By Juan Montoya
Long-simmering dissatisfaction by the rank-and-file officers with Brownsville Police Chief Orlando Rodriguez over questionable management practices some say are driven by political convenience and pandering finally exploded into a peaceful protest in front of City Hall this morning.
More than 50 police officers and their relatives and supporters held a protest over the chief's sudden return to a work schedule recommended by a personnel study dating back to 1994.
The sudden overturning of the schedule that was adopted in 2009 was instituted by Rodriguez as a result of the officers' protest against the chief's pandering to the wishes of some city commissioners and his siding with Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz over the bungling of the homicide and aggravated assault trials of Marco Antonio Gonzalez.
In that case, Rodriguez defended the DA's Office after Gonzalez was given a five years total sentence on nine aggravated assault charges that resulted from the six-hours standoff and shootout with police officers while he held his former girlfriend hostage, killed her current boyfriend and tried to kill
her brother.
The jury charge – to which the DA and lead prosecutor Peter Gilman did not object – did not mention that the charges would run concurrent, instead of consecutively as the jurors believed.
But it was the case of six bicycles stolen from the house of commissioner at-large "B" Rose Gowen that lit the match of the officers' ire.
"He had a 10-man team scouring the city for the city commissioner's (Gowen) bicycles and we had to leave our beats to try to find them so he could please her," said one officer. "We live in neighborhoods where people steal our kids' bicycles and he doesn't take 10 officers off their beats to try to find them."
When officers voiced their dissatisfaction over the chief's actions on the bike heist, he unilaterally ordered a return to a five-day, eight-hour work schedule dating back to 1994, even though the department and the Brownsville Police Officer's Association and the city had agreed to a four-day , 10-hour schedule that facilitated the writing of police reports and the completion of their duties.
"He did nit out of spite because people complained over his actions when it came to the city commissioners and the DA," said the officer.

But it was the overturning of the work schedule that broke the camel's back. The return to the old schedule as a result of his tiff over the Gowen bike caper upset many who said that the sudden turnaround upset the arrangements they had made for time off during the upcoming Christmas and New Year's holidays.
"This is not over by any stretch of the imagination," one of the protesters said. "We need a professional chief, not one who is going to jump every time a city commissioner gets a hair up their behind."
Juan, I see more than 500 protesters in that photo!
- Blimp
I'm glad to see these guys speaking up for themselves and believe or not but there speaking up for us the tax payers in the city of Brownsville.Some in the commish and PUB BOARDS Are full of shit and maybe this will bring light and revolt to the other injustices in Brownsville.
how many Cops out there? Kids and wives do't count. Not many, huh?
Many workers in this country have an 8-hour, 5-day a week schedule and they survive. It does seem like the 8-hour, 5-day a week schedule stabilizes the police resources across time and should, in theory, make the 8-hour, 5-day week schedule slightly more productive. I seem to recall a study from a university that compared such work scheduling and concluded workers are more productive and focused in shorter rather than longer shifts. If I come across it, I will share it.
Wow, what a lack of respect to Chief. These are the men that expect the community to follow their directives, they can't follow the directive given to them by the chief. How dumb to compare the theft in Gowen's home with a stolen nick left by a kid on a sidewalk. The chief (I don't know the guy) with his action is trying to establish a don't mess with one of our own type of mentality. Now this cops got their kids (family)fighting their fights. Typical from weak individuals that hide behind badge. Guys it's your job, he is your boss, take your kids back to a warm place and get to the streets and find those 10 bikes for the chief.
That bike was my friend
you took it away and now I walk again
With every day that passes I miss you more
I rode you to my job You rolled me to the store
I peddled long and I peddled fast but in the end I ran out of gas
My spent legs still tingling I went into a dream steep
But as I lay slumbering you were taken by creep
So now I am forced to look for another lost lonely bike waiting for me in someones yard
2012: "With the way Brownsville is growing, the challenge is there to meet the need of the community with the personnel that we have, that we're authorized to carry on staff, Rodriguez said. That's another plus for this plan because we're able to put more officers on the street during peak hours."
2016: " You tend to to be heavy during evening hours, which is a luxury" and in regards to 5-8s leaving a lack of man power on the streets...... Those claims are false.
puros vatos lazy! a jalar CABRONES!!!!
One sided, Juan? Maybe you should do a little more research and request actual records before you spread half truths.
On another note, Your article reads fifty officers and family members were present. Another media outlet, reported seventy officers present. I beg to differ and say there was less than fifty officers and family members.
Some of these guys, as reported on another outlet, say that doing away with the three days off is hurting their family life and time with children.
For most, thruth is, very little time is spent with family. Two of the officers quoted, are scorn by fairly recent transfers. One of the mentioned officers, spends his days off drunk and was divorced by his spouse for stepping out of his marriage. How is that for caring about family. Not to mention the many reasons why he was moved from his previous assisgnment.
Alot of this, when looked at in reason, is plain bullshit. They forget that when they were eager for "the job", they proclaimed to work nights, weekends and holidays. Many of us "civilians" are willing to take their high paying jobs if they don't want them.
What a bunch of babies.
Department is weak. There are 2 unions. Can't agree. Remember divide and conquer? This is what has happened to the department. The rookies need to do their time and wait their turn. Patrol officers need breaks.
Puro escrape, buey!
Flexing your muscles there chief?
Sir, you have no clue as to how this came about.
The cop taking the lead on this protest has MANY skeletons in his own closet. You cannot begin to imagine "what" and "who" this guy REALLY is....
Those "boys" are so lucky to have you. They must not have a clue as to your idea of "what all Mexicans are good for : good tequila and cheap labor"
hay chingos de jente sin trabajo,y estos HUEVONES no quieren jalar SON MAMADAS
ALL the Elected officials that praise Orlando Rodriguez have been dead silent. Actually no one has come to his defense. Jessica Kalifa a person that is by far the most Narcissist person in Brownsville, TX hasn't posted not one positive comment on Orlies defense, when she is the one that is always praising him and has used him the most.
Next to Jessica is the current District Attorney. He is the 2nd most Narcissist person in Cameron County. He has also not said one word on Orlando Rodriguez defense.
Next is the wanna be smart Rose Gowen. She has tried to be on all the main stream media, TV,newspaper acting like she knows what the stupid people of Brownsville, TX need. Gowen thinks if you don't have a Dr degree you don't neet to think just do as she says.
The other 2 idiots are Debbie (spread)Portillo and Dumb Ass John Villarreal.
Get your ASSES back to work! cops are not serious.
Spotted Mike Hernandez with a Beatle hair dude. DP-M? Both were at Dirty Al's, talking like crazy.
There are plenty of openings at the Matamoros police department. These cops should dust off their resumes.
Glad these cops stepped it up, finally. I hope he resigns soon. These deserved officers need a new chief. correct, chief denies the payroll clerk being his wife. Come on, lives in same household (common law). What more proof do they need. It's illegal, she shouldn't be there, she handles his money/hours. Oh,she's under mr. Cabler?, yeah that's just a cover up to transfer her there. Cops stating their not getting paid nights,overtime. Smh. He thinks just because he is the chief he can manipulate people and mistreat them. I don't think so. I don't know why mr. Cabler doesn't do anything about this situation. Hope the officers keep fighting for this. Best of luck thin blue line.
We don't trust the cops in Brownsville, they are not community oriented, We don't trust the chief either. The police dept. is a money making machine. I was told that police officers need to give so many citations per day. They hide in corners to catch you, we don't trust the BPD. A lot of people in the community don't trust BPD.
don't worry brownsville PD. your neighboring city as a chief that committed perjury in an arbitration when he tried to suspend an officer for 3 days. officer won but that chief is still there thinking he is the greatest chief around. perjury is a felony and the city policy says that any dishonesty calls for immediate termination from employment. so mr. chief perjury, look at the amount of call ins and officers looking for employment else where. SMH
Get yo work stop complaining. You have demonstrated how unloyal and back stabbers you are. You being babies about this. You should model following directions, not protest and much less use your wifes, parents, and kids to protest as part of your tantrum cause you can't have 3 day weekends.
When you stop snd ticket or arrest someone, you don't want the brother, sister, mom, dad, wife or children to come out and protest the arrest or the ticket. It's weak in your part, be men snd stop being cry babies.
This looks like the negativity and revenge of the Avitia brother still working for PD. Feel sorry for those who follow him.
The guys in Blue need community support but, they also need to be nicer and cooporative to the community. The community will help you but, you have to help the community. BE NICE and HELPFUL...
AT 10:20am. I have heard the same about the SAN BENITO POLICE CHIEF COMMITTING THAT FELONY AND NOTHING WAS DONE.Also heard officers have already left and many more are leaving cause of THAT. WELL LOOKS LIKE BROWNSVILLE P.D. AND SAN BENITO P.D. NEED A NEW POLICE CHIEF.
It good to.see the Brownsville Police Department Deputy's, stand up against the Chief of the Police Department. These men and woman have more balls then the Brownsville Firefighters, and are not scared, they all are expressing their rights. And not fear the chief, not like the firefighters are scared from their new boss that knows that the firefighters fear him. You firefighters should all grow balls and remember Do Not fear Carlos Elizondo!!! And also Remember his job is not a secured job, he can be replaced at any time.. Stand up for your self's, set an example to your community Don't fear the Ripper!!!
( B-PD & B-FD ).
Anonymous at 2:04 am will also get KARMA .
Brownsville firefighters have more balls than anonymous at 6:32 pm .Set the example and do not fear the Fire Chief anonymous and call him out with your name . Grow some balls anonymous at 6:32 pm . Don't fear the Ripper . uuuyyyyyy!
I'm really curious what the Chief's reasoning is for taking away the 4/10's? It can't be to save money. It can't be because it's safer. So what's the reasoning?
I've worked 4/10s, 5/8s, and 3/12s:4/12s. The 4/10s are the most safest for officers (there were studies done on this in the 1980s in the DFW midcities when depts started looking at man-hours). The 12s are very dangerous but more time off on the short week. The 5/8s are the safest for the public but the most expensive for the depts. This is a huge hint by the way. There is no way patrol can run their calls and finish there paperwork in 8 hours. Hint. Also, 8s interfere with civvie life natural rythms. Officers are short vehicles during shift changes due to calls in progress. Then you have to run special patrols... The list is endless. The officers should just go back to work and rack up the ot, and comp time. The Chief will get the hint when the city manager calls him on the carpet.
I don't care what you make, it's not enough I bet that. Give the guy the 4 10's back chief. I guess he doesn't want them having more days off VS his administration staff. Let them guys enjoy some family time happy Officers better crew
Carlos got mad, calm down fool, if he puts his name you will get him at the job. That's how you guys work. It's not about balls it's about being able to say that you suck at being fire chief, you not a good leader, you should let someone take over. You use your job position to retaliate so what balls are those. I don't eork there this is just my observation. If they don't want to work for you, you are not doing good job.
Those fat asses are never happy, they have faces like they smelling shit all the time. They got to work what the chief ordered or recommended. Get in the gym fellas and stop complaining. Go out and serve us.
Anonymous at 7:11 PM you're another pendejo that likes to talk as if they know what's going on . You suck at posting comments fool ! This is just my observation .
There you go Carlos, point proven you can't handle anyone telling you like it is. You would not call me pendejo to my face. I would slap you silly, then give you "a sape" on bold spot. Jajajaja. . What a leader.
Cayate el osico estupido. your so full of shit.
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