Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Image result for save rgv from lng

By Barbara Hill
Save RGV From LNG

Approval of a Valley Crossing Pipeline Easement Lease is on the Port of Brownsville Commissioners' agenda this Wednesday, 04-05-2017.
Again, the Port doesn't let us know about such important business for enough in advance for us to have much of a say. And they don't provide us with enough information for us to have much of a say. Show up if you can, speak up against the lease if you can.
f the Commissioners' approve the lease, it could open a door to Valley Crossing that we cannot close.
If only the 1,000 foot Broder Crossing Project part of the pipeline out in the Gulf is reviewed by FERC, how are we to stop it. The Texas Commission For Environmental Quality has already approved it with no public comment period required. 

The Texas Railroad Commission apparently considers any pipeline good to go as soon as the company obtains the required right-of-way easements. Landowners face Imminent Domain action if they refuse the company's offers for easements across their property. Their best bet is to get together now and hire a single lawyer to represent them all.
So our best bet is for the Port to deny the lease. Our next best bet is for the land owners to get together to fight the company's easement requests and Imminent Domain actions.
If this Texas to Mexico pipeline goes through, then we can expect others to follow. 

For example, Kinder Morgan plans to build a natural gas pipeline from the West Texas Permian Basin fracking fields to the Aqua Dulce Hub northwest of Kingsville (the Gulf Coast Express Pipeline). That's the natural gas supply hub from which Valley Crossing, the Rio Bravo Pipeline, and the yet to be named Annova LNG pipelines plan to get their feed gas. And some folks are dreaming of running such pipelines from the US all the way through Mexico to other South American countries.
In addition, NAmerico Energy Holdings LLC plans to have its own Pecos Trail Pipeline built by 2019 to take fracked gas from the Permian Basin fracking fields to the Corpus Christi area to connect with pipelines that include Valley Crossing. And Three companies have raised $1 billion to build a 730-mile oil pipeline from the heart of West Texas to the Gulf of Mexico in Corpus Christi in what would be the state’s longest pipeline since at least 2008.
So we could have additional fracked gas and oil pipelines headed our way to be shipped overseas from our Port and to be pipelined on down into Mexico.
We weren't supposed to find out about the Valley Crossing Pipeline before it was built and put into operation. We weren't supposed to find out about these other pipelines that could well mean more pipelines headed our way. The folks pushing these projects forward don't know or care who we are, what we think, what we want. They don't want us finding out about their plans, don't want us showing up and speaking out against their projects. 

 The Port Commissioners' meeting this Wednesday is an opportunity for all who can to show up and speak out -- to demand to know more before projects like the proposed Valley Crossing Pipeline get what they need from our Port to do whatever they want to us and our small part of the world.
To make a public comment, get to the meeting site by 5:15 to sign up to speak. Public comments are limited to three minutes each and are scheduled before the Commissioners vote on the agenda items. During repair of Port Administration Building meetings are at the Port of Brownsville Police Command Center, 2993 N. Indiana Avenue, Suite B Training Room.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Complacency Is Economic Kiss of Death
MaƱana has been the mantra of Brownsville for to long.

Anonymous said...

Anti LNG folks have lost their fight. The people have spoken. It's all about JOBS. something these retirees from up north don't understand. Pack your trailers up and get out of town old folks.

Anonymous said...

They will certainly regret selling out our fisherman, shrimpers, restaurants, tourism, investors, senior retirees, spring break revenue, hotels, motels, everyone in the valley who drinks water and children who will be breathing fumes and grow up with cancer and birth defects if they agree to this. How many spring breakers descend on Corpus Christi to hang out in the sludgy water with a rainbow oil slick sheen annd dead fish washing up on shore, versus the island? Mmm hmmm think about it. Do recall our water supply is from the aquifer these deep pipes will be leaking into. Every other entity has opposed it for good reason.

Remember Port people, the reason you beat OP 10:33 in a landslide is because they were promising LNG would bring "jobs jobs blah blah". Toxic waste cleanup jobs for sure. Note what happened in Louisiana, Corpus and Texas City. You vote to bring this cancer on us kiss your reelection goodbye...

Anonymous said...

I'm against LNG, Juan. If we're going to bend over and take it up the proverbial culo then we better get more than a few dozen jobs in exchange for ruining the few things that are still free in this god forsaken corrupt county: clean beaches, fresh breathable air, and fish free of toxins. What are we going to tell our kids when we, by our indifference and inaction, let a few crooked politiciand sell us out once again. Just when we were getting over the ass reaming from the $21 million bridge that never was, the port commissioners are at it again.

Anonymous said...

It is a done deal. A question for BND; when will you stop taking money from the citizens as a tax....your business seems to be going well. Relieve the citizens of the tax burden imposed by BND!

Anonymous said...

How many jobs were created from that holding company that took over the ports railroad Juan?

Anonymous said...

April 5 2:20 like I said, get packing..nobody beleaves your libtard dribble. Such a scary world you live in. Don't worry snowflake, we got this. You all must be tired by now of constantly getting your ass kicked everyday. We won, you lost. I love seeing the few sad faces that turn out to your dismally attended rallies. Now you have to attach your bullshit cause to any libtard group that will have you. That way it looks like you have a big turnout. Fuck off.

Anonymous said...

All these hippie protesters righteous environmentalists probably drive big gas guzzling suvs and own huge fishing boats. Please you guys are a joke!!

Anonymous said...

an LNG plant is a modern, safe, concentrated industry. what the anti LNG people fail to realize is that it is the BND port commissioners' job to make that property viable to create jobs and bring money into our economy. It can materialize through the construction of those plants, or it can be in million+ gallon crude oil storage tanks, or it can be more ship breaking. Now you tell me what is worse. Just look at the existing ship breakers on google earth and see the damage that they appear to do to the environment. Or think of a million gallon crude oil tank catching fire, or leaking. The LNG evaporates if it escapes. Industry is dirty and dangerous. I would concede, however, to the tree huggers, that the LNG people apply their mitigation requirements to preserving as much of the wildlife cooridor as possible.
