We can trace it all back to Channel 5's Rick Diaz, the former anchor for KRGV's Channel 5 News.

Now he has a program called "Con Mi Gente" that is entirely in English. Local Spanish speakers probably appreciated the token gesture from Diaz, and still probably do. We remember a nature show talking hat also using "Vamonos" at the end of his show.
Local businesses grabbed on to the tokenism and several car dealerships now feature slogans in Spanish such as "Dale Gas." "Son Buena Gente" and that self-adopted Hispanic Charlie Clark's "Orale." Clark says he was adopted by Hispanics and even featured a local woman as his abuelita to show just how much he loves the natives and encourages them to "dame chansa" and "mochense."
This probably lends a certain endearing quality for these folks to do business in the Rio Grande Valley, but it also reduces bilingualism to a philistine level. It seems that the only time these people speak Spanish is when they're trying to take your money or sell you a car.
Will the United Way be far behind and adopt Clark's "Mochate" slogan when they come calling for donations to their cause? Or maybe the Heart Association will ask that you "tengas corazon?"
New Bully in town. Sylvia Perez husband Rudy. Drinking heavily and putting forearms into professiinal men. Sylvia put a collar around your bully
Really? That's not bullying that's ignorant machismo!
One gets elected into office and their ego inflates along with their spouses ego. Turn offs
What the majority of the people in Brownsville need to do is break the chain of Spanish speaking and start learning English, that will promote bilingualism, see people in Europe, they all speak several languages because nobody cater for them in their native tongue all these "mocho" TV personalities are just milking the term to appeal the Spanish speakers but don't give a fuck about their first language or keeping traditions.
Here's a bit of useless trivia: Bronsbil Estacion got its name from "TheMan UWish UWere" -
Drunk bully Rudy Perez. Settle down or your eye will pop out
Clerks husband drinking heavily with men who say they are mafia and are roughing men up all over Brownsville as they drink Bourbon and brag about having money. Sylvia Perez your man is a fool and will make you lose next round. Just ask all the families at chilis on Saturday. He thinks he is Mr Olympian and Mike Tyson out together after drinking barrel of bourbon. What the hell have you created Sylvia Perez
Rudy Perez and his thugs causing havoc all over town.
Hall of fame inductees: Dr GF McHale Scully cuz he is smart because he is a Doctor and Maclovio cuz he is a Shamrock and the Brownsville Captain of the Sea for being a frontier man and going where no man has ever gone. Bless their hearts
I'd rather read about TSC and how in a short five months after elections, Adela Garza, Ruben Herrera, Tony Zavaleta, Ramon Hinojosa and Trey Mendez have managed to fire a President and get sued, jeopardized accreditation and lost a nursing program. And to think Adela wanted to represent us in Washington, DSC (wherever the hell that is). Thank God for Congressman Vela.
Vela can shove his term up his ass. Vela's parents turning in their graves after Filemon embarassed them and all of us with stupid commentary towards President Trump. Thank you Jessica Puente Bradshaw
Thanks...true and related to the article.
You mean "so called" President Trump, probably.
You posted a comment weeks ago that Rick Diaz had died! Que pedo?
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