The trap was set.
At a party this weekend, Cameron County Treasurer David Betancourt was introduced to cheers and hollers as the next tax assessor-collector for Cameron County.
The participants figured that since indicted Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector Tony Yzaguirre wouldn't be able to sign his office-holder's bond or be sworn in, it would be up to the county commissioners to name a replacement who would take over the office until the next general election.
Even though the Cameron County Commissioners Court had authorized the bonds for elected officials once they were sworn in to take office at their last meeting, no one thought that Yzaguirre would actually be sworn in since visiting Judge Manuel Bañales had ordered him not to perform any of his official duties or go near the office.
What the party participants hadn't counted on was the fact that Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez, as authorized by the commissioners court had called all the elected officials – including Yzaguirre – calle each one and asked them if they would sign their bonds and give them the oath-of-office form so they count choose who they wanted to swear them in.

She had him sign the bond, and then asked him who he wanted to swear him in.
"Why don't we just do it here and get it over with?" Yzaguirre was said to have suggested. And then and there Garza-Perez swore Yzaguirre in and took his oath to start his next four-year term.
How, people asked, would the tax office employees be deputized as is required by the State of Texas if Yzaguirre could not perform that duty? In the past, it was Yzaguirre who had performed that duty, but since he could not, who would?

But now, with the beginning of the year and the need
to deputize the employees, Bañales has no alternative but to direct Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño adminsitrer the oath to Garcia so he could in turn administer the oath to the employees and deputize them as required by the law. (Click on graphic to enlarge.)
And so the best-laid plans of the group seeking to push Betancourt to fill Yzaguirre's position fell through.
It is also said that an apple from that overturned cart bounced all the way to the Brownsville City Hall where John Villarreal was hoping to catapult from his city commissioner gig to replace Betancourt as Cameron County Treasurer and landed with a thud.
And that friends. as Paul Harvey used to say, is the rest of the story.
she is the biggest pendejaever!
Ha ha ha ! Esa ruca caga palo
There goes her re elect my fat ass the whole court house Hates her included her staff
David Betancourt is a complete DICK and his position should have been eliminated years ago....we don't need a treasurer who really has no function. And the idea of "shit floats" or "fuck up and move up" are really true in the case of David Betancourt who has stayed afloat only because of his father's name. David Betancourt would be a terrible choice for any county position.
Man these people are plotting fools!!! Damn! They really thought they were going to pull a quick one. Silly people.
same old democrat party ruling deals in Cameron county, puras transas, ah business as usual. cca
Good job everyone. Good thing that David wont be appointed. He is David Do Little. Literally little. Drunk all the time. Hits on women. Just gross and is not the person for this job.
The evil work of these corrupted officials that wanted to oust Yzaguirre and bring in David failed I can only imagine how pissed they were. Luis Saenz and his minions are hell bent on having their hands in every office of government in Cameron County to sway things their way. I am ecstatic that the evil doers are not able to get their way. Obviously they are working their own agenda and care more about themselves than the citizens of the county they are supposed to serve. Hopefully soon the shenanigans of this horrible DA and his buddies will stop and JUSTICE will be restored to our county ! INDICT SAENZ !! Enough is Enough !!
Don't worry Team Saenz will make sure we get rid of the county clerk . Arriba con TEAM SAENZ !
She sure is the biggest pendeja ever . Be sure to vote for TEAM SAENZ's candidate for county clerk . Vamanos con TEAM SAENZ !
Love Sylvia !! She is a target because she doesn't play with Luis and his corrupt counterparts. Way to Go Sylvia glad that you gave Mr. Yzaguirre his oath, by doing so you througha monkey wrench into their game plan. These sick bastards need to realize that residents are tired of their shitty ways of handling matters. INDICT SAENZ !! Rid our county of the ring leader of corruption !
TEAM SAENZ will be in control !
No mames David
Mario Saenz is grooming his boy toy Rico Bocanegra for a county wide election . Get ready Geppetto and Pinocchio coming to a town near you !
We demand yzaguirre resign ! He is guilty Resign you are a fool corrupt corrupt corrupt
What will be next ? More wasted manpower and $$ funds wasted on vendettas. Of course, this is Cameron County it is the norm for elected officials to abuse their power. People need to inform themselves and see how deep the thread is sown throughout our county. Luis wants to monopolize all aspects of government in the county.That should scare the SHIT out of everyone. He is the devil himself no good will come from this man
The district attorney is doing his job first to complain because we had a DA who did not do his job , The DA was elected because he was going to get rid of the corrupt politicians who exist and he is doing that so what is your problem it is a shame ! You people are never satisfied so to this I say if you are corrupt you are going to get indicted and those around you are the ones telling on you ! So boo boo keep crying what is wrong is wrong , Face the consequences
Word has it that the leiutent's secret peice of office ASS is cooperating with the investigation. I wonder what secrets she revealed ?
Yes and a might piece it was . She is telling all and has the yzaguirre fans thinking she isn't lol what a joke wake up from la la land the chic has peeped
You people are ignorant !! Where is the EVIDENCE against Yzaguirre ? All that has come out are lies and deceit on the part of the DA and their compromised witnesses. They have harassed the employes of the tax office trying to find something credible to back up their allegations a year later and they still just have the word of a liar and a convicted felon. Luis's inner circle and his staff and others are talking about his desperate attempt to bring Tony down in order to have one of his corrupted buddies running the tax office. Focus on the cases his department has screwed up on like the Mary Tipton case, Marco Gonzalez sentence being screwed up and then get on here and defend this evil BASTARD. He has blood on his hands and doesn't care about justice he only cares about his own self serving worthless ass
Lies, lies and more lies courtesy of our DA !! Spreading lies and tarnishing good names to make yourself look like a man with integrity is a desperate attempt to make people think you are a upstanding politician. You sir are the DEVIL HIMSELF you are able to use people at your own discretion and then toss them aside when they have served your needs. Karma gonna get you and your big mouth wife soon for all the bad you both have put out there.....I heard Saenz was not gonna run next election that's right because he will be behind bars like Limas, and Villalobos !!
Sylvia Garza-Perez time is near. Indictment a possibility
The CI in Yzaguirre's case is a cinvicted felon. The DA offered him a sweet deal on a pending case to cooperate and collaborate with the investigation of Mr. Yzaguirre. That is the way Luis operates. He doesn't conduct himself with integrity or honesty....I feel sorry for the employees that were arrested and harassed by the DA !!
Is anyone interested in the Dirty Deeds of the DA and State Trooper Olivares ?? These people conduct many investigation with a whole lot of sloppiness !! I don't find them credible or trustworthy, unfortunately they are involved in CORRUPTION and are not interested in JUSTICE
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