BISD trustee Laura Perez-Reyes: "I want the record to reflect that when I said too much money, I didn't mean that we're spending too much money on our kids. That's not what I mean. And I don't appreciate your tone or your remarks because I am respecting you and I expect the same from you."
By Juan Montoya
During the March 29 specially called meeting of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District trustees, there was an item about the purchase of $1.5 million in CSP #17-103 computer tablets for fight graders that the administration recommended be awarded to Kajeet Inc. from McLean, Va.
The history of the purchase of the tablets has been a long and convoluted one. The previous board had approve the setting aside of the $1.5 million at the request of the administration under Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas. At first, the administration had planned to purchase the tablets from a different vendor by going through the buy board. But since it involved restricted funds, the bidding process had to be followed and bids were received by the BISD purchasing department.
After bidding for the tablets, Kejeet Inc. emerged as the administration's choice and this was presented at the February BISD meeting where it was tabled. At the regular March meeting, the item was tabled – along with many other items –after a six-hour executive session where litigation and personnel items were the focus of the discussion.
Several members had questions on the administration's recommendations and wondered why a name-brand company like Dell, Apple or Microsoft did not get the bid. A motion by Dr. Sylvia Atkinson to table the item was met by the superintendent's objections that parents and students were clamoring for the tablets. After a 4-3 vote against tabling the item, the motion was again made to accept the bid.
But before the vote on the motion to table, an exchange occurred between trustee Laura Perez-Reyes and Carlos Elizondo which showed a snarky side of Elizondo's character.

"We're spending a lot of money and I just want to be sure that it's the best we have for out students...," She said.
Elizondo, the next to speak, said thta the item had alsready gone through the technology committee and said: "Ive had a meeting with the technology committee and this is their recommendation, he said. "I don't think that spending $1.5 million for fifth graders is too much money, but that's just my opinion..."
Shot back Reyes-Perez, "I didn't say that sir."
Elizondo: "Well, that's what you said."
"I said for the product," she responded.
"By voting no, you're voting against fifth graders..
Perez-Reyes: "Not at all."

Atkinson spoke next after trustee Phil Cowen repeated Zendejas' claim that the students and parents were clamoring for the tablets and said that perhaps the fact that the name was Indian was prejudicing some of the trustees against the company.
"They are a reputable company," Zendejas said.
But Atkinson took it one step further, directing her remarks at Elizondo: "We are only saying that we should do our due diligence and ask the technology committee to come up with a recommendation. It's not about hurting students. We all take offense to those snide comments. That is not doing anybody any good. Be respectful when you decline. Be respectful when you approve."
Eventually the $1.5 contract for the tablets was approved for Kajeet, but not before Perez-Reyes turned to Elizondo and said:
"I want the record to reflect that when I said too much money, I didn't mean that we're spending too much money on our kids. That's not what I mean. And I don't appreciate your tone or your remarks because I am respecting you and I expect the same form you."
Why is that elizondo guy in some kind of a uniform ? And why does his name on the placard have captain A ELIZONDO ?
To be honest, the brand Kajeet isn't as known as Dell or any of the big ones but they've been around, speciacially in the phone business. I would have gotten a contract with Apple if I was to spend MILLIONS
As previous record reflects, Laura only speaks when she is told what to say, or as some in the audience say, when she is texted what to say and how to vote. It is the consciences of many stakeholders that there should be a policy about the use of phones while the meeting is going on. All cell phones should be left in the conference room and if Mr. Elizondo needs to leave on an emergency, he needs to have some sort of a beeper and then he can go to the back room and check on the emergency. It is quit obvious that one is leading two others by the nose. I do agree that rudeness plays a very strong part during the meetings, but it mostly comes from the right side of the room. Laura, be careful who you listen to, and do your own thinking and that would serve you better. You are being manipulated!!!!
Laura is a very smart lady, she is showing who she really is, not a puppet.
I had respect for Elizondo and thought he was a "well needed breath of fresh air". I was wrong! Now, his true colors are showing and he appears to be just another embarrassing politician.
Big deal, he is the fire chief. No need to flaunt a uniform at a school district meeting.
Also, how can he discipline his subordinates for violating rules, regulations or policies, when he is violating city policy himself by holding office?
Being disrespectful to others, while an elected official and wearing a chief's uniform......come on, Mr. Cabler!?!?!?
Sad how this young man has had so many opportunities and blessings....just to make a mess of them.
So much for Cowen being their it looks like he's bent over already.Cowen dont be stupid the majority thinks your a joke you can tell by watching the meetings on t.v
It is obvious the Super texts Coach Joe Carlos and Cowen when she needs them to speak on her recommendations. Pitiful. Wasted my votes on these 3 guys. 2018 can't get here soon enough for us.
Stay off the blogs Espy
High respects for Sylvia Atkinson who is doing a hell of a good job. You have to understand that Sylvia can stand alone and speak her mind doing it exceedingly well. Laura La Changa Rwyes not so. She is in a comfortable spot where she knows she will get backed by Sylvia Atkinson and has been told by Sylvia to be strong. Leave her alone and she's twiddling her thumbs. Minerva Peña needs to go. She's all show and since Caty is now gone she looking for the next person to kiss up to and since she's the one no one likes, she ended up on Team Atkinson. Peña needs to go. As for the tablets, wtf they ended up getting them anyway so what's the exciting news? That Laura is coached to show she has balls. No way.
Well said. She's being played like a puppet.
Pena,Reyes and Atkinson keep up the good work.
she doesn't give that impression on the board. she is talking more,
but only to agree with someone. It would be great if she would stand her own ground. If you know her, suggest this to her, perhaps?
Macho Mexican men have great difficulty showing peer respect to women. This sexism is hard wired in them.
In his attempt to be smart he only show how fucking stupid he is.
Even the 5th graders would have understood she was talking about the product ..
lastima.. no es gripa.. no se quita!
Its obvious Sylvia respects Minerva and Laura for speaking their minds. She always follows up their comments with how she agrees with them. Minervas policy meetings are the best cause she puts Joe in his place.
It is obvious that Carlos wife wears the pants at home so when Carlos is out in public he mistreats and disrespects women, because at home he is whooped!!!!!! Hey that is price you pay when you marry out of you someone above your level.
Maybe Elizondo will play nice if La Changa Perez shows up in her old Hooters uniform!
Good job Elizondo. Laura is an idiot who is a PUPPET. If you can't stand the heat, stay home Laura. As a 5th grade parent thank you Elizondo for the confidence. As far as his uniform, he comes straight from work to the meetings. Are we talking about the Great Sylvia Atkinson, who has been fired from four school districts and the TEA has an investigation on her? Pathetic, that is what she is.
Espy does not have time to text during the meeting for she is having to keep up writing the thousands of demands that la loca de Silvia wants done HER WAY! But even so, it is right that no texting should be going on during the meeting. There is a sign at the door that prohibits cell phones, but you hear them going off all the time. Even the president leaves his chair to go answer the phone - he took the phone out of his pocket before he went into the conference room, el sonso. Everyone thought he was going to la crepa! Pena is a nuisance with her mouth-everytime she opens it! I do wish that Laura is truly speaking on her convictions and not being manipulated, for everytime Laura tries to talk to someone, she has her sidekick standing next to her. Que lastima. Orale, Laura, show every one you are your own person and stay away from the other two tyrants.
Carlos Elizondo, " Por favor, "Cambiate la camisa" for the school board meetings. Trying to push your weight around with shirt, name tag, and FD truck in the parking lot? Have respect for this other title you hold, which is a position you should have given up. Isn't this the reason why a certain judge couldn't run? I understand that she held a position, and would have had to give up being judge. Now in Elizondo's case ,he got a FD position after he got elected to the board. Doesn't he have to give up something, as well ? BISD attorneys, City of Brownsville , "DO YOUR JOB !!, can you remind these people what the rules are? Or you do you follow the same rule/play book? Who is the REFEREE in this big mess? Correct me if I am mistaken in any of these points. I'm not calling anyone names, but PLEASE,WE NEED TRANSPARENCY !! The sad thing is that if someone, not in their loop, would start a petition or question it publicly , they would be blackballed from jobs in their sector.
103 computer tablets for $1.5 million! That's over $14,500/tablet. Ya ni la chingan. Pinche bola de ratas.
Carlos was appointed by merit - Civil Service - as Capt. of the BFD.
He was elected to BISD board. Elia was elected to be judge and Texas Law says NO ONE can hold two elected positions. That is the difference
Anonymous on the 15th at 10:45. Now if the city ordinance stipulates that a dept head within the city can not be an elected official also, that is another thing, but try find a recent copy of the City Charter online. The one they have is when Eddie Trevino was mayor!
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