(Ed.'s Note: Remember those colorful (and talent-filled) paintings that were created by art students to celebrate the annual Latin Jazz Festival and who donated their work to assist in the now world-renowned celebration? Their work was painted on the walls of the old Capitol Theater across the street from the El Jardin Hotel. That work has now been marred by a graffiti vandal who thinks it is great fun to insult the artists by defacing their work with his tag "NY" and by painting insulting misogynist and homophobic labels on their creations. The cowardly vandal probably did this at night when – like sneak thief – he didn't have to answer for his act. It's a shame that these students' (and local residents') works have been defaced to serve no purpose at all.)
Bernie sanders' voters, probably
Ignorant cowards who get their power from destruction. Their tags are proof that they probably don't work, have no morals, need to destroy to feel powerful and need to have their parents take them over their knee. What they need is a big "P" tatoo on their foreheads; "puro pendejo".
Who is the racist funny white trailerpark yellow belly that keeps calling Brownsville beanertown? Please tell me its not mchale whiteman or barton. God Damn hillbillies
Brownsville is such a shit hole.
Beautiful works of art, is sad that untalented assholes ruin them just because their unwillingness to accept others they way they are. These artist who pained can paint again and homosexuals or not are gifted with their art. You don't have to turn homosexual to accept and appreciate their contributions to art and society. They are great people, we can't judge them, we are not God.
and they want to convert the Hotel Jardin into a low income "proyecto"!!
I wonder if our no vision, no future planning, let's screw the citizens city commissioners and mayor of Brownsville , ever thought of putting cameras in certain streets downtown (Elizabeth, Levee, Washington, Adams)middle of town (Boca chica, Price Road, Paredes) North side (Ruben Torres by Sunrise Mall, Central Blvd, Morrison Rd, Alton Gloor). Nah, that takes planning and MONEY. We only plan on how to get for me, me, me and money, well, that's also for me, me, me. We will continue to have run away accidents, people stealing from stores in broad daylight and good for nothing losers destroying property.
Let's arm our local homeless and transvestites with paintball guns and give the carte blanche in shooting these taggers/vandals with insoluble glow in the dark paint. That way they will be easy to identify.
One form of Mexican art defaced by another form of Mexican art.
These idiots probably got their start by tagging classroom textbooks with their disgusting vulgarities when they are/were in school.
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