For weeks now, Otis Powers' opponent for Place 3 on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District has had a free hand in the pages of the local newspaper. I thank the El Rrun-Rrun blog for giving me the chance to respond to set the record straight.
2. He blames Otis for not firing a teacher who had been indicted for an inappropriate relationship with a high school student. I don’t know where he got his law degree, but obviously it was not it was at a law school that teaches that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The teacher in question had only been charged, not convicted. To fire someone and deprive them of a livelihood based upon a mere charge and not a conviction violates every legal standard in our constitution. He did say, after all, that he was a lawyer, did he not?
3. Even more serious is the fact that these discussions on these cases all took place in executive session. The discussions there require the utmost discretion for the protection of people’s privacy. For Otis to comment on the specifics of a case would expose him, and, more importantly, the district, to legal action by the accused. Phil knows this. As a result, he has sought political benefit that has amounted to him punching a man whose hands are tied.
4. Phil was on the BISD board when student transportation was shifted to a private carrier, Durham Bus Service. In 1992, bus drivers rebelled against the unfair labor practices, organized, and went out on strike. As many as 55 of them were fired because the board – instead of owning up to its responsibilities to labor – hid behind the contract with the private company and the drivers, our neighbors, paid the price. That was the origin of the labor troubles we have had with our bus drivers up to now. Thanks a lot Phil!
Our BISD was recognized in 2008 as the most improved school district in the United States and received the Board Award that gave our students $1 million in scholarships when he served as vice-president of the board.
And that same year our school board was recognized as the most efficient and effective board in the country and was awarded the Council of Urban Boards of Education (CUBE) Award.
No amount of mudslinging can compare to that, Mr. Cowen. I know who I'm going to vote for, and it's not you.
go powers
you have my vote
Regardless of what Cowen says, people do not trust Otis and this was way before the election. Rumors circulated all over campuses before Cowen even brought it up. Finally and most importantly Otis has done nothing according to atleast 5 members. Sorry my vote is for Philip Cowen. No explanation can change that.
"..everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The teacher in question had only been charged, not convicted. To fire someone and deprive them of a livelihood based upon a mere charge and not a conviction.."
That is hands down a stupid explanation. These are children that teacher is surrounding himself with! And a very serious charge. Thank you for stating that. You have just shown that your thinking stinks as much as Powers'. I'm glad I voted for Cowen. Hopefully itll be enough to get someone like Powers out!
Powers is serving for one purpose protect his family who is currently employed by BISD. Just do the research, he abstain from voting on important issues for fear of the majority. Let's face it anyone but otis
Cowen and Powers are using politiqueras.
Go Philip Goooooooo
I like the fact that you are publishing both sides and cite the Herald ads but where article about the ad in response to Cata's questions???
Where is your objectivity on that one?
Juan your article is a little out of time and Otis is a lost case, he is not Donald Trump to defy politics. He simply didn't want to return to the Board and the vote of one unhappy camper will not matter because the majority will be doing the right thing and voting for Cowen, a real attorney with a real record. Teachers are with Cowen, Mothers are with Cowen, the general public is with Cowen!!!!
The Broad Award was nothing more than a numbers game, it was nice to get the $$$$ but it was really all about how Hanna and the BISD Admin cooked the numbers.
Otis is a two faced manipulative individual. He deserves to lose to Cowen or anyone for that matter. This guy defending Pendejo Powers is his mouthpiece who tries to convince people on FB that Powers is a swell guy. Keep taking it up the butt my friend and don't forget to pucker up. There's alot more ass kissing to do!
Last night at poll watching, there we're 100's of ballots not even voted on for the BISD.. AND THERE WERE MANY DOUBLE BOBBLE'S NO GOOD VOTES!! ITS ANY ONES WIN NOW!!!
i voted for Phil Cowen. Otis is horrible. Horrible!
No good choice in this race. Otis is a DICK and Cowen; is a Cowen. Neither is a good candidate.
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