Thursday, June 1, 2017


By Fernando del Valle
Staff Writer

The Valley Morning Star
SAN BENITO — The city will launch an investigation based on Police Chief Michael Galvan’s private recordings of conversations downloaded from the police department’s computer system.
For about an hour last night, city commissioners met in closed session with City Manager Manuel De La Rosa and City Attorney Ricardo Morado.

The purpose was “to seek legal advice regarding leaked police chief records,” the meeting’s agenda states.
Commissioners referred questions to Morado.

“The city will investigate the matter and take appropriate action as the investigation unfolds,” Morado said after the meeting.
But Morado declined to disclose whether the city will conduct its own investigation or request an outside agency to investigate.

Morado also declined to disclose whether the investigation will focus on Galvan’s recordings of conversations, the recordings’ downloading — apparently from a public server — or their distribution and possession by unknown individuals.
Galvan, who was not in the small audience at City Hall, apparently hung up his telephone when reached after the meeting.

Last week, Commissioner Esteban Rodriguez said he would request commissioners determine whether Galvan’s recordings violated any laws.
Rodriguez said about 500 of Galvan’s recordings were downloaded and were “floating” around town.


Anonymous said...

it's all over Michael, your little secret recordings that you had on everyone are out! You were careless and had them open on the public sever at work and now they have leaked. now all they're doing is smearing everybody that's involved in those recordings! More is coming your way michael, with the more lies that you give to the public! There is no need to have a recording device to bolster cases, that's why there's cameras and microphones on the patrol cars and the officers have body cams. So your lies about the recordings are going nowhere. It's finally out ! They have been your personal recordings from the beginning to help you possibly blackmail other people and getting your ways but it's all over now thanks to your carelessness. Now the people want to know what the recordings contain of the ugly words that come out of your mouth in those recordings. I've heard them already and I know what they contain, you're a sick man for what you say in those recordings. Keep hanging up on the press and media when they call you at work. You're done! And little city manager, you are done also for allowing all this to happen even though people gave you warnings about what he was doing and you ignored everyone standing there short like you are with your arms crossed.

Anonymous said...

Sex, lies and videotape - the usual Mexican fucking bullshit. tell the whole story, juan!

Anonymous said...

I wanna hear the recordings police chief GALVAN.

Anonymous said...

So what?!!!! What does this mean to me!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get the skillet and light the fire.... michael is chicken fried!!!

Anonymous said...

Seems like local officials are trying to play big boy games and just can't survive their own stupidity. "Information is power" and it seems that some here in the RGV want to use information as leverage over their employees, local officials, or just us citizens. Then we have McAllen trying to keep the costs of the Iglesia concert from reaching the eyes and ears of the public and the Texas Legislature (which doesn't want citizens to know how much special interests control them) ruled in favor of secrecy over transparency.

Denny Crane, Jr. said...

to ANONYMOUS said on June 1, 2017 at 12:30 PM

Dude, your premature celebration is nothing more than a display of your contempt for Chief Galvan. All the servers within the City of San Benito premises (including the SBPD building) are not open to the PUBLIC as you allude in your comment. The recordings were illegally downloaded and once they were leaked, it became an illegal act by someone within the SBPD.

If you think your anonymous libelous comment about Chief Galvan using the recordings to blackmail other people will not come back to bite you in the ass, you are sadly mistaken. There are ways of tracking you down; it has been done many times before.

Your statement that you have heard the recording could also possibly make you a party, after the fact, for distributing an illegally obtained recording. In regards to your comment “and little city manager”, just remember that when you judge another, you do not defined them, you define yourself. That is so Donald Trump.

The key factor you should be aware of is the recordings recorded by Chief Galvan and other members of the SBPD are NOT ILLEGAL. I could explain it to you why they are not illegal but it probably won’t change your mind because of your deep animosity towards Chief Galvan, facts be damned.

I will wait for the investigation to complete and I will refrain from saying “I told you so.” The only person or persons who should be worried about the investigation are those who copied the recordings, leaked them to the public, or leaked them to the media. Those individuals on the recording, who could be damaged by them being made public, could possibly take legal action against those individuals who leaked the recording.

All those involved in the downloading and distribution of the recordings better start searching for good legal advice, they will need it. I think they bit more than they could chew.

You can take that to the bank!

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment your family at home.

You don't care about your job by doing things like this....then You don't care about your family one bit.


Anonymous said...

The facts are all in your sneaky recordings mike.


Anonymous said...

I find it troubling that a chief of police would feel compelled to record his conversations with the City officials and judges.what possible reason would he have ? Maybe trying to weed out corruption within the city or something sinister. Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

where is the FBI or Texas rangers ? the city of San Benito needs to be transparent and avoid any conflict of interest. Remember y'all work for the TAXPAYER. Because the law allows.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the recording are legal and Galvan did nothing, why is Galvan shitting bricks? If such recordings are allowed by the SBPD then why all the fuss?

Anonymous said...

Once you believe in the lies of the sneaky Chief... then you,Crane Jr, have now been "GALVANIZED."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Galvan n Morales MAN UP, MAN UP, MAN UP.

Anonymous said...

Little Martin....?. time to get a refill on those high blood pressure medications.

Anonymous said...

And city manager "(shrek)LORD FARQUAAD" ? Time to jump to the next city. And start all over again like your history shows.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooohhhhh Crane Junior????? Come out, come out, wherever you are????? Wait,,,,? Maybe UFO aliens made him do it? Or someone copied his voice and set him up? Or maybe he is a special FBI agent and was told by Hillary Clinton to do it? Or he was held at gun point to do these awful recordings of his? Or maybe he helped you with a citation Crane jr? Which could it be oh my!! LOL WHICH ONE CRANE Jr. Help us figure it please....?

Anonymous said...

Oh mikey....? PETUÑIA also knows you talked about her....... jijijiji!

Anonymous said...

This is gonna bankrupt the city.500 recordings sounds like CHIEF GALVAN has been doing this for sometime. It's hard to believe no police officer ever picked up on it. What a SHAME AND EMBARRASSMENT FOR SAN BENITO.

Danny Crane, Jr. said...

Actually I am not from San Benito and I have never met Chief Galvan. I actually love the city of San Benito. It is not too big and not too small. It is a quaint middle-of-the-road town that has lots of potential for growth if they would just tear down all those cantinas on skid row and build a downtown plaza.

Unfortunately, the attitudes displayed here by some of the commenters who would rather see the town blow up with another black eye to its reputation will destroy any plans for new development or manufacturing. Investors actually read the news and are not interested in so much drama.

Anonymous (on June 2, 2017 at 12:52 pm) makes a very valid observation. What would compel a Chief of Police to resort to recording his conversations with elected officials? My answer, based on an outsider observation with nothing to gain or lose, is Chief Galvan is probably covering himself by legally recording the conversations of any interference from the elected officials who are my guess feeling the heat if these recordings surface in the media. This would definitely weed out any alleged corruption. THAT is the reason for all the fuss.

My only fear is that the only galvanizing going on will be the shock on people’s faces when and if those tapes ever really go public and all the alleged corruption will be exposed. I am only guessing here but I am old enough and intelligent enough to read between the lines.

Mr. Anonymous, who claims that I have been GALVANIZED, please enlighten me with what lies sneaky Chief has made. Please be specific instead of just being funny. Being funny gets you laughs. Being serious will get you respect.

San Benito needs better than all this back-stabbing and political grandstanding by a certain city commissioner who just can’t stop talking to the media.

Let the shit happen but don’t pour any more of it on top.

Breakthesilence said...

Well i reported my boss under the "whistle blower act" and he got fired! So theres hope out there for those women who are scared to report wrong doing or sexual haradsment at work!


Benny, is that you? or is it Steve? maybe is it Ron?
Beware "The Ides of August".

Anonymous said...

Crane, you have been Galvanized sir. Read up on the valley morning star for the truth coming out! And they are SERIOUS comments with some SERIOUS LAUGHTER that are made here, June-ya! ; )

So suck it up and read on El RRUN RRUN !! Lol

Anonymous said...

Good words silencer.

Anonymous said...

Galvan left home Wednesday cause of chest pains.... and now he requested the rest of the week off? Why you hiding michael.... ? Your days are coming.... so get your story straight. (And I hope you didn't hide any thing on the computers at the station. Now you removed the public Drive from the PD system with the city I.T. Guys? That's TAMPERING WITH EVIDENCE already? Keep it up michael. Please keep it up. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sounds like that police chief is digging his own grave. But I am wondering why is he still the police chief and if he has the authority mess around with the PD system.

Anonymous said...

deleting the public drive at the station with the I.T. guys is wrong Galvan.... keep trying to cover up what your hiding. your days are numbered casue thats tampering with evidence. your excuse is to make the computers more secure??? /just dont leave your personal private recordings in there and you'll be fine!! lol

Anonymous said...

Your a joke at the department michael. And a joke to your family. And finally a joke to the citizens of this city on the rise To bigger and better things soon.

Anonymous said...

No city manager Farquaad. You can call In the captain and lieutenants from the Police Department and remind them that the chief is still in charge. And you can't be threatening them not to call or make contact with the media. SMH

Anonymous said...



(well , thanks for your recordings really...LOL)

Anonymous said...

you did nothing for the city of San Benito Michael. all you did was take SHIT on the living room floor of this Awesome City of SAN BENITO....and you didn't wipe your ass!! and all your doing is spreading your shit stains on everyone.

the people don't want to see these continued news articles of the recordings..... they wanna hear these recordings.
