Well. Justice of the Peace Mike Trejo has given new meaning to the saying that you just can't do some things early enough.
Trejo, whose office is in La Feria, announced through his "Team Trejo 2020" that he is ready to challenge Cameron County Sheriff the next go-round. This is the same Trejo whose "Team
Trejo 2016" was making noises about taking on the old man this time, but wisely did not. Otherwise, he would have probably been out of a job.

(That's Mike Da Lawman in the Stetson posing with some Big People.)
Trejo, some precinct residents say, actually lives in Brownsville but ran for JP in La Feria. That would not be so unusual as it sounds because people in South Texas are used to having rogue politicians claim residence where they don't live to run for office.
It happened in the City of Brownsville when Jessica Tetreau ran for her district. Deborah Portillo also claimed her mother's residence when he ran for city commissioner. But the biggest fibber award for residence has to be Ed Rivera, the former Texas Southmost College trustees whose homestead was listed at the appraisal district in Laguna Vista, but he claimed he lived in a girlfriend's house in Brownsville to run against Tito Lopez for the Brownsville Navigation District.
No authority – not the legal counsel for the entities involved or the District Attorney's Office – uttered a peep about the fake residency issue with any of the candidates listed above. We don't expect that anyone will raise the residency issue with Trejo either.
Four years is a long time to wait and Trejo is champing at the bit to wear Omar's badge over at Carrizales. The long, mean season of elective politics in Cameron County is on!
Se ponen un sombrero y ya quieren ser sheriff
Mike is far from a pretender he has a county wide network and a bank roll for a county wide race . From Brownsville all the way to LA Feria . Trejo 2020
puros culos, bro
Will he win?
Pinches politicos, se salen.
Pretenders? Yeah, you are right! There is Minnie Pena right in the middle
of everything pretending she cares about everyone just like God does because her father told her to do so! What a hypocrite and obnoxious woman!
I don't see how people voted to keep her in at BISD board when she bores everyone to death with her ridiculous speeches. Oh, but now La Sylvia is eating her up with 21 agenda items. Both need to run for office far away
from Brownsville where they don't know about their $%#^!!!!
Another person without a degree that wants to be called "Judge". I sure wish all JPs were lawyers. Tired of people like Trejo, Juan Mendoza and Linda Salazar. This is why the system stays corrupt.
Lawyer are the reason the system is corrupt.
If he lives in Brownsville, was elected to serve La Feria, how is that not a violation of his position? Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct Austin may be able to help. If his wife lives in Brownsville, where does she vote? Austin may need to be contacted!
Sorry to tell you that even a doctoral degree does not change the spots of the corrupt politician. Se les sube a la cabeza y they think their sh**
does not stink. Y Minerva anda hacienda la barba con Sylvia y ahorra con Mike? Que se la lleve en lugar de Reyna? I will vote for him if it means
getting rid of Minerva from the board.
To all the Haters, Judge Trejo is a people's person, not like others that want to be Sheriff. Mike will kick ass!!! He is smart, started early. He has my support here in Brownsville and including all my 628 votes!!!
Very well said!! Puros wanna be's!!
ha ha ha 628 votes really ..... lmfao wake up ruca .. no body wants you
Him over Carlos Garza all day long
Lets see, Gus drunk Reyna can't win. Carlitos Garza, well his girlfriends will burn him, Abel Gomez has to wait what Junior will say first, Cesar Diaz cant' win, Cortez nada, Cisneros tampoco, I hear Delauney might run, I guess i'll vote for the feds, at least they are not dirty.
Hahahah the feds are not dirty...
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