Monday, May 15, 2017


By Juan Montoya
About the only thing that anyone can say about outgoing City of Brownsville commissioner Deborah Portillo's record in her city commission District 3 seat is that it's been for the dogs.
Image result for debbie portillo, brownsvilleThe only memorable thing that the Portillo Chic jewelry businesswoman has done in her four years on the city commission was to pass an ordinance requiring that pet owners in the city implant a microchip in their animals to make it easier to find them if they get lost. Now, if an animal gets picked up by the city's Animal Control and doesn't have the chip, it curtains for the poor mutt or pussy.

Portillo, who was plucked from her happy obscurity selling jewelry to Mexicans from her perch in a small store appended to the Casa del Nylon, first gained public exposure when she was hand-picked by Mayor Tony Martinez to run for District 3. Even though she did not live in the district, she used her mom's address to make her run, much like Jessica Tetreau did in her first race.

Things have picked up for her now. She was made secretary to Mike Gonzalez, the first and only executive director of Unite Brownsville, the shadow government scam owned and operated by IBC president Fred Rusterberg and UTB president Julieta Garcia to fleece the rubes of Brownsville.

United Brownsville had but one director and a secretary and  a board full of  social climbers who desired to eat at the big table with the good people. They called it "having a seat at the table" and its members – some of them serving on boards of the school or college district or other entities – happily plunked down $25,000 of the public's money to rub elbows with the great.

 After a while, these public entities could not justify their $25,000 "membership" dues and abandoned the United Brownsville bandwagon. Portillo, meanwhile, saw her fortunes ascending and she vaulted from being a mere secretary to be one of the three principals of something called the United Brownsville Coordinating Board. The lofty-sounding position was untenable, however, and she saw the writing on the wall and jumped the sinking ship saying she had more important things to do.

Over the six or seven years that the United Brownsville scam operated, they sucked millions from the member entities such as PUB, GBIC, BCIC, COB, BISD, BND, etc... Not one job – except for Julieta's son Oscar Jr. and Debby's – was created by that shadow government. Millions were spent paying for Carlos Marin's drafting of plan after plan to create a "vision" for the welfare of our residents.

Throughout it all, Debby was happy to play along until the getting was no good and she fled the sinking United Brownsville ship.
Now we understand that she is said to be eyeing a run for the Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner position now held by commissioner Alex Dominguez. It's a lofty goal for a gal like Debby. But hey, that's why some people climb mountains: because they're there.


Anonymous said...

Al olvido con esta freza! Hablemos de Trump: En algunos núcleos de la población gringa de la más variopinta ascendencia étnica, pero fundamentalmente las hordas de los llamados WASP (blancos, anglosajones, protestantes), se tragaron la rueda de molino, que les ofreció establisment (Deep State), haciéndoles creer que con Trump, estaban eligiendo un estadista, el cual les regresaría el confortable nivel de vida, que según la manipulada población gringa, les fue arrebatada por los inmigrantes. Sin caer en cuenta que el racista cretino de Trump, no es otra cosa que otro monigote, impuesto por ese estado profundo, compuesto por la elite de millonarios incrustados en toda la estructura económica de USA, para maquillar con un tinte bélico, el paradigma del neoliberalismo, el cual, en su versión anterior (economicista) ya no les resulta funcional. La amenaza de una inevitable hecatombe nuclear, será el nuevo paradigma del criminal imperio, liderado por el psicópata de Trump, que le ha vendido a la manipulable sociedad gringa, que en un enfrentamiento nuclear el imperio gringo quedaría incólumne.

Anonymous said...

Portillo, like most elected locals, has no passion for public service. It's simply a social, self-enriching, ego boost of an endeavor for her and her ilk.

Anonymous said...

Dominguez vs. Portillo is a mismatch...

Seriously - Ive seen both Portillo and Dominguez at the meetings via TV...

its like night and day - regardless of their viewpoints - i haven't even gone there. Its just not a fair fight honestly.

It goes without saying who comes out on top.

Anonymous said...

Portillo is just one of many members of the Brownsville city that has done very little to benefit our city in the last four years. We can expect the same if she were to be elected to the County Commission....NADA.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Debbie Portillo for Precinct 2.I can't imagine why she even wants to run if she doesn't do shit. It's all about the $$. Debbie would you please LEAVE US ALONE.

Anonymous said...

I doubt this is an idea that came from her - there has to be a puppeteer - she couldn't justify it to herself, that she has done the leg work in the City commission to seek a County commissioners seat.

Who is the puppeteer that now wants more power in the County? Apparently they have what they want in the City and are now moving up to the County??

Anyone want to guess?

Anonymous said...

Lastima que esta tan Buena esta borrachita.

Anonymous said...

Go back to selling my wife and girlfriend cheap lingerie!

Anonymous said...

It's all about Carlos Marin. It has been for years and he is fading. Don't even think about electing this codpiece.

Anonymous said...

Is it a coincidence that all of a sudden City Commissioners are millennials with mediocre careers? Except for Jessica who has no career.

So - someone has the hunger for power and money and his/her strategy is to seek mediocre candidates, who can't think for themselves, and can be told how to vote and what to vote for.

Its a pretty obvious conclusion - unfortunately we have idiots like Fatassmo who take them on unsuccessfully.

There was an article in the paper today about lack of vocational schools - has any of them worked on improving that?

I see you constantly criticize United Brownsville, but honestly they are all better prepared 100,000,000 times over than these commissioners.


Juan - You seem to take pride (NOT!) in your work - why don't you do some journalistic work and find out who is each commissioners puppeteer - with facts please. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't vote for her in any election because of lack of experience.

Anonymous said...

Why is he fading?
