Following the appearance by subpoena of City of Brownsville manager Charlie Cabler and attorney Mark Sossi legal representatives for Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo are said to be trying to hammer out an agreement with the Cameron County Attorney's Office that will result in a deferred adjudication deal that will keep him out of jail.
Sources within the DA's Office and the city indicate that the grand jury instructed both officials to produce documentation relating to the operations in the city of unlicensed ambulance company Intercity Ambulance for Emergency Medical Transport LLC, owned by Justin Oakerton and which sources say Elizondo is a silent partner.
Intercity Ambulance for Emergency Medical Transport LLC filed as a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) with the Texas Secretary of State on January 2011 and is approximately six years old. Oakerton is listed as owner and manager of the company. Elizondo's name does not appear in any of the documentation related to the firm.

Elizondo is also said to be a silent partner in International Academy of Emergency Medical Technology, L.L.C, of which Oakerton is the owner, and which was awarded a contract to teach EMT courses in the BISD on August 2016 until June 2018. BISD records indicate that before Oakerton teamed up with the fire chief, the firm had a contract from 2009 to 2014.
(Of all the videotaped meetings listed on the BISD website, the August 2 regular meeting video where the contract was approved is the only one that is not available for viewing.)

The Brownsville City Charter which proscribes the requirements for ambulance service in Brownsville requires the service providers to be licensed by the city. The person authorized to make the determination of licensing and "such other information as the fire chief shall find reasonably necessary to a fair determination of whether the terms of this article have been complied with" is the fire chief, in this case, Elizondo.
According to sources within the DA's Office and the BISD, local attorney Noe Garza has been retained as counsel by Elizondo after attorneys in Houston recommended by BISD general counsel Baltazar Salazar did not take the case. Elizondo is also a trustee with the BISD. They say that a law firm in Dallas was asking for $50,000 up front to represent the chief and he did not agree to the terms and south Garza's counsel instead.
According to heretofore reliable sources, the DA's Office is said to be agreeable to Elizondo pleading to deferred adjudication for a year, resigning as a BISD trustee, and the promise that he will not seek public office during that time. It is unknown whether this employment as city fire chief is part of the negotiations with the county attorney's office.
Sources say that so far Elizondo has not been named on any indictment by the grand jury looking into the matter yet pending the production of the documentation by the city officials subpoenaed to testify.
Greed is a motherf****r
When are you going to write about Gus Ruiz and Mike Trejo towing company Ace Towing?
Carlos Elizondo is at it again. He is going to throw his buddy Justin Oakerson under the bus to clear himself from going to jail. Justin Oakerson it is time for you to protect yourself and your daughter, don't take the fall for this asshole he wouldn't do it for you. Remember, you are a man of god, so don't sin, say everything you know of Elizondo to the authorities.
Elizondo is just another corrupt member of our city administration. His bald head, with a dimple would make him the perfect DICK!
RATAS. But if it was a regular Joe blow they would be in front of a firing squad.
Brownsville will never change, just a different day in Brownsville.
Ese carlitos es una rata pero una rata pendeja. Ese vatio es un panochon y va a echar de cabeza a todos antes de el ir a prision.
never would I ever trust Rigo Bocanegra. He is the most back stabbing individual out there. He is butt hurt because he wasn't promoted to asst. fire chief. Now after being best buds with DA Luis Saenz and Luis brother Mario Saenz he is making all kinds of allegations against Carlos Elizondo to get even with him. DA Luis Saenz has nothing on Carlos Elizondo. Just like Luis Saenz did with Kory Marra in Harlingen is exactly what Luis Saenz is doing with Carlos. This is only to get even with Carlos Elizondo for endorsing Masso against Luis and Jessica Tetraue against Sergio Zarate.
If you or anyone is friends or coworkers of Rigo Bocanegra watch out. He is the one leaking information to the DA to get even with you if you don't do what he says or support him financially (Donation) of course.
This is only a vendetta from Rigo Bocanegra and Luis Saenz.
Elizondo...the question should be how did he climb the ladder...he talks a good game in public ,but when the lights go off, he is a deal maker...just like the Lucios'and Juliet Garcia
Corruption in the fire Dept.....Carlos is a self centered motherfucker, lets see what the city commission does about this. The community does not trust this bald headed asshole. he is an embarrassment to his family and the school district.Just look at him, you can easily tell he's a backstabber and all about himself. What a super "JERK". I wouldn't be caught or seen anywhere in his company.
Rigo is a true crook...that reads at the six-grade level and writes with the best of third-graders...another jewel!
Yea yea yea the truth is truth vendetta or not why put youself in these type of positions to begin with hello McFly.
Vote for Team Saenz candidates in 2018
LT.RIGO BOCANEGRA - Cameron County Commissioner Pct. 2
LALI BETANCOURT - Cameron County Clerk
Rigo is a COWARD and will never be elected to any position in Cameron County . Mr. Bocanegra can kiss TEAM SAENZ and Ramiro Sanchez's ass all day long but the people will NEVER vote him into any office . Rigo has and will ALWAYS be jealous of Fire Chief Carlos Elizondo and that is the reason he allows himself to be controlled by The SAENZ brothers so they can TRY to take Carlos down for him . Rigo is nothing more than a POLITICAL PUPPET being controlled by the most CORRUPT and VINDICTIVE organization in Cameron County TEAM SAENZ . That gang only cares about TWO things 1. Settling their score with people who did not support Luis . 2. COMPLETE CONTROL of Cameron County .
Say NO to all TEAM SAENZ Candidates in 2018 and A BIG Hell No to Rigo !
Carlos Elizondo. ES UNA RATA! And everyone who knows him knows the truth about him... he will throw anyone under the bus to safe his penis head. And that my friend is a true fact!!
That looks like Donald Trump.
Shut up Sylvia your next
Sylvia left her job to have elective surgery and had her puppet la chief deputa clean her ass while she was recovering! Oh well those were the best days in the office because the brujas were not there right Angela
Seems to be a pattern in Cameron County if you don't support Luis and Team Saenz's puppets be ready to face the firing squad!! Good ol' CORRUPT Cameron County!! Carlos is just the latest victim of the vendetta filled DA!!
Rigo is a good honest man. Not anything like the chief or the city attorney.
Stop the hating Cindy
Juan just making sure my post were anonymous did two within the hr thanks
Cindy "TrenchMouth" needs to buy some Listerine because toothpaste is not helping. Sylvia no one wants to tell you this but truth be told your little friends talk crap about you. But you believe your comadre Jessica Khalifa and Cindy Elizondo right. Ha ha ha ha ha you look dumb all of you talking shit about each other. Rigo watch out for Crabby Maggie and Fake nalgas Mari. They are working polls. You too Sylvia.
Lmao, it's so true about Cindy and her bad breath, what's sad is she can't take a hint, Ms. Dillards needs some maximum strength mouthwash, seriously she talks about everyone else but fails to look at herself, don't feel sorry for SGP because she deserves it, as for Crappy Maggie and Levanta False Pompis yeah watch out guys! Don't forget about La Tacuacha Isabel too! Working hard for the bling bling baby!
Bunch of psychos
It seems like anyone who gets caught by the DA is a victim. Why not try not to break the law now there's a thought. If you're not friendly with the DA why break the law? It's like someone flipping off Gus Reyna while you're drinking and driving. Wth did he think was gonna happen get a reward? I hope the DA throws the book at him and makes an example out of him. Everyone knows Fester Elizondo and his fake bad breath wife are arrogant self centered egotistical people. What I want to know is who's next because there are many more rats. But word to all you politicos no joke guess who is ratting you guys out? You'd never think it's someone in your own circle right? Your own friends are turning you in mofos! How's that for an eye opener? Put one and one together you band of pendejos.
Is it fun to read what happens in Cameron County.I get a kick out of this, how you all like to talk about each other. But I have to agree this guy needs to go.
Well I heard it was a sex tape that made Rigo the puppet for Team Saenz!!
MARI GARCIA and MAGGIE OZUNA you both work for the elections office during elections, right? MARI GARCIA and MAGGIE OZUNA,I don't think you should be getting involved in politics because you get paid by the county and that is conflict of interest my dears. MARI GARCIA and MAGGIE OZUNA,I know you both get paid for block walking and phone banking to push for candidates and then you get paid by tax payers money to count and over see voters ballots. MARI GARCIA and MAGGIE OZUNA, it is not only shameful but against the law that the same candidates that paid you both to do politiquera work are the same political candidates you both have to judge during ballot counting and screening for the double bubble(as if people are to dumb that they vote for both candidates at the same time) MARI GARCIA and MAGGIE OZUNA we will be watching both of you and your politiquera friends very closely.
You have issues and are utterly and completely paranoid. Either you're good at exaggerating or just a plain nuts. Either way it sucks that you have to go so low to insult one person. This article is about someone who is and has broken the law. Stolen wheelchairs, assault, holding more seats than he should and it's a vendetta? Rigo is the bad guy? Your statement is stupid and ridiculous.You are full of shit. "Complete Control" STHU you support the corruption that exists. That leads me to believe you are a part of it. You have no merit.
If 3:25pm is correct then I love to shake Mr. Rigo Bocanegra hand for putting away crooks like Chief Rata Carlos Elizondo and his fake wife wannabe Cindy Kardashian Elizondo Lol. If you are friends or acquaintance with these pair always be on guard check your pockets for missing money and wear a metal plate on your back for the stabbing, proven facts.
Yep Maggie aka La Llorona & Nalgaz Falsas Mari already got paid by Elizondo & Rat Face Joey Lopes. She would take money from Sylvia Garza Perez but Sylvia doesn't pay people to harvest votes!!!! She hates politiqueras!!!! Rigo watch your ass because Maggie talks shit about you. Menso you think she's your friend and she's with Joey Lopes.
Funny how Rigo is accused of of a six grade education, funny then how come is it that he has his own fire truck and is in charge of four grown men plus himself, and has taken some college courses and has helped multiple walks of people from helping put people in office. Loosing some and winning some, some he has helped and some people have turned their back on him, he has suffered loses and yet he keeps himself happy and doesn't worry about what others think of him, he is a big advocate and advocate of the special needs community, one thing Mr Bocanegra is not is a quitter, to all people who are grown up's and his enemies lets learn more about Mr Bocanegra and not go buy some of his jealous critics.
He became driver for the Brownsville Fire Department. When he passes the promotional test because he CHEATED !! Off a fellow fire fighters test when he was seated next to him. Like if you don't know. He got the exact grade same questions wrong as the person that really studied for the test. That's why he is in charge of those 3 other fireman. And that's fucked up and Dangerous.. So don't lie about Rigo Bocanegra he is what he is an Idiot !
Shut the fuck up Carlos and Cindy Elizondo, you think we don't know it is y'all behind these comments. You stole all the benefits from the firefighters and their families by selling their working contract out so you could be fire chief. You want the city's ambulance transfers because you know the big money is there. The people are not stupid, hell will freeze over before you have a chance to establish your fucken ambulance service. You have been sucking to much from the public tit like leeches and it is all coming out to bite y'all in the ass pretty soon assholes.
Carlos get a life, the fire department knows you cheated on the drivers, lieutenant and captain's test. You were caught red handed that even carlos ayala had to retire after you stole the answers to the captain's test from his office. You were never smart enough to pass anything that is why you have always resorted to stealing. You're like a dog that returns to his own vomit.
BISD School Board Member Elizondo, Mr Bocanegra helped you get elected to your seat you forgot him leave him alone he is good people you don't care about loosing friends you don't have any it bothers you that he is liked and you are not and also the parents of special needs kids also don't like you grow up
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