Monday, May 22, 2017


(Ed.s Note: We had an opportunity to partake of the balmy (even if hazy and overcast) weather Sunday at the second access of the Cameron County Parks at South Padre Island.

We didn't stay long, but long enough to take a dip in the warm Gulf waters and some of the wild, both fauna and human. There is a noticeable increase in the number of birds, like the regal gull in the photo, but also formations of albatross gliding gracefully at remarkably low latitudes.

It was a nice respite from the hustle and bustle of city life and we returned refreshed and ready to take on another week.)


Anonymous said...

You were at the beach, Juan? Was it NACO DAY? LOL

Anonymous said...

Did you notice the bike lane on Gulf Blvd?

Pretty cool right?

Anonymous said...

Judging by the guy in jeans obviously it was Naco day.

Anonymous said...

Your gull is a Laughing Gull. Your albatross is certainly not an albatross, a very rare bird in the Gulf and even then mostly at the off-shore canyons 50 or 60 miles out in 600 feet or water or deeper and then mostly in winter. What you saw were likely Brown Pelicans, once an endangered species and totally absent from our coast. With the banning of DDT Brown Pelicans have made a complete recovery and are common now.

Anonymous said...

Don't drink and blog. When you drink and blog, you don't know the difference between latitude and altitude.

Anonymous said...

no te sabes tus pájaros o que animal?!

Anonymous said...

The beach will never be the same beach that we all enjoyed as children.
Why can't people learn to preserve the nature of things so that is actually really a relaxing and vitalizing time to go sit by the shore at Boca Chica and SPI and just relive the many childhood memories that we gathered with our family outtings. Te recuerdas que en Boca Chica
habia el lado para los mexicanos que usaban camisones para swim suit, y el lado de los bolios con real swim suits? But at least we wore some clothes to cover up and not the shoe laces that some use now.
