For the better part of two years, contract city attorney Mark E. Sossi has had a common-law relationship with a woman he met at a strip club in Brownsville.
That relationship blossomed and she went to live with him at his home as did two of her children from a prior relationship.

Now, six months later, things have soured and Sossi wants a court to kick her out of his house, grant him custody of the child, a boy, and to make her pay him child support. He does not deny paternity of the child.
In response, the woman, Yessica Belen Larios, charges that she should be granted custody and charges that Sossi has had a long history "or pattern" of family violence as defined by the Texas Family Code for at least two years before he filed the lawsuit. She wants the court to order a possession order that protects the welfare of the child and any other person who has been victim of family violence, "including but not limited to to ordering that visiting be continuously supervised," and ordering that Sossi refrain from the consumption of alcohol or controlled substances within the 12 hours before visitation.
Further, she also wants the court to order Sossi to attend and complete a battering intervention and prevention program or a treatment program if one is unavailable.
In addition, she charges that Sossi has committed offenses listed under the Section 481.01, of the Texas Health and Safety Code, specifically the abuse of controlled substances identified as cocaine in the woman;s affidavit attached to her response. She asks that the court order that Sossi submit hair follicles to determine his abuse of that controlled substance.
Sossi – who earns $10,000 a month from the city and another $5,000 a month from the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation for a total of $180,000 – petitioned the court on January 18 to name both he and Larios as joint managing conservators, but that it appoint him as the conservator who has the exclusive right to designate the primary residence of the child, in effect, to give him custody. He asks that the court to "dispose with the necessity of a bond" or security.
He also wants the judge to restrict the woman from removing the child from Cameron County. specifically to prevent her from taking him to Mexico without notifying him or the court.
In her lawsuit, Larios charges that Sossi has been in continuous violations of Texas law, saying that although he is the city attorney and drives a car, he has not had been issued a Texas driver's license since January 6, 1989 when his license was suspended and he is "an unlicensed driver who continues to drive to violate Texas law."
Until he took care of them, Sossi, was named in warrants dating back to offenses in April 2012 when he was caught by the Texas Department of Public Safety in Harlingen and cited for No Valid Inspection Sticker (12-TR-000227) , Expired Registration (12-TR-000220), and then for Failure to Appear (12-TR-000227) when he didn''t show up in Eloy Cano's JP 5-2 court that April 4.
These offenses carried fines of, respectively, $242.50, 267.50 and 242.50, for a total of 752.50 in fines.
In Sossi's original petition, he says that since he was the owner of the house where she, her children from a former marriage and his son now live, before he met her, she has no legal right to reside there and that the court order her to vacate the home. He said he has offered to pay her deposit and first month's rent, the first month's utilities and "reasonable" child support pending the outcome of the case. He claims she had demanded he buy her new furniture and later modified her position asking him for a cash payment of $5,000 plus his refrigerator, washing machine and dryer with an estimated value of $7,500.
He countered that those objects were in his possession before he met Larios and charges that Larios has prevented him from seeing his son and refuses to respond to his inquiries as to the welfare of the boy. He wants the court to:
1. Issue a restraining order to prevent Larios from coming within 100 feet of the house
2. Prevent her from disturbing him or the child if he is granted custody or attempting to take possession of the child,
3. Keep her from hiding him, to speak bad about him in front of the child, and
4. Order her not to consume alcohol within 24 hours before or during the period of possession of or access to the child.
In Larios' response to Sossi's petition she says that Sossi, as father of the child, is obligated to pay child support and to provide medical child support in the manner specified by the court. This might have been made easier by the recent actions of the Brownsville City Commission at their meeting of January 3, an time was considered in executive session to make Sossi a city employee. Currently, he is employed as a contract attorney and has had no deductions in his salary for FICA, health, or retirement for benefits or retirement.
Although the item was tabled during the meeting, we understand that Sossi's contract has been scrapped and he as made a full-time city employee (January 17) to allow him to participate in the health insurance and retirement programs under a new arrangement. That arrangement, however, has not come before the city commission. We have filed an information request to see whether in fact, the city has extended the health insurance benefits that would cover his child as well.
A hearing on Sossi's petition and Larios' counter petition is scheduled for Feb. 2 before Judge Arturo Nelson's 138th District Court.
Sossi is a no good son-of-bitch....He is bad for Brownsville and for any woman.When is the city commission going to open their eyes to this addict. He's just plain bad as they come...Get rid of this guy.
He is such a loser!!
Poor Sossi. He just has not been the same since walking in on his you know who doing you know what in his house a couple of years ago.
Disgusting, skirt chasing, coke head
Whatta piece of shit
The women's walk should have focused on this asshole!! Sorry sack of shit! !
how did things go so wrong?
Hmmmm, history repeating itself...wasn't it enough that he destroyed another woman's career at the city of brownsville after sexually assaulting her while in a relationship with the money hungry whore? Mark should know that you can't make a housewife out of a hooker.��
Its a government job, so does that mean the job position is out for bid? So is that why we ended up with the lowest bid as an attorney, therefore low quality low standard, low life?
Sock it to Sossi, Brownsville City Commission! He is a criminal and should not be on the city payroll for municipal legal advice or anything else. Terminate his contract!
Sossi makes the attorney industry look bad. He is a bad apple.
When a trashy man shacks up with a trashy woman, this is what you get.
More fun and games in Beanville.
Well said.
Los dos son puro basura! This is what he gets....karma is catching up to him.
Charlie Cabler's career is in jeopordy if he does not fire Sossi and any commissioner that supports Sossi will be voted off the commission.
I grew up...constantly at the Sossi home and they are great people. You people don't know Mr. Sossi or his family. Don't judge people or act as if you are so superior. We all make mistakes...we all have done things we wish we hadn't. Your opinion is not relevant if you don't personally know the person. He is an honorable man and a joy to be around.
Yep payback is a bitch,on top of all that this piece of crap doesn't even have a driver's license since 1989 WTF!
We may vote them off and we should, but mind you every commissioner has been complacent in all of this. If they go after Sossi, Sossi will go after them. Same for Cabler. All 6 commissioners and mayor have to go. We have until election day to find viable candidates for the three on the choppoing block, and then begin to work on the other 4. Some of them are thin skinned and think as public figures their character is off limits. It is not. We just have to stay on all of them until maybe some just resign to avoid being public figures.
Bobby WC
The old "accidental pregnancy" trick, when some conniving slut sets her target on a guy making big bucks, whaddaya know. Oops, they say! Just happened to wait 14 days after their period, because they know that's when they get pregnant, and then proceeded to cough,cough accidentally have unprotected sex on that day in order to get pregnant? Yeah sure. When will men ever learn? The worst is these guys who think they are milking the cow for free. You are only milking the cow while she carefully evaluates your finances. If you are a guy making a good income, having unprotected sex with a woman who grew up poor from the barrio, wise the fuck up. She's probably poking holes in your rubbers with a needle. That positive preg test just wrote herself a monthly check for the next 18 years from your bank accounts plus the emotional leverage of using the baby against you whenever she feels like she needs more dinero, or a new house far away or a new car, or more money to go shopping for slut-wear to seduce other wealthy guys (for the next "accidental" cash-in). WTG
Can taxpayers sign a petition to have him removed?? I mean he is on city payroll which comes from taxpayers.
What a role model for the Boy Scouts who serve
as City Leaders. Won't even dare think about
the girl scouts! Charlie what hold does he
have on you? Ask The Donald to fire him
if a ti te faltan cojones!!!!!
Yea? Well he makes enough mistakes to cover for half of Brownsville! He is as slimy as they come and an idiot, too. Oh, by the way, shut up Rick!
Your an idiot yea people make mistakes but he's been making less than honorable mistakes for twenty years.He is a joy to be around stfu and stop riding his peepee, call a spade a spade.
El Chapo Guzman was probably a joy to be a round with if he liked you. That doesn't change anything.
Dam!!! suck it anonymous at 1:23!! On your knees!!
I know the feeling! I was kicked out with my children jn the middle of the night with no where to go.. the law does not protect the woman and the child when you are not married.. shame on him and better for her to he away from.such a crack head..
He is now a full time city employee with benefits including health insurance.
Viejo truco del embarazo �� haha con un viejo decrépito de 60 años quien lo va a venir a engañar bueno excepto su ex bitch que le pinto los cuernitos!! Viejo lobo de mar todos sabemos la clase de basura tiene la ciudad como abogado que ella era una interesada no creo miren la camioneta vieja que el maneja aparte de violento y cocainomano todos recuerden el caso de Amanda la mujer que fue abusada por el mistake si por 20 años si tanto dinero tiene por qué pelea cosas materiales? Para su hijo la verdad me da pena por esa mujer tan bonita y el tan viejo y aparte golpeador y adicto wow muy buena persona hablan de las mujeres que trabajan ahí y las que no que son más prostitutas y con vicios todos saben que mark sossi visitaba por 4 años ese lugar en busca de mujeres jóvenes para embabucarlas con mentiras para embarazarse se necesita 2 personas no solo una y como que ya está medio anciano para que le miren la cara de pendejo más bien es al revés y el hecho que quiere separar al baby de su madre es solo por qué es un viejo culo y tacaño y le pesa pagar al final de cuentas karma es instantáneo y todo se regresa y a cada perro le llega su hora y si busca mujeres en esos lugares es por la única manera de agarrar una mujer es pagar por ella pobre ojalá y ella le de una gran patada en el culo
Accidental pregnancy!!yeah right si como no nadie va a engañar a un viejo decrépito de 60 años un embarazo es de dos y a estas alturas del partido y con todo el récord que el tiene no creo que le vieron la cara de pen... más bien el se la vio a el wtf todos sabemos que a el le gusta golpear a las mujeres como el caso de Amanda también sabemos que por cuatro años a buscado en strip clubes a younger women pues es el único lugar que puede agarrar atención!!dinero cual dinero! ? El que le roba a la ciudadanía ella interesada lo dudo miren el carro viejo que maneja más viejo que el y el súper tacaño jamás la hemos visto a ella con carro del año y costosas prendas please don't talk shit y si el pelea custodia solo es por no querer pagar el childsupport que por ley le corresponde al niño el es un gran piece off shit wow poor man. Ojalá le de una buena lección esa mujer
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