Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
By a 5-2 majority, City of Brownsville Attorney Mark Sossi was terminated as a city employee and sent packing.

District 2 commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa made the motion which was seconded by District 4 commissioner Ben Neece. All the commissioners, except for District 1 commissioner Ricardo Longoria and District 3 commissioner Joel Munguia, voted for the termination.

Voting "aye" were Mayor Tony Martinez, Rose Gowen, Neece, Tetreau and Cesar de Leon. Martinez, in going through the executive session items, almost jumped over the last one dealing with the attorney before the city secretary called the item to his attention and the vote was taken.

(Later the Brownsville Herald pointed out that the vote was 4-2 to fire because – even though he didn't say it in open meeting – Martinez had abstained from voting.)

Soon after the vote, Sossi gathered his briefcase and walked out of the building. He was followed out by an officer of the Brownsville Police Dept.

Sossi had been city attorney for the last eight years at a $10,000 a month salary and an additional $5,000 monthly stipend for acting as general counsel for the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation. He was hired as s city employee since January 17, 2009.

Increasingly, he had been the center of embarrassing situations and was reportedly seen as an obstruction by some of the newer members of the commission.

Sossi's termination was effective immediately. 


Anonymous said...

Best news in years!!!! Fire Chief should be next.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful. He is a bad man

Anonymous said...

This firing is about 10 years too late. I told you all in 2005 what to do with this spinner. Sincerely Mr. Shrimp

Anonymous said...

I suppose that is what happens when you sexually assault women and ruin their lives. You are a piece of shit, a woman is suffering today because of you.

Anonymous said...

Thats it!!! Because of this firing , I am going to celebrate by dining on Lobster. Truly, Mr. Shrimp

Anonymous said...

Why don't you sign your name to this one, you brown cocksucker!

Anonymous said...

Montoya and his blog swayed those commissiiners to oust him. Pulitzer prize information. Mr Fish

Anonymous said...

Now if could only get rid of the mayor and Longoria

Anonymous said...

That's just the beginning....

Anonymous said...

Muguia obviously is a rookie.... what an idiot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shame on you Joel Munguia

Anonymous said...

And now he will never register his vehicle...
It's just a ruse to avoid paying child support. This guy is a deadbeat!!!
We want elizondo fired next

Anonymous said...

Longoria needs to be next,all he has done in 12 years is change the name from southmost rd. to southmost blvd.wow 12 years of a wasted vote for district 1

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Joel Munguia showing his true colors . Shameless , greedy bastard! Another puppet.

Anonymous said...


BobbyWC said...

I understand why Longoria voted the way he did, but Joel has not been on the commission long enough to needd Sossi to survive. There is a story which needs to be developed

Anonymous said...

Agrre Munguia is obviously a rookie in public service

Anonymous said...

Munguia should have abstained. He's only been at the commission a couple of months and did not have enough information to vote.

Or - Sossi knew what was going down and wined and dined the rookie for a vote.. he was too short though.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off Wightman! Go play in la la land you lying sack of shit. Juan Montoya is the real deal in news coverage around here!

Anonymous said...

5:08. I agree with You. Montoya's. RrunRrun best news media in Rio Grande Valley. Sorry Brownsville Herald sorry Newscenter Four and Channel Five. Montoya #1

Anonymous said...

Damn Montoya. Once again Former State Representative Henry Sanchez RIP was correct. He believed in you.

Anonymous said...

What an AMAZING DECISION!!!!! Como dicen en Mexico eso es tener huevos y los pantalones bien puestos... I don't know what the Commissioners were smoking but they made it happen :) Great Job!! Finally now get rid of the other idiots that is a waist of money for tax payer dollars. Honestly you would show other community leaders how to be leaders and understand policy and procedures should be followed.
Carlos Elizondo please get rid of him he is abusing his positions.
I don't want my tax $$$$$$ to be spent on this one ASS HOLE!!!

Charlie Cabler please you have to get rid of him I'm getting tired of his fucked up decisions... He retired as an Officer and is getting over paid for his abuse and covering up for crimes..

If you are going to spend tax $$$$$$ make sure that it's worth it!!!

Get it together and start being true leaders...

Anonymous said...

Very very disappointed of Munguia

Anonymous said...

Disappointed that Mungia didn't vote to fire. He has lost my support just in that vote. Longoria is a DICK and his vote is meaningless. Tony Martinez seeks to avoid his support for a dipshit lawyer by abstaining...just trying to avoid blame. Sossi has been an anchor around the city's neck for too long....but we can only thank Tony Martinez for that. Too many lawyers holding this city from progress.

Anonymous said...


How do you go from a commission voting to hire you as a City employee in January to firing you in August?

Something is up the ass here?!

And we want to know what!!!

Anonymous said...

Munguia isn't a child; if he ran for the position he has, it's supposed to be to help the citizens . He knows Sossi is corrupt; plenty of stories written about him and his unethical shenanigans . Mungia wimped out. Period. When he was campaigning , he never said he would need "time" when it came to voting on issues. He punked out.
