Wednesday, March 22, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Elected officials and educators are scratching their heads over the filing (and then withdrawing) of a bill by Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. that would have established a countywide school district under a nine-member board.

Lucio told a local television station that he had withdrawn the bill (SB 2112) because there had been an office mix-up and that it had been filed prematurely by someone on his staff without his consent.

But the firestorm that erupted after word got out on the mass media of the measures contained in the bill irked numerous administrators and members of the boards of trustees of the eight school district in Cameron County. Lucio had submitted the bill March 10, but many local educators had not been aware of its contents until the last few days.

They pointed out that, if it had been approved. the boards of trustees of the eight school districts would have automatically been replaced by the trustees of the largest district, the Brownsville Independent School District until elections could be held based on a formula that would elect two members of the new district by county commissioner precinct and one at-large, making it a nine-member board.

"That would have thrown out 56 (eight times seven) elected board members by legislative fiat," said a BISD administrator. "That would have been unconstitutional and would have been stopped immediately by the U.S. Dept. of Justice."

Lucio, after years of being in the state legislature knew that to change the boundaries of any elective district, it would first have to be cleared by the U.D. Dept. of Justice Office of Civil Rights. There was  no provision for this in the bill he filed.

"How many sessions has he been in Austin where redistricting plans are drawn and they have to be cleared first by the feds?," asked Cameron County official. "Lucio knew this. He just thought the bill wouldn't clear the first committee where it was assigned. Why submit a bill without this caveat at all?""

It would also have meant that in the interim, the board of the BISD, with their 48,000 students, would have seen the student body jump to nearly 98,000 students. Also, the district's budget, which is about $545 million, would have increased to more than $1.065 billion.

Also, instead of a district superintendent to run the show, BISD superintendent Esperanza Zendejas would have control of the countywide system much as do superintendents in California where she was a superintendent before. A salary hike to more than $500,000 would go along with the new responsibilities. In fact, some say she knew it all along.

In all probability, Lucio probably flew the trial balloon to see whether it would fly, if only to please some constituent. When the predictable firestorm erupted after the plan became public knowledge, he backpedaled and blamed his staff for filing it without his knowledge calling it "premature."

"Eddie can now go back and tell whoever he was doing ti for that he had tried but that things didn't work out and collect his fee and remain in their good graces," said the administrator. "It was dead on arrival and he knew it."


Anonymous said...

Typical Lucio acting stupid and thinking he didn't know it was filed by someone from his staff. Why not own up to it pendejo and act tough instead of throwing your staff under the bus for your stupid mistake. Once he started feeling the heat, he back tracks. Pinche Republicano. Not even his Rebublican cronies would be able to save him from this one and he knew it. Come out of the Republican closet already ass kisser. Everyone knows your a Republican. Another Donald Trump Jr.. Pero Hispanic....

Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio is no politician and certainly no fuckin' legislator; He is a go-along Mexican!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand looking at that sick bastard.

Anonymous said...

Go away.

Anonymous said...

Was he expecting another 5 million dollars for his pet project like the 5 million he received for voting "Bathroom Bill" with the republicans the very next day? He says he followed his faith for voting that way. Hmm, I may have believed it, if that 5 million dollars wasn't attached. Are you the next greedy Joel Osteen ? Now you blame your staff for this mess. Own up to it.

Anonymous said...

Start making a list and checking it twice, remember next election and boot Lucio and Oliveira OUT.
This is NOT a Hispanic thing, this is a ENOUGH!! thing.

Anonymous said...

Eddie, selling your soul to who now ??

Anonymous said...

It's all about the moneyear and abuse of power! Bisd board and the school attorney are the worse corrupt individuals! How convenient Lucio appointing bisd to oversee the entire County districts, could baltazar Salazar have something to do being that his sister is married to one of Lucio's brother???

Anonymous said...

Both lucios are full of shit. They have no new vision that benefits any one but themselves. Vote these 2 bitches out next time around.

Anonymous said...

If he knew it was a NONSTARTER why is Lucio still trying to pass a bill that calls for the study of this exact procedure to go forward?

Anonymous said...

In this day and time I do not understand why individuals are unable to use Google to see how Lucio senior and Jr. are tied to big business. Space does not allow me to list the things they are involved in. How would you like to spend $100,000 a year given to you by others and call it campaign money? How would you like to be tied to national republicans in an energy business? How would you and your son like to take a trip to Alaska, or Turkey paid for by others. I can go on for hours!

Anonymous said...

Investigate both Lucios for graft! Vatos secos.

Anonymous said...

If you're following the money, it's obviously LNG.

Anonymous said...

The Pendejos are all of you and all of us....he keeps getting elected!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Eddie Lucio, Jr. continues to use the "my dog ate my homework" excuse, even in the Texas Senate. While the idea of consolidating schools is worth review, the corruption in BISD and other Valley school districts seems to mean that the corruption would expand. Can you imagine having the BISD Trustees oversee the entire county school would mean the entire county would bypass academics for budget corruption. Just say no to the BISD having more power in Cameron County schools!!!!!

Unknown said...

Callate' Mensos!

Sen Lucio has been very good for Brownsville and Cameron County.

Medical School ?

Healthcare ?
Veterans ?

I dont want some weirdo, nut job "It" in a bathroom with my daughter.

"It" should be on a farm with other of its kind.

Bravo Sen. Lucio !

Anonymous said...

Eat my dog's shit, Dunn. You have the face of a Hershey Highway traveler!

Anonymous said...

To Tom Dunn. Another ass kisser comes out of Eddie Lucio's asshole. "It" as you call whoever you are calling sure as hell wouldn't want to be with you daughter in the restroom if she looks like you. Your scary looking and smell of ass because of how much you kiss Lucio's ass. Or maybe you are referring to "it" as Eddie Lucio. Yea your right. You wouldnt want it around your daughter... Look in the mirror and you will see the real "nut job weirdo it" looking back. And im sure youll also be like Lucio calling himself a religious person. A really true Christian or Catholic. Oh wait.. Catholics first sin then they ask for forgiveness and all is forgiven and forgotten... The only farm it "Lucio" should be is the prison farm like all the rest like him. Bunch of ratas and crooked politicians like it. And maybe that's your kind and you ought to be in the same farm... Pendejo

Anonymous said...

It'll never fly. This is a red herring to appease the white folks. As long as there is money to steal and thieves to steal it, there will be NO consolidation of districts in Cameron County. The faux study is yet another ruse to give some fat cat consultant friends a job! Some of us are not that gullible and stupid Tom!
Tsk, tsk.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio.. Catholic living a double life? You say your decisions are based on your faith, but what about when you sell your soul to the devil? Stop being a hypocrite !! Or maybe, your republican friends love hypocrite democrats.

Anonymous said...

Who and what do we believe? No more innocence in our town!
