By Robert "Capt. Bob"Sanchez
Restaurateur Extraordinaire
I take this moment to clear the minds of my fellow citizens who may have read another bloggers stories about me.
My brother Jorge is a fantastic older brother of mine I look up to. I have known "Georgeous" George Gavito for three decades now and even though we have differences with certain issues I respect him and I know nothing about his association or my brother's association with cousin Mike's OP10.33.
But I am happy they help him. When my divorce situation began in October of 2015, it was a complicated next 16 months of legal maneuvering. The blogger of question called me weekly and sometimes daily to help me and to guide me. My phone records reflect his constant involvement. He constantly read pleadings and advised about the state official involved as home wrecker.
He advised how to keep him out of courtroom. But what was bizarre was the blogger's constant curiosity of cousin Mike. The blogger was relentless on knowing Mike's SPI address and other personal inquiries into my cousin's life. As far as Sea Ranch, I love all the plates on Captain Bob's menu and eat there twice a day, but I also love the Shrimp Scampi bowl at Sea Ranch and told blogger how my girlfriend and I love splitting it as it is yummy.
There was no talk of a $17,000 drug deal with the blogger and no talk of a $25,000 payment to me for a picture of my cousin . The blogger is delusional and desperate. I make my income from harvested seafood from Gulf of Mexico cooked and served by Brownsville employees of mine at Captain Bob's Seafood Restaurant.
I do not make money to set people up or sue them as this blogger likes to do. I respect Cris Valadez who I consider a close friend of mine. I respect Carlos Cascos for his ethics, intelligence, service to our community.
I grew up knowing Judge Cascos sister Gloria and brother Hector. For the unethical spinning blogger to write false stories about me and everyone I mentioned is wrong. The outrageous blogger has a seat in the devil's den when he is done here on Earth as far as I'm concerned for creating peripheral damage and chaos.
The blogger must understand that we are cousins friends brothers and members of Brownsville and that,dear is stronger than your bloggin mess here in Brownsville. Thank you Mr. (Juan) Montoya for standing up to the lying coward blogger whose greed is out of control.
May the legal community and Judicial branches take awareness of the disbarred attorney who is a blogger. God Bless Brownsville , Texas. Good day, folks. Sincerely Robert Sanchez also known as "Captain Bob."
Take that, fucking Blimp! Capt. Bob shoved his boot up your fat ass, bro. Now get lost, fool!
Captain "Boob" would best serve himself by keeping his mouth shut and not use this blog site to keep this debate alive....when most of us don't care.
Save it Robert. Noone gives a rats ass about you, that includes your family. Bobby is using your lame ass to entertain the citizens of Brownsville. Nothing wrong with that bro! Eat more shrimp and stay out of trouble.
What blogger?
I believe Capt. Bob on this one and I believe nothing posted by that fat fuckin blogger lying through his big ass. Shut up, Blimp!
estas cosido1 pendejo, mamonon
Sum of my cousins smoke weed
Shut the fuck up, Diego!why don't you post your stupid comments on your dad's blog?
Can the blimp wipe his own ass? It a real question - I think his arms are too short and his fat tissue from his side and back get in the way. His ass also kind looks like it takes a dip and hangs below average taking his butt crack and asshole too far down for his short arm to reach.
Its a legitimate concern to many of Brownsville citizens. I don't think I could function well If my ass was smeared with crap all day long. Besides, Id have a bad rash on and around my asshole that would be worse than branding my arm with red hot iron. Its just too much of a distraction for him and also take care of Brownsville at the same time. Im afraid I won't be voting for him.
Anonymous at have issues, please get some help . As for voting , the person the post is about , isn't running for anything . Read much?
Eat shrimp stay sexy
Captain Bob is all over the place when he writes...Jumps from topic to topic!
Erasmo Castro is NOT Da Blimp, although he could be. LOL!!!
Pinche Bob he got arrested y subiĆ³ el precio all you can eat shrimp it was $9.99 now is $16.99 no la chinga ��
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