There is always an item on the agendas of the meetings of the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees on "the appointment, employment, evaluation and duties of the district superintendent."
Tonight's meeting is no different, with a minor exception.

Among those has been the expenditure of millions of dollars for a everything from artificial turf for three high schools, more than $1.5 million in computer tablets, and the recent scandal involving the ordering of 40 high-end championship rings costing $31,000 without going through the district's procurement process.
There is also the matter of the termination of the district's armored car service after it was discovered that a company employee had pocketed $495 since last September and the loss was only detected last month by the BISD's eagle-eyed auditing process.
In contrast to Cameron County's Adult Probation Dept. which detected a similar loss in just a week after it occurred, the BISD took six full months to notice that the funds were missing.
BISD reported that it caught the theft of $495 from missing receipts that had been picked up last September. When it notified the company's owners, they learned that the guilty party – a "messenger" assigned to pick up sealed deposit bags from the company's armored-car clients – had already been charged by the management with local police for another heist from another of their clients. The company quickly made the district whole when they learned of the missing money. By the time BISD caught on, the man had already been fired and charged. Still, the administration went ahead and cancelled the armored car company's contract.
In tonight's agenda, there is an item on the agenda placed there by member SPA, Dr. Sylvia Perez Atkinson that reads:
55. Discussion, consideration and possible action to authorize the Board Attorney to contract a school law attorney to investigate the procurement procedures in the district as they relate to pending issues; i.e. tablets and rings. (Board Member Request – SPA)
In the case of the tablets, according Zendejas' recommendation to the board, is "to support and encourage reading opportunities."
We also know that along with the tablet will be included a keyboard and that the tablet will be loaded with software to provide one year of Internet access to every fifth-grade student and their teachers and will "make the tools of modern technology available to the students."
We also know that the $1.5 million price tag was based on the Texas Association of School Boards BuyBoard Contract #498-15 for Technology Equipment, Supplies, Software, Telecommunications Products, Asset Disposal/Recovery.
There are 142 such companies who can provide the BISD with such services listed on the BuyBoard and that 44 of them are denoted as women and minority vendors.
On of those belongs to Ben Guerrero, the pretty boy associated with Fred Loya Insurance who appears with former boxer "Golden Boy" Oscar de la Hoya in the commercials. In his sales website, he pushes for the tablets he sells thus:
"TabletTech is the Sole Distributor of the UbiSlate Tablets for the K12 Sector in the US. Our Tablets come with 4G connectivity , Google Certified, Android OS and One (1) Year FREE Basic Internet for Every Student! At a Price Everyone can AFFORD!"
The specs put forward by the BISD mirrored the qualities crowed up by Guerrero's company almost to a "T."
The issue of the rings has been festering since an investigation by the BISD auditors found that the rings for the students had been ordered by an unknowns party within the district, that each student ring cost $895, and that among the 40 rings delivered, two were free, one for trustee Joe Rodriguez and another for Zendejas valued at $995. In all, 11 non-players got rings. Once the invoice landed at Porter, Zendejas made the non-players (coaches and teachers and principal Hector Hernandez) pay out of their own pockets for them. But there was no effort made to find out and sanction the individual who ordered the rings, violated the BISD procurement rules, and placed the players' amateur status in jeopardy. Why not?
In the case of Paragon Sports, they were the sole vendor chosen to install artificial turf in three of the district's high schools (Lopez, Porter and Rivera) and have so far pocketed more than $2.5 million. Their contract was awarded without the benefits of bidding through an item on the consent agenda. Even then, the company's representatives were allowed – at trustee Rodriguez's invitation – to show the board their product, a move that raised red flags among those attending.
"If it was on the consent agenda to be passed without discussion, why did Rodriguez invite them to speak before the board and push their product?," a former BISD board member asked at the time.
It is almost certain that the three women on the board, Atkinson, Minerva Peña, and Laura Perez-Reyes, will vote to hand Zendejas her walking papers. Zendejas has averaged about 20 months in her precious stints as superintendent in other school districts. She is now in her 22nd here. Is it time?
At least one city resident, Ana Hernandez Oquin, a past candidate for the board who has questioned the purchase of the rings, is said to be considering filing a complaint against her with the Texas Attorney General.
It is almost as certain that Zendejas will continue to be supported by Rodriguez, Carlos Elizondo and Phil Cowen. Straddling the fence is board president Cesar Lopez. Whose side will his swing vote favor?
Let Zendejas go!!!!!
Rodriguez, Elizondo and Cowen are in favor of doing things in BISD "as we have always done"....with corruption, fraud and abuse. They depend on tax dollars to bail them respect for the tax payer. And as long as the teachers and their union take no action....things will remain the same...CORRUPT!
ok lets stop the nonsense that no one knew who ordered the rings, the Coach did, he was under the instructions of Joe Rod and Dr. Z. Anyone with common sense would know that and to deflect the notion that NO ONE knows who ordered the rings is just utterly crazy.
Cesar is in cahoots with coach and Dr. Z HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO FIRE THE SUPER.
Paragon Sports, hum, wasn't the company big wheels Joe Rod golfing partners at the last golf tournament BISD had last year. Hum, connect the DOTS Board Members, its not complicated, I am sure Joe Rod benefited from the deal. He is laughing all the way to his safe he has in his home.
Both teachers union Presidents are fking pussies and one of them loves to stick his dirty hands in cookie jar.All talk and no gains for members but door prizes pinche pendejo
Dr. Zendejas is a fantastic superintendent who has done her best to ride the political tide while doing outstanding work for the students and staff. It is damn shame that that the women on the Board do not see her tremendous worth, but instead, she that she's not support their self-serving interests. Shame on them.
I sure hope Zendejas sings like a canary! If she goes down she needs to take Carlos Elizondo, Cesar Lopez, Joe Rodriguez and Baltazar down with her. These corrupt losers are the ones wheeling and dealing these shenegans. Don't forget the meat bought from Mexico, word is Cesar and Carlos are deeply involved in this!
Why spend more taxpayers money on a school law attorney to investigate?? Fired baltazar and hire someone with school law credentials, stop wasting millions on this guy, he's wortless and nothing but trouble and milking our district! Sylvia don't ignore his background records!
joto joto forever !
Zendejas is as worthless as teats on a bull, just as she was during her first stint with BISD. Atkinson recognized this right away since she knows exactly what a worthless superintendent looks like. She saw one in the mirror everyday when she was the superintendent at Los Fresnos, Santa Rosa, and Socorro.
Not to be outdone, Joe does his part to be sure that the board also has their very own ultra-worthless member. Zendejas, Atkinson, and Rodriguez are all about personal gain and personal agendas.
ok lets stop the nonsense that no one knew who ordered the rings, the Coach did, he was under the instructions of Joe Rod and Dr. Zendejas.
very TRUE
they both belong in jail !!
To much corruption at the very top !
Believe in corruption at BISD !
The right choice is corruption at BISD !
Board attorney needs to go too !!
He is not a board member he did very bad at last nights board meeting.
To much corruption at the very top !
Believe in corruption at BISD !
The right choice is corruption at BISD !
what was outcome last night? ex session was still in session past midnight?
Corruption at BISD, Where is the FBI,Texas Rangers? Where? Do they not care about your average tax payer? Do they not care?
They need to get rid of the dirty laundry which is the hatchet lady the so called coach Rodriguez and the so called fire chief and last but not least the head of the board
HANNA HIGH SCHOOL needs a REAL school principal now !
Why has no one mention the move of The head coach for Pace removed and placed at Porter as new Offense Coordinator.
Someone realized they messed up hiring young buck Uresti as head coach at Porter and now sending help his way.
Or is a new board member (Dr. A) opening a spot for one of her supporters, or brother. No one has talked about the move, it was done secretly. Good for Porter to bad for Pace, Dean is a great leader and coach. Who is Pace getting to replace him.
Fbi in brownsville Hahaha
No jurisdiction in Lil mexico
Texas Rangers? The most racist of all agencies they do not dare come to the valley!!!
How would la Silvia dare go after anyone when she herself has a long-dirty record in all the districts she has been in. Ask her what happened at Socorro. Ask her why she was suspended from BISd - por
Buena? She is a tyrant and oppressor who puts fear on people and the stupid so called friends fall for her chingaderas. How is she able to
spend so much time at BISD when she has to work at the rancho where she is now? Does she count herself absent? Like Mr. Cowen said, maybe it is best to let TEA come in and determine who needs to go, starting with those board members who think their sh.. does not smell.
Maybe Atkinson needs to be recalled and we should place Mrs. O'Quinn in her place, because this lady shows that she addressed proper questions on important items and would be fair and square and not on a personal agenda like Sylvia and Minerva. Mrs. O'Quinn has more class then both of the others put together.
Juan, what is your profession? What is your degree? You seem to be the one making all sorts of decisions about everything except your own, for if I remember well when the Rocinante was alive, you were always a topic of pure negative activities. All of a sudden you are above everyone else and agree only with what some idiot tells you and you fall for it. Check your sources and thank God that you have the 1st amendment right or someone would really put you away for liable and slander. Maybe Trump could act on it- fake news!!!!!!!
Coach Joe needs to step aside if only because he is doing more harm to Zendejas than helping the district. It has always been questioned why anyone would want to dedicate precious time to a position that has no pay - legal pay! It is a known fact Joe is Mr. Sports and has his cap in many sports companies from his relationship with them when he was a coach. He needs to abstain in every item that involves sports and that is sad.
Honestly, Dr. Z should abandon the ship and let them swim on their own. Brownsville is not used to intelligent
superintendents with huevos.
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