So what does the function of the Brownsville Children's Museum have to do with the price of tea in China?
What could one learn there that is not readily available on the Internet or through the Chinese embassy in the United States?

In other words, she went to the museum to have a taste of exotic China.
That would be about par for the course in our city.
Remember when trustees and administrators of the Port of Brownsville use to jaunt over to China accompanied by U.S. Rep Solomon Ortiz and his aides and Jason Hilts of the Brownsville Economic Development Council?
After spending a nice weekend in Shanghai, China, and spending thousands of the taxpayers dollars, they had nothing to show for the expense. The late commissioner Dan Reyna used to say that now it could be claimed that Ortiz (and him) had been "made in China."

Up to today, despite the queries, there has been nothing in our economic development that came about as a result of the trips except for the fond memories of the ladies and the tropical fruit.
What will come out of China Rose's "jaunt?" junket? Are different colored species of rice? That there are might be obese Chinese? That no one wears Mao jackets anymore? That kids play with home made toys? That the government provided free bicycles to the peasants?
Or that the "trip" so relaxed the commish that she might just need another bike jaunt somewhere else?
Are you serious? Did she actually go to China on the museums dime? If your story is based on the facebook post that accompanies it then the conclusion I reach is that she rode her bike to the children's museum and looked in on the exhibition there that features things Chinese, as per the article in todays Herald. This is looking like fake news.
Oh my god, Montoya. You are such an idiot. It's an EXHIBIT. At the CHILDREN'S MUSEUM. In BROWNSVILLE. If you spent 2 minutes doing your due diligence, you would have discovered posts and news about their China exhibit.
You truly give Brownsville a bad name.
Do you know how much of a moron you are? You think she actually rode her bike to China? To go see an exhibit at the Children's Museum? This is what passes as "news" in Brownsville...
She went to the Children's Museum China EXHIBIT in BROWNSViILLE she didn't travel to China for goodness sake! Kinda makes you not believe a word that is written on this silly blog if the author thinks someone can ride their bike from Brownsville to China. And how much do you know about our city if you didn't notice the China exhibit at the children's museum, Camille theater and Dean Porter Park. Another case of ignorance and lies on this blog! It's almost funny if it wasn't so pathetic!
The price of "tea" Juanito, "tea".
China has 1 billion bicycles that's why they're number one
There is so much graft and misuse of public funds in Browntown, I guess she thinks she might as well get her share. Hell, the money isn't going to help the taxpayer anyway, it is just a matter of which crooked politico puts in their pocked first. Taxpayer funds are free for the picking and we are so stupid we don't hold these people accountable at the ballot box.
Just one more reason why Mexicans will never rule the world.
We should be amazed that Da Mayor and all his muses didn't go with Rose Zavaleta Gowen to China. Rose is a piece work, but so are all Zavaletas...they see themselves as special. Again we see the city wasting tax dollars and likely will have nothing to show for it. Based on past city adventures, she is likely to come back to propose that some bicycling city in China be a "Sister City". Brownsville has more sisters than most polygamists. Rose Gowen has her own agenda and apparently she is supported by Da Mayor.
She could of just gone to Lotus restaurant here at Alton Gloor and Paredes. What a piece of art she is. Vacay on the Childrens' dimes.
I voted for Rose against fatboy Castro. Still would do it again, bro
She went to the China exhibit at the Brownsville Children's Museum. It's obvious you dislike her & apparently willing to find fault in everything she does - even if it means making things up. Try reading her FB post.
Go Rose! jealous slobs back home never get it.
Lloraaaar y lloraaar, lloraaaaar y lloraaaar.
Pura lloradera Juan - your they typical underachiever that plays the victim card to justify your failed life.
"To learn about language, markets, homes, exercise and transportation in China",,, She needs all the help she can get in the exercise department, she needs to lose weight along the "health director", pinche pelado ojete!
Not long ago, I attended a Los Tigres del Norte concert at a small hall with no dance floor. The people attending were supposed to sit down and enjoy the music. Five minutes into the music, these jumping beans started dancing in the aisle. Within minutes, half of the attendees were going up and down the aisles dancing to the music. It's not the first time I've seen Mexicans create improvised dance floors. Why do Mexicans love dancing so much?
Nimodo, la cagaste Juanito. Time to lay off the Sriracha.
Here's one for you. Juanito is gay. Why? Because I saw him looking at and talking to another fellow on Elizabeth Street. This is all the fodder I need to write this response. There seemed to be a hint of affection in his stare. Therefore I have concluded beyond a shadow of a doubt while not having all the facts that Juanito is in no uncertain terms gay. He's also a legend in his own mind.
I ceased to be amazed that people can't understand what they read. How is it that politicians get away with being con artist, just read some of the comments here, even a picture will not help.
Wake up people; stop reading between the lines.
Read the blog post again and you will see that the blog post NEVER mentions "Commissioner Rose Gowen rode her bicycle TO CHINA."
The fourth paragraph specifically states that:
"In other words, she went to the museum to have a taste of exotic China.
Mr. Montoya even quoted the "trip" as a "bike jaunt" on his last paragraph. Everyone in their right mind knows you don't take a "bike jaunt" to China. You take the train (Orient Express).
Try to focus when you read or else THIS will happen.
The bike rats can't read the article written? Satire bike rats, SATIRE.
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