Wednesday, May 24, 2017


By Juan Montoya
With little fanfare or pomp and circumstance the two newly-elected members and a reelected one on the City of Brownsville commission were sworn in to serve their four-year terms.

Federal Judge Rolando Olvera administered the oath of office to At-Large "B" commissioner Rose Gowen. County Court-at-Law #1 Judge Arturo McDonald swore in District 3 commissioner-elect Joel Munguia and Municipal Judge Bobby Lerma swore in District 4 commissioner-elect Ben Neece.

The short ceremony was fast and dirty and nothing out of the ordinary happened. That is, until you saw the new seating arrangement on
the city commission stage.

There, at the extreme left of the seating arrangement was none other than District 1 commissioner Ricardo Longoria occupying the seat that was normally filled by At Large "A" commissioner Cesar de Leon. Up to the time of the swearing in, Longoria occupied the seat next to last on the right side of the commission, next to former District 4 commissioner John Villarreal.

We know that Longoria was supporting Villarreal's reelection and he may still harbor some regret that his horse didn't win. But to have his seat removed from next to Villarreal's old seat and de Leon's seat next to Neece seems like a trivial and small gesture from an elected official. Is this indicative of things to come?

Another interesting sight was the picture of Neece standing next to the sitting judges. Neece, the city's former chief municipal judge, had two of them (McDonald and Olvera) serving with him at the municipal court before they advanced to their respective offices. Lerma, on the other hand, served as the municipal court attorney with Neece before he followed Neece to the municipal court as judge. Under Neece, the municipal court has served, in short, as a judicial incubator.

Depending on what legal issues may arise in the future now that Neece is a sitting commissioners, he'll have plenty of friends at the local, state and federal levels.


Anonymous said...

Neece won't do shit. The Mayor won't let him. Write the truth, puto!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya se chingaron los pendejos de Michael Lopez y Robert Baez!

Anonymous said...

Longoria doesn't look very happy wonder why ?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Neece can take some action to get rid of Sossi as city attorney. Sossi is an embarrassment to the community. Made a full time city employee to give is son (we think by a stripper) medical benefits. Then Sossi signs a contract with another city be be their legal counsel. Sossi now tries to hide the challenge that Fire Chief Elizondo should not also be holding an elected position on the BISD board. Sossi is s DICK!

Anonymous said...

Because he wasn't hired to do any Dj'ing at the afterparties.

Hi days as a DJ mogul are OVA!

Anonymous said...

Hope commissioner Ben Neece cleans house, especially the HR department that does not open management level positions, they are just given to people with no experience just because they know someone or are related to somebody. Total corrupt hiring practices.

Anonymous said...

SOSSI needs to go!!!!!! Ben Neece needs to clean house....
