional hot chick from Monterrey passing Thru on the way to the outlet mall.
Robert Sanchez... maneuvering quickly, is an oxymoron. On the other hand, Sanchez may just be a regular moron, as Archie Bunker used to say.
Kudos to Captain Bob to have the balls to put this clown in jail.
Yoste is a prepotent,ignorant and a shame to the Dentistry Profession.
Grown men fighting over a piece of ass? That is kids stuff!
I have not heard a single good thing about Yoste. So this is not surprising. And if he is dating the same girl that dated Ben Neece and Mark Sossi and Capt. Bob, my gosh. That girl sure knows how to "pick 'em".
I don't see how any professional can behave in such a violent manner against a member of the community, and expect to get away with such violence, who is this crazy man anyway attacking a customer on his way inside a store, way out of line.
It don't matter how "calm" and "patient" a "man" may seem, who "Laughingly tells jokes," for Mr. Yoste to pull out a knife on anyone in public or in private is a big concern and public outrage over this violent lunacy roaming the streets of our city is expecting some level of justice for this violent maniac attacking Mr. Sanchez like he did.
Anony .... November 18, 2016 at 10:00 AM
....while he's fucking you in the ass, or what? You're standing up for these clown?
Ha....there can only be one esplanation.....see above............JaJaJa
It is obvious Pelon Bob pushed buttons to get the worse out of the other man. Sanchez wanted that reaction, it's sad that Yoste gave him what Bob wanted.
My mom used to say "el valiente vive hasta que el cobarde quiere". A man is a man first regardless of his profession. If Bob walks up to me with the way he does often, and he posts up he will end up eating his soups for a while. If Yoste pulled the knife, it was probably cuz he just had enough. So Bob if you play with matches you gonna get burned. It's such a pussy move to use the cops to do your dirty work. You sir are pathetic, move on to better things. If lady left you move on. Yoste, gonna have to put some money in the system to get this taken care off. Get good known attorney. Good luck in clearing this and in not walking up on morrons like Sanchez.
Yes he is. Like I said, with so many other dentists in town, why does anyone go to him?
Stop hanging out at WalMart.
What's the matter? You trolling WalMart? Not even the redonditas would consider playing with your sorry limp pink little prick? I know some guys that would.
Do you really know him ?
Pretty lame, and that is who you rely on for news juan, el pinche loco, safafo de robert sanchez? Both of you are pendejetes
YOSTE needs to hire Gamez and he's off the hook.Gamez will beat any idiot from the DA's office .
Excuse me who got arrested ?
Yoste likes to show off especially in front of women. Sanchez can have any girl that dude gets all the hot women speaking present not past.
Lucy, ju got some splaining to do!
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