By Erasmo Castro
(AKA Da Cheez)

In August of 2016, the City of Brownsville requested proposals for collection and disposal of commercial and industrial trash. This contract is worth more than $50,000,000 over the first term (60 months). Three companies turned in written proposals: Redfish Recycling, GMS, and Republic Services. The only company the City of Brownsville interviewed was their current service provider, GMS. GMS has had the commercial and industrial trash contract for 30 years.
After 3 months of evaluating the proposals, the City of Brownsville’s management team picked the incumbent, GMS. Despite GMS having the oldest equipment of the three bidders, and based on the information provided by the City, it is easy to calculate GMS’ proposal was approximately $4,000,000 higher than the lowest bidder. Nevertheless, GMS was chosen, and was the only company allowed to participate in negotiations with the city management’s team.
After the negotiation phase, GMS is believed to still be approximately $2,000,000 more expensive than the lowest bidder. Rather than pass more savings on to local businesses, GMS raised their franchise fee (the money paid to the City by the trash company) from 17 percent to 19 percent. This means more money for the City of Brownsville, but less savings for local businesses.
Even more concerning, before negotiation, GMS was approximately $4,000,000 higher than Redfish Recycling. Out of a possible 120 points, in The City of Brownsville’s City Management team’s scoring system, 30 points are allocated to price. Redfish Recycling received 30 points and GMS received 27.33 points. This is a 2.67-point difference in favor of Redfish Recycling.
Is $4,000,000 worth only 2.67 points? Well to be fair we checked the 2011 tabulation for the commercial and industrial trash contract. There were 2 bidders in 2011; GMS and Republic Services. In 2011, GMS was approximately $1,000,000 less and received 8.5 more points. So if $1,000,000 equals 8.5 points, shouldn’t $4,000,000 equal 34 points?
Another issue that should alarm business owners is in the 2016 request for proposal by the City of Brownsville, Redfish Recycling is willing to immediately invest over $8,000,000 in new trucks, equipment and containers to help beautify the City of Brownsville. Nevertheless, the City of Brownsville’s management team is signaling the best value for the City is for the businesses of Brownsville to pay more and get less.
Our Mayor and commissioners are not aware of all the details of this Request for Proposal for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste contract.
It is anticipated that the City’s management team is planning to recommend GMS to the City Commission for award of the trash contract either March 7 or March 21 at the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting.
Another issue that should alarm business owners is in the 2016 request for proposal by the City of Brownsville, Redfish Recycling is willing to immediately invest over $8,000,000 in new trucks, equipment and containers to help beautify the City of Brownsville. Nevertheless, the City of Brownsville’s management team is signaling the best value for the City is for the businesses of Brownsville to pay more and get less.
Our Mayor and commissioners are not aware of all the details of this Request for Proposal for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste contract.
It is anticipated that the City’s management team is planning to recommend GMS to the City Commission for award of the trash contract either March 7 or March 21 at the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting.
At least Gowen does not have a criminal record. Correct me if I am wrong please, I do not want to spread rumors, but doesn't erasimo have some convictions for fraud? May be forgery? Where does this Cheese guy make a living? Please investigate Juan, or are you indorsing him? Also, He did not write that letter. He could not put those words together.
Wasn't GMS the largest contributor to the City Manager Golf Tournament around the same time?
Be assured that a part of the overcharge will find it's way into the pockets of the politicos, their friends and family. This is how they roll in Browntown. It is the Mexican way!
Something smells fishy a la sopranos style. Why doesn't this surprise us? Oh yeah we're in Bronsbil.
juan you oknows its all about los puro compadres now who is the owner of gms? isnt is some guy last name of torres, gms start for the city back in the 80's or somewhere there mmm making muncho mulah i say, but city employees dont have the slightest clue of what good service to the community is so these 2nd hand or 3rd rate companies continue getting the bids despite being the lease favorable, mi compadre tu compadre, y arriba el moshe or a little bribe here and there. no other explanation here, juan maybe we ought to check out cablers bank accounts? just saying like tony yzaguiree the tax assessorcollector who had an extra $320k that was unexplanable in his private bank account. pura lana $$$$$$$$.
He could be running against a tree stump and I'd vote for the tree stump.
Pinche vato barriga! Vale sebo este buey. Parece vaca, el apestoso!!!
Erasmo Castro does not have the brains to be a politician.
I wonder which candidate would win a triathlon?
Wonder what garbage company is paying Castro/Sarkis? LISTEN UP, ERASMO! Gowen may be idiot but at least she's better than the two headed nincompoop of you and Martin Sarkis. You are dirty and Martin Sarkis is more so! By signing a deal with the devil (Sarkis), you got all his negatives! YOU LOST THIS RACE BEFORE YOU GOT TO THE STARTING LINE! Go back to Austin, Baboso and leave this city alone. Better yet, take Sarkis with you! Brownsville doesn't want you and never will!
McHale also backed the clown Sergio Zarate, Erasmo! Losers
Shut the fuck up , Diego ! You stupid,stupid,irrelevant fool! Jim hates you.
Our mayor and commissioners don't know the details of ANYTHING, unless it benefits themselves. There is no "City's management team" because there is no city management in Brownsville. They are all flying by the seat of their heavily worn pants.
Erasmo is just a political whore, he gets pay for running, he knows he will never win any seat, the +10,000 votes he got, was because it was a Presidential election, he will never see that kind of votes again, the asshole will sell his mother for a few pennies and a Hamburger.
Send Sarkis back to matamoros!
Who are you?
Have you ever spoken to him? If you had, you would know that he is more than intelligent enough to be a
competent and dedicated city commissioner.
que flojera da el erasmo castro.....
Lets start an Erasmo Castro joke competition to get him elected.
1. El.ano Castro is so big he would have to run for two Districts.
We don't want this joke to be elected.
I'm voting for Erasmo Castro, we are tired of the wasteful spending of hard earned taxpayers monies. Way too many useless bike lines, hardly attended Cyclovias, to much overtime waste on city employees. Even the weekly farmers market is taking a toll on overtime pays issues as they required the help of city employees every week. This out of control spending must stop, we need Castro. Period.
You really need to get a life.
I thought you were a relatively intelligent man, Montoya. Why are you endorsing this dumbass?
I have two questions for Anon 6:33 -
1. Did you have a degree in Economics?
2. How much do you weigh?
Most of Erasmo's supporters are overweight and dumb as a rock.
To anon 6:33 Linda stop glorifying your piece of shit, fat ass brother.
I am not Linda. Hahaha!
juan wow the city commission rejected GMS proposed contract no pos wow, i wonder why? Anactual vote of no? its going to rain right? or cold front coming in. lol
No, I don't have a degree in economics, just plain common sense. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out all the wasted tax dollars due to personal obectives. No, Im not overweight and I don't even know or met Erasmo Castro. I am just a regular concerned citizen that want a stop to all the out of control spending. The only way to accomplish this much needed change is to boot out all current commissioners who are up for reelection. Too many useless bike lines, Cyclovias draining budgets on overtime pay and deplorable real estate purchases. It is high time to elect new leaders and give them the benefit of the doubt, it can't get much worst than what is is now. If you care about the future of our city and our tax dollars spent wisely, then you might see my reason for wanting change on city leadership.
Have you done the same? Why resort to personal insults? Are you running escared mijo?
Where does Castro get the money to run his campaigns? I hear he is a "sell out" to anyone that wants to assure a majority on some board. He did it for BISD for an ice-cone that SA was giving away.
Joke #2: Who should run instead of Erasmo Castro?
La Minnie Wienne!!!
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