Saturday, July 1, 2017


By Desi Martinez, M.A.
South Texas Economics - GOV Liaison, private consultant
Harlingen, Texas
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

1. We were redistricted in 1980 and had a U.S. Congressman, both Democrat and Republican, from Corpus Christi for 32 years. We were redistricted again in the last few years and now have a U.S. Congressman from Brownsville. 

I do know that Congressman Vela is working hard to re-boot the economy. So I provide the end results of the economy by comparison of the labor force and per capita income and related economic figures per industry cluster for 2 coastal counties.
2. Cameron County and Nueces County have the same labor force and this is where we should compare first.
3. You can verify the numbers by going to Texas LMCI TRACER, LMCI TRACER
You make your own assumptions. A well informed public makes better decisions.
Best Wishes,


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I will vote for the dog catcher before I vote for Rene Oliveira. He belongs in the frog display at Glady s Porter Zoo

tom landrie said...

That Vela is anti-Trump. He's always on the losing side of history.

Anonymous said...

Fil Vela is doing the best that he can with what he has.....
Congressman Vela represents a poor, undereducated (mostly by choice) docile congressional district that really has no interest in moving forward economically much less socially.
You cannot turn around what historically has been one of if not the number one most economically disadvantaged (again mostly by choice) district in the United States.
