Tuesday, August 22, 2017


By Juan Montoya
Image result for charlie cablerWith the growing controversy surrounding the police complaint filed by the Firefighters Association Local # 970 against Brownsville Fire Dept. Chief Carlos Elizondo charging him with Theft by a Public Official of more than $8,000 in cash from their Political Action Committee, city manager Charlie Cabler is under growing pressure to decide on what course to take.

And as potential conflicts of interest loom ahead as a result of Elizondo also holding an elected position as a Brownsville Independent School District trustee and issues arise of the district's dealing with the city on a number of issues, some city commissioners are coming to the conclusion that a clear demarcation of duties has to be made.

Should Cabler – as city manager in charge of hiring and firing department heads – require Elizondo to decide what he wants to do: stay on as chief and possibly face a grand jury indictment over the PAC's missing money? Or should Cabler demote him or make him take a lower position? Or should he give him an ultimatum to decide between job and his seat as a trustee on the BISD board?

The city's personnel policy manual's Section 702: Political Activity states that:
"B. Specifically, City Employees may not engage in the following activities:

4. Hold an elective City office or hold an elective or appointive office in any other jurisdiction where service would constitute a direct conflict of interest with City employment, with or without remuneration. Upon assuming such office, an Employee shall resign or shall be dismissed for cause upon failure to do so."

The recent firing of city attorney Mark Sossi after he became a source of controversy and the commissioners found themselves dealing with his personal problems instead of discussing city business set a precedent for a gelling majority on the commission comprised of Cesar de Leon, Jessica Tetreau, Rose Gowen and Ben Neece. This majority chose to cut its ties with the growingly embarrassing situations which embroiled Sossi's personal life and spilled over to his municipal duties.

Only commissioners Ricardo Longoria and new commissioner Joel Munguia sided with Sossi to allow him to remain on the job.

But those commissioners who voted to make Sossi a city employee in January after he promised that he would seek no outside work and continue to receive a $10,000 monthly salary plus another $5,000 monthly stipend from the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, were outraged that a month after they granted him full-time city employee status, Sossi secretly signed a $2,500 monthly retainer with the City of Mission.

We understand that the Mission contract played a large role in some commissioners making their decision to fire the beleaguered former city attorney.

Similarly, Elizondo's continued tenure on the BISD board despite city personnel policies to the contrary were laid at Sossi's desk when he was still city attorney and the issue now rests squarely in Cabler's lap. Sossi's inaction on the matter played a role in his termination, in a way protecting Eizondo. Increasingly, the lawyer's actions were deemed obstructionist by city commissioners who conducted an audit of the fire department but were miffed by Sossi's stalling tactics.

 What will the city manager decide? Is he willing to put his feet to the fire for his fire chief? Or will he finally make a decision and follow the city's own personnel policies?

With a majority of the city commission looking at Cabler to see what he does, his decision (or failure to act) may well place his own position in jeopardy.


Anonymous said...

Fire him. Cabler is a good man but he must fire Elizondo asap

Anonymous said...

Discussion and Action to denounce Rene Oliveira's dissmal service to our district. Over 30 years of double digit unemployment, downtown in shambles, no new industry, no space x, no Tenaska, bad behavior bad example. We the Commission of Brownsville send shame to Stae Representative lobbyist puppet. For he was elected for We the People not for his wallet and fun. Action Item

Anonymous said...

It seems that the CITY COMMISSIONERS (including the Mayor) are completely powerless to see that the City Manager follows the COB Charter and all other internal policies. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP !
The COB should hire outside/independent counsel to enforce the charter requirements. ! HOW LONG WILL THIS DRAG OUT !
Now, we have 3 attorneys that sit on the council....maybe they can have a legal session to resolve this embarrassing situation that affects the COB and all of BISD. PLEASE DO SOMETHING....QUICKLY !

Anonymous said...

Decisions, decisions!

Charlie is a decent guy, for the most part, as WE ALL have our flaws.

However, by now he must know that when the ship is sinking, he has to release all dead weight! At this point, Elizondo should step back and realign his priorities; take care of all the open wounds. He is currently dead weight and the city does not have time to wait around for him.

Charlie should realize this and dismiss or demote Elizondo.

Prime example was the security guru brothers. The Escobedo brothers "wined and dined" Charlie (and every other department head possible). When the heat was turned up, Charlie did the right thing.

Decisions, decisions.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo has been an embarrassment to our community and the tax payers, Mr Cabler I have high respect for you as a public servant, you must do what is right for the people who serve our community, the men and women from the Brownsville Firefighters, Mr. Elizondo is a Bully and he has taken his position over his head, he has taken money from the union to gain his position as BISD TRUSTEE. Carlos Elizondo must be fired, or stepped down from his position and put the proper employee who does deserve to be The Brownsville fire chief.. thank you Mr. Cabler please make the right decision.. thank you a concern tax payer who respects our public servant's

Anonymous said...

The district attorney should looks very closely at the videos being recorded at the bank for those ATM withdrawals. I bet my left tit and can guarantee you, that if these allegations are true not only Carlos Elizondo but his wife moon face Cindy Elizondo will also show up in the ATM cameras. Cindy will also be caught putting her hand in the cookie jar..

Anonymous said...

RATA+RATA= R A T O T A CONTESTACION COMENTARIO 1.18PM, de donde sacas que CABLER 'is a good men" fijate como tiene la cuidad bien olvidada a el y otros directores deben de correr por RATAS Y a ELIZONDO al bote pero YA por ROBO.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

It is high time to face up to our issues. 1. Elizondo has been playing fast and loose with the law forever.
2. Sossi was running interference for him and was, therefore, terminated.
3. Cabler is either incompetent or complicit (ever heard of
"the buck stops here?")


NO PUN INTENDED, but DRAIN THE SWAMP; what the hell is the City Commission waiting
Fire Carlos immediately and accept Cabler's resignation or fire him too.

Anonymous said...

It is high time to face up to our issues. 1. Elizondo has been playing fast and loose with the law forever.
2. Sossi was running interference for him and was, therefore, terminated.
3. Cabler is either incompetent or complicit (ever heard of
"the buck stops here?")


NO PUN INTENDED, but DRAIN THE SWAMP; what the hell is the City Commission waiting
Fire Carlos immediately and accept Cabler's resignation or fire him too.

Anonymous said...

Fire Elizondo and let try to make a living being a BISD Trustee....some have done very well.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea

Fire Cabler after he fires Elizondo - I guarantee you commissioners, you will get reelected in a heart beat.

Anonymous said...

That needs to be done in San Benito. But the commission needs to fire De la Rosa and then fire MORADO.

Anonymous said...

What about the Code Of Ethics, how about this foe a start

1. Thou shall not fornicate with a city employee and then lead the vote to fire them.

2. Thou shall not run for office only to seek revenge and fire the guy who fornicated with your girlfriend

etc etc etc

Anonymous said...

Cabler was never the problem here it was the Cum Bucket Albino Commissioner

Anonymous said...

Can you please enlighten us with who was fornicating who?

Some of us don't aren't following the hidden messages.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

From the looks of it, some inbreds fornicated some rats....and now we have the fruit of their loins: Elizondo and Sossi!
