Thursday, June 1, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Well, seems like we'll see no end to the goings on after the silent march held on Memorial Day at Veterans Park on Central Blvd.
Things were going along swimmingly and Mariano "Bean" Ayala was MCing, as he usually does in these events.

As he recognized local luminaries present, he noticed that Tiny Barrientes was in the crowd and Ayala thought he would honor him as the founder of the march many years ago.
Bean, the cheerleader of all things Brownsville that he is, invited Barrientes to the mike so he could say "something' on such a solemn occasion.

The last thing one would think Barrientes would say would be some sort of joke. Well, to the surprise of those at the ceremony, he flippantly came to the mike and said "something," that's right, the word "something."

People just stood astounded that he was the only one laughing at his own joke. Many veterans there were aghast that Barrientes had chosen this solemn occasion to make a funny. After all, this holiday is a little different than Veterans Day when we honor all vets who served. There's a place there for humor in uniform and many vets recall their days in the services, sad and happy times as well.

Memorial Day is very different and Tiny knows that. After all, to his credit he came up with the idea of the silent march, which is commendable. Many people present – vets or not – did not appreciate the little humor (very little) that he displayed at the ceremony to honor our fallen vets.


Anonymous said...

Typical brownsville embarrassment. So sick of the morons that live here.

Anonymous said...

Get over it my is too short to be critical of a fellow veteran...I suppose you haven't done and/or said anything you've regretted.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Typical brownsville embarrassment. So sick of the morons that live here.

June 1, 2017 at 11:26 AM

Simple solution: MOVE.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans don't know how to talk in public. Don't dump on this one; he's just ignorant as all in the Mexican side of Hell.

Anonymous said...

There is 100eds. of veterans in Brownsville, only a few had spent their lives, asking for honors and reverencies, we are grateful for their service, but it is a job that all of us had done as an obligation to our Country, without expecting any thing on return, but the benefits that we deserve as in any normal job, this guys are always looking for opportunities to Grandstand and Glorify themselves.

Anonymous said...

The morons that live in a city can vary from City to City - Its all relative.

If you go to San Antonio, a larger city than Brownsville, you'll find hundreds of thousand of more morons because there are hundreds of thousands more residents.

If you go to Olmito, you'll probably find fewer morons because there are fewer residents -

So If you want to be the only moron around, go live out in the middle of the Ocean. We won't miss you.

Anonymous said...

It was a solemn moment, He wasn't prepared for a public speech, why even do that?

Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens receive more benefits than veterans...this is what you constant complainers should be crying foul about. Compare benefits and you're going to be angrily surprised.

Anonymous said...

Tas bien pendejo Bean! What part of "silent" March did you not understand? Let the vets do their shit.

Anonymous said...

Why are vets getting preferential parking in San benito? I dint get it. They already get free everything, and discounted whatever is not free, and now they need preferential parking? They already have disabled parking

Ben said...

While Memorial Day is indeed a solemn occasion, I know Tiny and I know he meant no disrespect in honoring our veterans. He was obviously caught off guard and responded in a fashion that is typically Tiny Barrientes. He, like Bean, are always trying to spread a little laughter to everyone they meet. That park would be near empty every memorial day were it not for the efforts of Tiny and other veterans who support each other. I for one am thankful for the continuing service he and others do for Brownsville. Last time I heard, He lives in America, where any man can say what's on his mind thanks to the fallen hero's who gave us that privilege.
